When traveling around the cities of Russia, it is important not only to visit them, but also to see local interesting places. An interesting direction is the Tyumen region. Those who also want to visit this part of the Russian Federation can read in this article about the sights and entertainment of Noyabrsk.

Mosquito Monument
This architectural monument of the city, at first glance, is very frightening, no one is used to seeing a small insect magnified a hundred times. The height of the monument reaches two meters. They installed this attraction of Noyabrsk, a photo and description of which can be found below, in 2006. The author of the monument is the sculptor V. Chaly.

The backstory of the creation of the sculpture is very interesting. Residents of the city for quite a long time tried to find a way to get rid of annoying insects, the invasion of which in the summer in this area reaches simply enormous proportions. Many city dwellers believe that even the harsh Siberian winters are much easier to bear than the warm but mosquito-filled summers. the onlythe opportunity to get rid of insects for the inhabitants of Noyabrsk was the use of an insecticide. But it had to be abandoned in order to save nature, for which this remedy is very dangerous.
For the townspeople, this sight of Noyabrsk is a reminder that they were able to come to terms with this rather unpleasant neighborhood and continued to enjoy life in their beloved native land.
Church of Archangel Michael
In 1990, the residents of the city for the first time applied to the authorities with a petition to build a temple. This idea was supported. The main construction company of Noyabrsk began to implement it. A piece of land for construction was chosen, the patron saint and the place was consecrated. But later it turned out that it was impossible to build a temple because of the activities of one enterprise in Noyabrsk. In order for the idea to still be realized, it was necessary to establish a church fund and a board of trustees.

The first building of this landmark of Noyabrsk, the photo of which can be found above, was built only in 1997. For the improvement of the temple, a subbotnik was organized, in which most of the residents of the city took part. A year later, bells were cast at the metallurgical plant, crowning the temple today. This landmark of Noyabrsk was consecrated in honor of the Archangel Michael in May 2005. A Sunday school has been operating here since 2006.
Museum of Fine Arts
In December 1985, a branch of the Tyumen Art Gallery was opened in the city. After 7 years, a museum of fine arts was made from it.arts. It became a division of the Museum Resource Center in December 2001.
The great advantage of this landmark of Noyabrsk is the cooperation with many creative people, such as artists, sculptors and masters of arts and crafts. Various exhibitions are regularly held here, where a large number of citizens and visitors gather.
Museum of Military Glory
This landmark of Noyabrsk is the youngest museum in the city. It was opened in April 2010 in honor of the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory. The exposition of the museum has been collected since 2008. Various enterprises, entrepreneurs, organizations and citizens were included in the work. Now the museum has more than a thousand exhibits from 1941-1945.

Lake Svetloe
This landmark of the city of Noyabrsk is located in its vicinity. The lake was named so because of the constant almost crystal clearness of its waters. Quite often, both residents and visiting tourists come here to relax on weekends. Nearby there are two more lakes - Tetu-Mamontotyai and Khanto, where you can also swim, play on the beach and go diving.
Monument to the Reading Couple
This architectural monument is the author's project of the city "Intellect Center". In 2006, he took first place at a local competition called "Brand of the City", thanks to which, on May 30, 2008, this monument flaunted near the same "Intellect Center".

Museum of Urban History
Thisthe landmark of Noyabrsk was also created as part of the museum resource center in January 2002. It was founded to form the understanding and knowledge of the history of their city among the inhabitants of Noyabrsk. The museum is quite popular among locals who often come here for excursions.
Monument to the book
This masterpiece of the city's sculpture, installed in 2009, is located near the above-described monument to the Reading Couple. There are three books on a small pedestal: two closed and one open with a large pen. For locals, this attraction is the personification of readiness to gain knowledge and love for reading, discovering the new, the unknown.
Monument to Baron Munchausen
This is another sculpture located near the Intellect Center and created with his participation. Munchausen sits on the globe, holding a telescope in one hand and a long sword in the other. It was cast in bronze and installed in 2012. Both children and adults often come here to take pictures.

Children's Museum
This landmark of Noyabrsk was opened in 1993 on the basis of the old local history museum. The initiator of the founding of the museum, and concurrently, its director was L. M. Savchenko. In January 2002, it was made one of the structural divisions of the Museum Resource Center. The main feature of this place is the absence of prohibitions. All exhibits can and even need to be touched, twirled and even tasted. Only a few exhibits are behind glass cases, the rest isinteractive and accessible to every visitor.