Rural Vnukovo settlement is located in the north-west of the Moscow region. The first mention of it as a settlement appeared in 1852. The small village of Vnukovo, which belonged to Prince Sergei Ivanovich Gagarin, consisted of 232 peasant souls of both sexes. By 1913, there were 17 courtyards and the apartment of a police officer.
Since November 1925, the village of Vnukovo has already been in the status of a village council.
In 2005, the rural settlement of Vnukovskoye was formed in the Leninsky district of the Moscow region. And already from 2012-01-07, it is already an administrative unit of the Novomoskovsky district of Moscow.
Components and geography
The modern administration of the Vnukovskoye settlement with all the settlements included in its subordination is located in the village of Vnukovo. And in total, it includes 9 settlements and 6 villages, not counting garden partnerships, dacha partnerships, partnerships of individual developers.

The territory has been actively built up with residential complexes since 2010. live in an ecologicala clean area, remote from the city center, but accessible, many want. And already those who settled in the new buildings of the Solntsevo-Park microdistrict, as well as Peredelkino Middle, indicate the address "Vnukovskoye settlement", although official registration has not yet been issued.
In an area of 60 square kilometers there is a district hospital, Izvara secondary school and gymnasium No. 1788 in Vnukovo. In the village of Minvneshtorg there is a House of Culture and a library for children. K. I. Chukovsky. On the territory of the village there is an orphanage "Young Guard".

There are beautiful parks here, clean air, and enough flowing reservoirs on the territory where you can relax on hot summer days.
From 2018, according to the assurances of the leaders of the Moscow metro, trains will run from the Ramenki station to the Rasskazovka station. Thus, Vnukovo will become, not on paper, but in reality, an administrative unit of the capital. And transport links with Moscow near the Vnukovo settlement will work even more actively and regularly. This will attract capital companies and help create new jobs.
Already here:
- big chain grocery stores,
- furniture manufacturing company Universal Mebel LLC,
- pharmaceutical company Izvarino-pharm LLC,
- Garant Fuel Company LLC,
- dry cleaners and laundromats,
- Maxisus LLC,
- 7 beauty salons,
- branches of four banks,
- 6 restaurants,
- pharmacies,
- taxi service.
But the area continues to develop.
Entertaining places
The most interesting and famous place on the territory of the Vnukovo settlement is the village of Michurinets or Peredelkino. Under the second name, he became known. Built in the mid-30s of the 20th century at the request of M. A. Gorky and by order of I. V. Stalin, the village was intended as a resting place for the creative intelligentsia of the Soviet Union.

Here lived, visited, spent time such celebrities as Bella Akhmadulina, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Bulat Okudzhava, Boris Pasternak, Korney Chukovsky, Irakli Andronikov, Lev Kassil, Margarita Aliger and many others. It was difficult to get here even for honored figures of the Land of Soviets. And in memory of those who helped build and live for many generations, there are street names, house-museums and symbols on the coat of arms of the Vnukovo settlement.

Of the historical sights there is the Church of Elijah the Prophet, built after 1670 in the settlement of Izvarino. She is mentioned in the annals of the reign of Ivan IV the Terrible.
How to get there?
Since Moscow and the Vnukovo settlement have become one since 2012, you can get there by all possible urban modes of transport. From Yugo-Zapadnaya, Troparevo, Salaryevo, Teply Stan metro stations or by electric trains from Kievsky railway station in Moscow.
The Kyiv, Minskoe and Borovskoe highways run through the Vnukovo settlement. Within the territory ofthere are two railway stations: Michurinets and Vnukovo.
To understand which way to get, you need to know exactly which of the settlements the road lies in. If you go to Rasskazovka, Pykhtino or Izvarino, then you should choose transport routes along the Kievskoye and Borovskoye highways from the Yugo-Zapadnaya, Michurinsky Prospekt, and Ramenki metro stations. But for now with a transplant.

If the path lies to the villages of Ababurovo, the Ministry of Foreign Trade, then transport from the Minsk highway or from the Vnukovo railway station.
And getting to the village of DSK "Michurinets" is quite simple, since from the railway station "Michurinets" you only have to walk a couple of hundred meters.
It is worth checking the schedule in advance, as there is no subway station here yet, the bus interval is from two minutes to three hours.
Happy arrival!