Recently, electronic travel documents for trains have become more and more relevant. This service helps to save a lot of time, as well as nerves and effort. Therefore, more and more often at the box office, employees began to ask the question of how to buy an electronic ticket for the Russian Railways train, because it is much more convenient.
Thanks to this service, it is now possible to arrive at the station just a few minutes before the train departure time. You can board the train without the original ticket, you just need to have the document that was indicated during registration. But few people know exactly how to register and how to print an electronic train ticket.

Issuance of electronic travel documents
When purchasing a ticket for a Russian Railways train online, you must indicate the "electronic registration" item in the appropriate box. Only after the service is paid for by card, the document can be displayed in the reserved status. Precisely because the service is new,few people understand what an electronic train ticket is, how to use it, etc.
When registering, it is recommended to indicate a real, not a virtual, phone number, since later on it will be sent data about the trip and methods by which everything can be noted in case of various and unforeseen circumstances.

Data error
RZD train conductors are given specially formed lists, which indicate the data of those who ordered an electronic ticket. Upon arrival at the platform for the departure of the train, you must have exactly the document that was specified during registration. If, under any circumstances, the data (at least one number or letter) does not match the information of the conductor, the person will not be able to leave for the ordered service. You can perform this action at least one hour before the departure of the train.
When is it not recommended to register an EB?
There are some circumstances in which the electronic ticket registration service is not recommended, i.e. will not be relevant, for example:
- if the original, standard train tickets are needed by business travelers to submit a subsequent report to the accounting department;
- does not take into account the possibility of purchasing baggage and special tickets for the transport of pets.

Benefits of EB registration
Ordering the service is available for long-distance railway trains that move across the territory of the Russian Federation and neighboring countriesAbroad.
Registration of an electronic train ticket becomes very relevant if you need to get into the train at an intermediate station. In this case, the registration itself must be carried out no later than 1 hour before the initial departure of the train. It is also worth knowing that electronic ticket registration is categorically impossible for wagons that will be attached along the route. This is for original equipment only.
How to cancel?
How to buy a ticket is understandable, but not everyone knows how to print an electronic train ticket. To do this, you need a special form of Russian Railways, this is a prerequisite. You can take advantage of special conditions at the terminal or get a ticket at the ticket office of the station, and subsequently present it to the conductor.
Many people are also interested in the question, is it possible to return an electronic train ticket? In order to cancel the submitted application, you must first issue the original travel document. But at the same time, this can be done no later than 1 hour from the time of departure of the train from the station. You can get the original at the ticket office of the station, or, if you have experience, on your own at the self-service terminal. Money for the canceled service can only be received if the original ticket for the Russian Railways train is returned to the box office.
Electronic train ticket: how to use
The service of electronic registration of a train ticket is modern and very convenient, but at the same time imposes a number of limitations on the consumer. For example, if you are late for the time of departure of the funds,spent on the purchase can only be returned if the buyer managed to cancel the ticket in advance.
In the case of a business trip, as is often the case, there is a need to reschedule the date or time of the trip. These manipulations are completely impossible in the case of an electronic order for a service. Without fail, for this you will need to draw up the original.

Instructions for issuing an electronic ticket for the Russian Railways train
In order to properly issue an electronic ticket, you will need:
- set the exact date of departure, indicate the landing station, final destination in the appropriate form and choose the most optimal composition from the proposed options:
- choose a car and seat, if you have a choice;
- indicate in the proposed form all the necessary personal data and contact information;
- choose the most suitable payment type;
- be sure to put a marker in the column "electronic registration for the train";
- it is recommended to check and re-read all the above data more than once in order to avoid mistakes, otherwise the ticket will be invalid and you will not get on the train;
- sign for familiarization with the offer agreement and continue working with the form;
- pay for the ticket by any convenient method, for example, using a MasterCard or Visa bank card, or even using electronic payment systems such as Yandex. Money or WebMoney. If necessary, it is even possible to print a special bankpayment form.

If you don't know how to print an electronic train ticket, you can use the ticket office services at the station and get the original travel document, for this you just need a cipher code, which consists of 14 digits. In addition, original identification documents will be required. Also, to get a ticket through the box office, you can get by with the presentation of a pre-prepared order form.
If we talk about how to print an electronic train ticket using a terminal, then the answer is simple. You need to enter on the screen 14 digits of the cipher code and the number, series of the passport.
In order to get more detailed information on how to buy an electronic ticket for a Russian Railways train, especially if it did not work after several attempts, you can contact the operator by calling the hotline, he will tell you how to do this.