Shirokaya Balka: reviews of tourists

Shirokaya Balka: reviews of tourists
Shirokaya Balka: reviews of tourists

Thinking about visiting any resort located in the Krasnodar Territory, one should remember such a wonderful place as Shirokaya Balka. It really deserves attention. This village is a resort area located 17 kilometers from Novorossiysk, and more specifically, on the Abrau Peninsula. Shirokaya Balka is famous for its shingle beach. It spread for about a kilometer. Holidays in Shirokaya Balka, reviews of which are mostly positive, are remembered for a long time, if not forever.

Wide Beam in antiquity, view of the sea from a height

According to archaeologists, in ancient times the residence of the ruler of Greece was located on the site of the village. To this day, mysterious artifacts dating back to that period are found here. If you climb a mountain dotted with numerous paths, located in the immediate vicinity of the beach, then from a slight height you can admire a magnificent view of the stunning Black Sea. Rest in Shirokaya Balka, reviews of which are full of enthusiastic expressions, is the best thing that can happen to a person who is tired of monotonous work and a noisy city.

rest in Shirokaya Balkareviews
rest in Shirokaya Balkareviews

Entertainment, beaches, dive center

As for entertainment, there are as many of them at this resort as in Anapa. On the shore there are a large number of entertainment venues, restaurants, coffee houses and discos, where tourists are ready to dance until the morning. In general, there is something to do at night in Shirokaya Balka. But there are people who like a calm and measured beach holiday. They should walk along the water's edge, passing the rocks between which the center of the resort is located. In this way, you can get to several small beaches, where the concentration of tourists is much less than on the main one. It's very nice and cozy here. And if you go a little further, you can get to the nudist beach, located in the western part. The sea here is simply magnificent, the water is clean and transparent. Tourists are delighted with such a wonderful place. There are also many fish and other underwater inhabitants in the sea. If you want to dive or rent the necessary things for this, you can contact the dive center. It was founded specifically to provide tourists with a luxurious holiday. Wide Balka, reviews of which prove the advantages of this resort, is notable for the wide range of entertainment available to visitors. Isn't that wonderful?

Wide Beam reviews
Wide Beam reviews

Active holidays: mountains, waterfalls

A lot of fans of outdoor activities come to the resort. They are provided with water skis and motorcycles, paragliders, wakeboards. You can ride on a yacht or take a tour along the coast. Many people like to swim in the sea, because it isbrings a lot of vivid impressions that remain for a lifetime. It is also recommended to take a walk in the mountains, where you can come across a waterfall, which, by the way, are several here. Local hills are very popular among tourists who have trodden many paths here. There are wonderful clearings in the mountains. Sitting comfortably on one of them, you can watch the sea and the life that boils below, on the beach. Being at the top, everyone notes how beautiful the Wide Beam is. Novorossiysk, which sometimes has rather mixed reviews, is partly famous for this nearby village.

rest Shirokaya Balka reviews
rest Shirokaya Balka reviews

Diana Hotel

Many travelers go to the resort with all family members. They believe that this village is great for those who are tired of the frantic rhythm of megacities. Life here is quite measured, people are not in a hurry and do not fuss. There is also a large beach. Experienced tourists are advised to stay at the Diana Hotel, which is famous for its excellent service. Here you can even order dishes to your taste: the staff listen to the wishes of the guests. It is not surprising that, having visited this area once, people want to come back here again. They tell their friends and acquaintances that a holiday in Shirokaya Balka is just a fairy tale, accessible to everyone. This is how the fame of the resort spreads.

Wide Beam Novorossiysk reviews
Wide Beam Novorossiysk reviews

Choosing a hotel or boarding house

If you definitely want to enjoy swimming inwarm sea, it is recommended to visit Shirokaya Balka in the middle and end of summer. Of course, you should think about choosing a hotel or boarding house in advance. Much depends on its size and the number of people living there. If you want to feel peace and tranquility, you should choose a small boarding house located in a quiet place. For complete happiness, only polite employees and good cuisine are needed. Wide Beam, reviews of which testify to the magnificence of this place, has quite cozy recreation centers. And this is very important for most tourists.

Ogonyok and Sadko

Some people go to Shirokaya Balka for several years in a row, and every time they are completely delighted. Attracts, in particular, the opportunity to go diving. The bases "Spark" and "Sadko" often appear in the reviews. A potential tourist needs to know at least a little about them. When going to Ogonyok, it should be borne in mind that there, in order to get to the beach, you need to climb a small hill. However, this can hardly be considered a serious obstacle to recreation at this base. In general, Shirokaya Balka, reviews of which make you think about visiting this resort, is replete with such hills.

rest in Shirokaya Balka
rest in Shirokaya Balka

But if you chose Sadko, we recommend that you think it over carefully again, because the nearby beach cannot be called ideal. There are many large stones and an abundance of algae. But the housing is quite normal. And one more important point: there is no kitchen in Sadko, so tourists do not havethe opportunity to cook something for yourself, you have to order dishes in the dining room or cafe. Another drawback is that you can take a shower here until 14:00, and then it closes. As for Ogonyok, there is a small kitchen there. And you can wash until 21:00. In the immediate vicinity of the base there is a magnificent beach with clear warm water. There are dolphins in the sea, and sometimes they even swim up to people. What conclusion can be drawn from all this? Wide Balka, reviews of which are mostly quite true, is a place for people who do not pretend to stay in a high-class hotel, preferring a calm, measured and affordable vacation. And yet, Russia can be proud of such a resort.

More information

Finally, I would like to tell you a little more about Sadko. Every tourist going there on vacation should know that there is not so much choice in the dining room located at the base, so some prefer to eat in a cafe located nearby. There are usually a lot of people there in the morning and evening. But there are vacationers who prefer establishments located by the sea. There you can always find dishes to your taste. After eating, you can go sunbathing by renting a sun lounger, the cost of which is 100 rubles.

Here she is, Wide Beam. The reviews presented to your attention should have some influence on the choice of the resort. However, it is worth noting that it is not always worth blindly trusting the comments left by strangers, because they are usually subjective. It is best to scout the situation yourself, and then draw conclusions. Enjoy your holiday!
