Sights of Turku and their description

Sights of Turku and their description
Sights of Turku and their description

You can't visit the country of a thousand lakes and not visit its ancient capital, which made a huge contribution to the cultural and spiritual development of Finland. Tourists are attracted by the unusual atmosphere of the ancient city, which harmoniously combines the Middle Ages and modernity.

History of the city

Translated from Finnish, Turku translates as "market", and this is no coincidence. The first mention of the city, which has become a busy center of trade, dates back to the 12th century. But the official date of its foundation is 1229. It was at this time that the Swedes conquered the region and named the settlement Abo. For a long history of existence, the city was ruled by the Danes, Russian troops and for a century was part of the Russian Empire.

g turku finland attractions
g turku finland attractions

In 1827, Abo was destroyed by fire, and many ancient monuments perished. The famous architect Engel took up the design of the new image, literally reviving thecity life, which was the capital of Finland. After 1918, Abo received the official name - Turku.

Comfortable climate and an abundance of cultural and historical monuments attract a huge number of tourists in winter and summer. A modern port is located here, in demand in international trade, and it is not for nothing that the city is considered the sea gate to Western countries.


The historical sights of Turku are very diverse and require a detailed description. The main religious building is the Lutheran Cathedral, built in the 13th century. The monumental Gothic monument was repeatedly rebuilt and significantly increased in size. The terrible fire did not spare the cathedral, but the chapels and religious objects were not damaged.

turku city attractions
turku city attractions

The majestic building, which hosts the most important worship services, was rebuilt almost from scratch, and now surprises visitors with a delightful appearance. Inside, the cathedral is decorated with colorful stained-glass windows and frescoes on biblical and historical themes. The chapels contain the remains of Swedish military heroes. After the reconstruction of the national shrine, a hundred-meter bell tower appeared, the beneficent ringing from which pleases the townspeople and guests of the city. Entrance to the cathedral is free, but in case of important church events, the religious building is closed.

Abo Castle

Everyone who wants to get acquainted with the largest monument of architecture in Scandinavia, perfectly preserved to this day, comes to cozy Turku. City,whose sights introduce ancient history, is incredibly proud of the Abo Castle, which originally served for military purposes. It appeared in the 13th century, when military camps were built.

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turku attractions photo

The main fort of the Finns during the Swedish domination controlled an important strategic point, and during the Renaissance it turned into a temporary residence for the monarchs of Sweden. But the medieval fortification became most famous during the reign of Duke Johan III, who was madly in love with his Polish wife. As a result of political intrigues, the couple was sent to a dungeon at the castle, and after the palace coup, the couple sat on the Swedish throne. To this day, colorful theatrical performances are held in honor of the duke and his wife.

In the 19th century, the authorities decided to create a historical museum on the territory of the castle in Turku (Finland). Sights, which are a whole architectural complex, are open to the public on all days except Sunday. Medieval-style entertainment events are held annually in the central halls for city residents, and wedding ceremonies are held in the ancient chapel.

Main square of the city

The sights of Turku, which keep ancient history, are of great interest to tourists. The old square, which had important cultural significance, is the most popular place among local residents and visitors to the city. Structures made in different architectural styles form the space of a colorful place.

PavedThe cobbled square evokes a sea of emotions even among the most demanding travelers. Every summer, a fair opens here, dipping its visitors into the atmosphere of bygone days. For four days in June, the city is transformed and transported to medieval times. Jousting tournaments, beautiful ladies, merry jesters and merchants offering goods popular centuries ago will make a stroll through the square unforgettable.

Therefore, be sure to come to Turku in the summer, the sights of which will delight every guest. But no less interesting is the area in the winter season. Christmas markets open here, where you can try various delicacies, take part in costume performances, and watch a memorable fireworks show. It is here that the main Christmas tree of the country is placed, and tourists from different parts of the world rush here on Christmas and New Year holidays.

Moomin Museum

It is impossible to ignore the famous Moomin Museum, located 16 kilometers from Turku. Attractions, photos of which will delight children and their parents, are located on the island of Kailo. Fairy-tale characters come to life in a huge park that welcomes every visitor. Here you can chat with your favorite characters, take pictures with funny fantastic creatures and even see their homes.

sights of turku
sights of turku

Noisy and funny games for kids are held on the green lawns, but not a single adult will remain indifferent to this holiday of childhood. True, the park acceptsguests only during the summer. The minimum cost of visiting is 26 euros, however, small visitors are en titled to good discounts.

Museums of Turku

Locals believe that the unique museums of the city are the main attractions of Turku. But the most interesting is the Museum of Crafts, which is a huge territory of 18 blocks. All wooden buildings located in the open air are real. When visiting an unusual museum, tourists get acquainted with the life and life of local artisans, here you can buy various souvenirs and sweets made by hand according to old recipes.

turku attractions
turku attractions

Recreation in the northernmost country of Europe has long ceased to be something exotic, and many tourists have long chosen the ancient corners of the hospitable land. The sights of Turku and the unhurried rhythm of the beautiful city attract a large number of tourists who confess that they have never regretted their choice.
