A wonderful city called Ruza is located not far from Moscow, to the west of it. It may be of interest for many reasons. First, it has a truly rich history. Secondly, there is a huge number of cultural heritage sites, architectural monuments, and you can also see other attractions here. Ruza is a quiet and cozy town, where it is pleasant to walk along the cozy streets and enjoy the local atmosphere. The article will talk about what this settlement is like, about local attractions and much more.

Ruza City - general information
To begin with, it is worth getting to know the settlement itself better. As already mentioned, the city has a rich history. And this is not surprising, because it was founded in 1328. During its existence, a lot of events took place here. Ruza received city status in 1781.
This settlement is located west of Moscow, the distance between them is about 110 kilometers.
It is worth saying a few words about the population. As of 2016, the number of city residents was 13,393 people. In general, in recent years there has been a trendpopulation decline. This process began in 2013 and continues to this day. For example, in 2014, 13,554 people lived in the city, in 2015 - 13,419 people. Thus, we see how the population has declined over the past few years. The urban settlement has a fairly large territory. Its area is just over 17 square meters. kilometers.
Be sure to pay attention to local attractions. Ruza boasts many cultural monuments. Some of them are widely known.

Where did the name of the city come from?
Of course, many will be interested in the unusual name of this settlement. Indeed, it is impossible to immediately guess what it means. As in many other cases, several hypotheses have formed about where this name comes from. Many local historians and historians have worked on this topic, as a result, the following main versions have appeared. According to one of them, it is believed that the city of Ruza got its name from the river of the same name, on which it is located. The river, in turn, was originally called the B altic word "rudza", which means "quiet", "calm" or "safe", and then the name gradually came to a modern sound.
There is also a second version, according to which this word comes from the root "rub" or the word "line". This hypothesis has also long been considered as the likely origin of the name of the settlement and the river.
Interestingly, not far from the city itself there is another settlement withconsonant with the name - Staraya Ruza. This is quite a small village. Its population is just over 200 people. The name given to Staraya Ruza has a similar origin.
Thus, we learned why the city has such a name and where it comes from.
Culture & Attractions
Of course, it is worth considering in detail such an important component of the city as cultural heritage sites. Undoubtedly, there are a great many of them here. This is mainly due to the rich history of the settlement. It is worth discussing separately many local attractions. Ruza boasts various cultural monuments. Several famous churches are located here, for example, the Resurrection Cathedral, the Church of the Intercession, and some others. We will look at them in detail later.
There is also a local history museum, where many rare exhibits are exhibited. Interestingly, this institution is one of the oldest museums in the entire Moscow region. It was opened at the beginning of the 20th century, in 1906. Another interesting object is the Museum of the History of the City Militia. Here you can see a large number of unique exhibits. Now we have learned what Ruza can boast of. The Moscow region includes many cities, each of them is unique in its own way. You should definitely visit these places to get to know their history better and get acquainted with the culture of your country.
Resurrection Cathedral
Going to Ruza, be sure to visit this wonderful place. The Resurrection Cathedral has a difficulthistory. The exact date of its construction is unknown. It is believed that it was founded before the beginning of the 16th century. During the Time of Troubles, it was almost completely destroyed.
The new church has been moved to another location. It began to be erected during the reign of Peter I, by his order. Construction went on for quite a long time. It lasted from 1713 to 1721. During its existence, the cathedral was rebuilt and changed its appearance several times. For example, in 1859 a large-scale reconstruction was carried out here, and the church began to have many features of the pseudo-Russian style.
However, after the revolution, in 1925, the building was closed, some of its elements were dismantled. Almost until the beginning of the 21st century, there was a sports school for children here. Not so long ago, in 2009, the church was restored, and it again became a real decoration of the city. Now you can see a lot of people visiting the Resurrection Cathedral. Ruza boasts many beautiful churches, but this place has its own special charm.

Church of the Intercession
Another well-known object in the city is the Intercession Church. Its history has many similarities with the history of the Resurrection Cathedral. There is also no exact data on the date of its construction, but it is known that in 1624 it was badly damaged. However, in 1644, its reconstruction began.
The building of the church, which can be seen now, refers to 1781. Then it was made in a style that combined features of both baroque and classicism. It can be said that thisa kind of transition from one style to another.
In 1933, the authorities decided to close the temple. Its premises began to be used for other purposes. In the 80s of the XX century, the local history museum was located here. In 2000, the temple was returned to its status, a large-scale reconstruction began. On its lower floor and now there is a museum.

Church of Demetrius of Thessalonica
Probably, many have heard about such a wonderful architectural monument as the Baroque Dmitrievskaya Church. This is a wonderful temple, which, like other churches in these places, was destroyed during the siege of the city by Polish troops. It happened in 1618.
After such events, many parishioners tried to help in this process, by 1678 funds were collected for the restoration, and it took place. More than 100 years later, in 1792, the church building was erected, which can be seen now. The building is made in the Baroque style.

Church of Boris and Gleb
It is impossible to ignore this wonderful architectural monument. As it has already become clear, the city is rich in various attractions. Ruza amazes many who come here with its beauty. Of course, it is worth telling a little about the church of Boris and Gleb. It has existed since ancient times, the exact date of its foundation is unknown. During the Troubles, it was destroyed, in 1666 its restoration began. At the end of the 18th century, the construction of the temple that we see today began. The building was built using the main features of the stylebaroque.
In the 30s of the XX century, the church, as well as others, was closed. A cinema was set up here. Now the temple has returned its status, but it is still used for other purposes.

Monuments in Ruza
In addition to architectural sights, Ruza boasts many other objects. The Moscow region includes many such cities, but there is a special atmosphere here.
There are several famous monuments to be seen in Ruza. Of course, as in many other cities of Russia, there is a monument to V. I. Lenin here. There is also a monument dedicated to Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. This object was made by the famous sculptor Zurab Tsereteli.
Thus, it becomes clear that in Ruza there are many cultural monuments that are definitely worth seeing. It will also be interesting and easy to walk along the streets of the city and enjoy the beautiful views.