Vitebsk is one of the most amazing cities where the traditions of past eras and the fashionable influences of today have harmoniously merged. Feeling its atmosphere, getting to know the traditions is possible only by studying the history of this city, tracing the main points of its development. But for this it is not necessary to sit in the library all day long, studying hundreds of books. In order to get to know Vitebsk, the sights of which formed the basis of the cultural and spiritual core of the country, it is enough just to walk around the city. After all, every corner of it is saturated with the spirit of history, current life and a feeling of warmth and comfort.

Crystal chime bells
How to start exploring the city when you arrive in Vitebsk? The sights of this city include a huge number of places of worship, which are a worthy decoration of the city. Each of these buildings has a rich history. In different eras, temples were set on fire, destroyed and wiped off the face of the earth. But they resurrected from the ruins on fragments of memory and self-consciousness, spreading the joyful ringing of bells around the city.

Among the numerous temples and churches, the Cathedral of Merciful Jesus stands out, the doors of which were first opened for the Orthodox in 2009. It accommodates 1500 believers. This is the first Catholic church built in the city in the last 100 years. No less unique temple is the Holy Assumption Cathedral, erected on the high bank of the Western Dvina in the 21st century on the ruins of an old church. To date, it is the only cathedral in Vitebsk, the lower operating tier of which is located underground.
Among the religious buildings one cannot fail to mention the Church of the Annunciation, which is the main temple of the city. A real find for the culture of Vitebsk is the Church of St. Barbara, which over the years has become more and more grandiose and majestic. The Holy Resurrection Church is considered to be a unique creation of architecture, known for its solemn and majestic appearance, as well as for its unique wall painting.

Past and present in city architecture
Viewing Vitebsk, the sights of this city, its architecture leads to admiration. Original, unique and unique, it is completely saturated with love for the creativity of craftsmen, regardless of whetherIs it a historic building or a modern building. Majestic and luxurious palaces, where w altz sounds were heard a hundred years ago, today adorn the most picturesque corners of Vitebsk.
The main attraction of the city is the City Hall, the building of which has managed to survive to this day in its original form. The Summer Amphitheater is considered a real miracle. Numerous competitions and festivals of international importance are held here. A unique modern building is the Marco City shopping center, which is an eight-level glass composition dressed in metal lace. A worthy adornment of Vitebsk is the Governor's Palace, the building of which is distinguished by its magnificence of forms, sophistication and refined harmony. The symbol of a prosperous and developing city has become the Ice Palace, the mirror design of which reflects the whole of Vitebsk.
City squares
If, while exploring the city of Vitebsk, whose sights delight every tourist, you want to feel boundless freedom, take a walk through its squares. The luxurious property of Vitebsk is Victory Square - the largest in Belarus and the largest in Europe. Its main decoration is the Three Bayonets memorial, erected in memory of those residents of the city who died in these parts in the fight against the Nazi invaders. The square offers the most beautiful views of the city.

The central Freedom Square, located at the intersectionFrunze Avenue and Zamkova Street. Today it is the most popular place in the city: on one side there is the Frunze Park, and on the other - the Art Museum. In addition, it is here that festivals, fairs and New Year's festivities are held.
In order to feel the heartbeat of Vitebsk, it is enough to walk along the Millennium Square, which stretches on the picturesque bank of the Western Dvina. Here are collected together all the pearls of the culture of the city. An addition to the square is Pushkin Square, surrounded by greenery.
Majestic bridges
The city of Vitebsk, whose sights can be viewed endlessly, offers its guests a stroll along the Kirov Bridge. There are magnificent views of the city from here. Especially beautiful landscapes can be seen in the evening, when the city is immersed in the festive light of night lights.

The place in Vitebsk where love lives and a happy family is born is Pushkin Bridge. It is here that the newlyweds lock their happiness with a padlock, and the key is thrown into the river. The bridge is decorated with decorative lighting, and the entrance to it is decorated with sculptures of bronze lions.
No less impressive is the pedestrian bridge of the Millennium immersed in greenery, towering over the mirror waters of Vitba. It brings a unique touch to the modern picture of a dynamic city.
Monuments and sculptures
After examining the bridges, we continue to get acquainted with the city of Vitebsk. Attractions, photos of which are presented here, cannot beto fully convey all the grandeur of certain architectural structures, which cannot be said about sculptures and monuments. The heart of the city is the Three Bayonets memorial, which has already been mentioned above. Among the military-themed monuments, one can note the “Pain” monument dedicated to the soldiers-internationalists, the “Children of War” memorial sign, reminiscent of the tragic pages in the history of Belarus.

The sculpture “Welcomers” is considered popular. It seems to confirm the fact that guests are always welcome in Vitebsk. No less interesting is the sculpture "Street Clown", which for the residents of the city is a kind of talisman of good luck and happiness.
On Pokrovskaya Street you can see a monument to Marc Chagall, which personifies a symbol of respect and love for the great master. One of the amazing places in the city is the locomotive-monument L-3562, installed on the territory of the locomotive depot at the Vitebsk station. On Pushkin Street there is an excellent monument to this poet, which deserves to be seen. There are many other monuments in the city: the pilot A. K. Gorovets, the veterinarian, the poetess Evdokia Los.
But that's not all the sights. Vitebsk (Belarus) is a city of art, inspiration, creativity and development. Many tourists are convinced that visiting Vitebsk and not visiting local museums means only half of getting to know the city. The museums of Vitebsk are famous for their unique and rich collections, and many collections have no equal even abroad.
One ofThe most visited places in the city is the house-museum of Marc Chagall. It is also worth visiting the Art Museum, which displays the rarest collection of Belarusian art of the 18th and 19th centuries. Those who wish to get acquainted with the history of the city are recommended to look into the Museum of Local Lore.
What else to see when you come to Vitebsk? Attractions, reviews confirm this, include beautiful fountains in their list. One of the most notable architectural structures of the city is the fountain "Confluence of three rivers", located near the City Hall. In its center there is a sculpture of three figures, symbolizing the confluence of such Vitebsk rivers as the Vitba, Zapadnaya Dvina and Luchesa.
The Hygiea Goddess of Medicine fountain will make you believe in miracles, the silver overflow of water of which is harmoniously complemented by lighting in the evening.
Lakes and rivers
Sights of Vitebsk and Vitebsk region can be supplemented with those created by nature itself - lakes and rivers. The most popular is the river Vitba, with which the name of the city itself is associated. One of the most amazing and beautiful is Lake Losvido, located 25 kilometers from Vitebsk. The pine forest that rises from all sides gives it a special charm. Through the lake, at a depth of 20 centimeters, there is a secret path 4 meters wide, covered with reeds. It seems to divide this reservoir into two parts. People call it the “Napaleon trail.”
15 kilometers from Vitebsk there is another romantic lake - Borovskoye. People tend to come here not onlylovers of solitude and silence, but also those who appreciate the beauty of local landscapes.