The Republic of Khakassia is a small part of great Russia. This region is on the list of the best Russian resorts. Officially, the Republic was founded in 1992, and before that this territory was considered a separate independent state. But no matter what regional status Khakassia has, it has always been famous for its breathtaking landscapes. After all, only here you can find stones that resemble ancient tombstones, picturesque rocks and trees that look like Japanese plants. Khakassia is a land that cannot boast of the abundance and diversity of flora, and therefore you rarely come across tall grasses or trees here. But on the other hand, there are many different sights in the Republic, which we will tell about.

Worship the Sun
Khakassia, whose sights are mostly natural monuments, is known for the fact that on its territory there is the "Mountain of the Sun", or Mount Kunya. This object is located near the settlement of Ust-Abakan. Mount Kunya is a mysterious and ancient phenomenon of nature,which is a sacred relic for the Khakass. This is a cult rock, near which the rites of worship of the sun god were performed. Such ceremonies were held on the observation deck at the top of Kuni. There is also an ancient fortress.
From above the "mountain of the Sun" a bewitching panorama of the Yenisei valley opens. The height of Kunya exceeds 400 meters and is a large fortress of natural origin. Even in the Bronze Age, the population used it as a shelter from enemy attacks. A map of Khakassia with sights will show that the fortification stretches along a ridge that separates the mountain gentle slopes from the interior of the object. There, in the ravines, there was an opportunity to hide not only for women with children, but also for domestic animals. Men, on the other hand, could well defend the walls from enemy armies.

Lake Shira
Shira (Khakassia) is a famous healing lake in the Republic. It is located in the steppe zone of this region. Mankind knew about the properties of the reservoir more than a century ago. About this miraculous power of his is told in various legends and tales. So, the first person who paid attention to the healing functions of the waters of the lake was Z. M. Tsibulsky, a gold merchant from Tomsk. She was an energetic and businesslike person. But one day he was hunting in this area with his dog and accidentally wounded his faithful companion. The wound was very serious, and therefore the frustrated merchant left the dog to die on one of the banks of the Shira.
But, most likely, the dog somehow managed to swim inbody of water. She did this more than once, recovered and returned to her native abode. The gold miner was very interested in this turn of events, especially since he was plagued by chronic sciatica. So, in 1874, he organized a yurt for himself on the Shire, every day he swam in the lake and was able to overcome the disease. And in February 1891, a resort began to be built here.

Pandora's Box from Russia
Khakassia, the sights of which are described above, is called a miracle land for a reason. The proof of this fact is the presence in the region of another amazing object - a cave that bears the name of Pandora's Box. For a long period it was called the Broad, and it was just one of the small caves in the canyon named Stone Sack. At that time it was only a grotto two meters high and almost ten meters wide. But at the very beginning of the 80s of the last century, speleologists dug about 25 meters of the entrance and discovered the main (second) part of the cave. They called it Pandora's Box. Opening length reaches 11 meters.
There are suggestions that once the cave served as a temple or a hiding place of ancient people. Skulls of primitive persons were found there, a stalagmite "grew" directly from a prehistoric fire. There are also well-preserved rock paintings in some areas.
Stone God

Khakassia, the sights of which we describe, can boast of another very interesting object - this is Ulug Khurtuyakh Tas. This is the incarnation of the deitystone in the form of a stele three meters high. Sculpture appeared here about four to six thousand years ago. It was formed in the place where a geological fault occurred as a result of the strongest energy radiation. Scientists suggest that it has a radioactive, magnetic or electrical nature. But none of these hypotheses has been confirmed, and therefore the mystery has not been solved even today.
Kazanovka Museum is another object in Khakassia that deserves the attention of tourists. The reserve combines various types of cultural and natural heritage: the abundance of the archaeological fund, samples of the Khakass folk life and landscapes. The nature of Kazanovka is amazing landscapes that captivate the eye from the first minutes of being on the territory.
Khakassia (the sights are described above) never ceases to amaze the attention of those who come here for the first time, and experienced travelers who have crossed the borders of the Republic more than once.