If you are going to fly by plane on a long-awaited vacation, for work or personal matters and having enough luggage or luggage with you, it would be useful to inquire about the recently introduced new rules for transporting luggage on an airplane. Now there are cases when you, it would seem, are profitable and inexpensive to purchase plane tickets, but a few hours before departure it may turn out that you need to pay a considerable amount for baggage. To avoid such unpleasant surprises right before departure, we will talk about the new rules and regulations for carrying luggage on an airplane in a general context and for several popular airlines in our article.
What the law says
New rules for carrying luggage on an airplane have already been in effect for Russians since the fall of 2017. Let's give some clarifying definitions (before proceeding to the essence of the law):
- baggage is suitcases, bulky bags and trunks that need to be checked into the luggage compartment of the aircraft;
- hand luggage is smaller than luggage, the passenger can carry it in the cabin, having previously weighed and taken the hand luggage marking.
According to the new flight regulations, free hand luggage for all airfares is limited. Its minimum weight is five kilograms. Airlines are allowed to increase this weight to compete for passengers, but not decrease it.
The law from the Ministry of Transport also defines the following three categories of fares, which take into account the general rules and regulations for the carriage of baggage on an airplane:
- Non-refundable ticket (the full cost of such a ticket cannot be refunded if the passenger changes his mind about flying) without a free baggage allowance. They are also called baggage-free tickets. This most inexpensive flight fare is beneficial for those citizens who fly without luggage, with only hand luggage. But if there is any amount of baggage, then it must be additionally paid by the passenger. However, the law also states that non-refundable tickets only “may not include” free baggage allowance, and therefore may. The airline can adjust this point at will.
- Non-refundable ticket with baggage allowance.
- Return ticket with baggage.
According to the last two rates, the free baggage allowance remains the same and is at least ten kilograms. It may also be increased at the discretion of the airlines.
More about hand luggage
So, one passenger now has free transportation of five kg of hand luggage. We draw attention to the fact that this minimum can be increased by airlines, but it cannot be reduced. If hand luggage exceeds the limits established by the air carrier,it will need to be checked in.
But, in addition, according to the rules for the carriage of hand luggage on the plane, hand luggage is carried in excess of the allowance, for which you do not need to pay, it does not need to be weighed and registered. The list of such things is as follows: a backpack (with the proviso that its size and weight are established by the rules of the air carrier) or a briefcase, a handbag; a suit tucked into a bag; flowers; meals for children and portable children's devices (the dimensions of which are also limited by the carrier and can be moved to the luggage compartment in case of discrepancy); medicines and dietary preparations that will be used during the flight; auxiliary mobile devices in the form of walkers, crutches, folding strollers, etc.; plastic-wrapped goods from duty-free stores.

You can also not worry about mobile devices and gadgets, their rules for carrying luggage on an airplane provide for transportation in a bag (briefcase, backpack), like an umbrella. Outerwear is taken for granted, and there is no need to pay for its transport either.
The labeling of carry-on baggage has been canceled for those passengers who checked in for a flight online. In this case, in order to comply with the dimensions of hand and extra baggage, it is possible to weigh right before the boarding gate.
For those who fly with a family or with a company of several people, it is important to know that according to the rules for carrying luggage and hand luggage on an airplane, the allowances for each adult are summed up. So,when flying together on tickets that include baggage, you can take one suitcase and load it with double the norm. These norms of the law are the same for all airlines operating in the Russian market, but what exactly is established by the largest of them, we will understand further.
Answering the question that interests many novice travelers about the rules for transporting liquids in aircraft luggage, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer, because in each country these rules are different and dictated by the internal security system. If you need to fly with liquids, you need to clarify the basic principles of their air transportation both in the country of origin and in the country where you are going.
Liquids according to the rules of baggage transportation on an airplane in Russia can be carried with you in hand luggage, but the volume of any liquid cannot exceed one hundred milliliters and in the total volume all liquid substances should not exceed one liter. Volumes exceeding this figure are better to put in your luggage. Even if a small 100 ml bottle of eau de toilette is half full, it will most likely not be allowed to be transported.
There are, of course, exceptions when it comes to baby food, medicinal liquid preparations and liquid products for special dietary use.
Alcohol-containing drinks also more than one hundred milliliters must be prudently placed in luggage bags according to the rules for transporting alcohol in aircraft baggage. In most global companies, they are as follows: if the strength of the drink is up to 24 degrees, its quantity is not limited, from 24 to 70degrees is allowed to take five liters per adult traveler, drinks over 70 degrees are forbidden to take.
Russian customs regulations allow three liters of alcohol to be imported duty-free, for a total of five liters per adult (a duty will be imposed on the fourth and fifth liter). Imported alcohol standards vary from country to country. For example, the volume of strong alcoholic beverages, according to the rules for transporting luggage on an airplane to Thailand and Turkey, cannot exceed one liter, to Europe - from one liter of strong alcohol, four liters of wine and up to 16 liters of beer. However, it is not forbidden to take small vials of alcohol from duty-free in a container with a volume of no more than one hundred milliliters and closed in a special bag in hand luggage. But it will not be possible to consume and even open the package with such drinks on board due to existing prohibitions in most Russian airlines.
Remember that only the passenger is responsible for the transportation of substances that do not meet the requirements for transportation and pose a potential hazard. This means that the airline has the right both to exclude such items from transportation and to fine the passenger for them.
Of course, one of the oldest airlines - "Aeroflot" - the new rules for carrying luggage on the plane also touched. The passenger, using the services of this company, during the check-in process is obliged to present all his luggage, hand luggage and additional things (in excess of the hand luggage allowance and not subject to payment). Compliance with the dimensions and weight of hand luggageAeroflot standards will be checked during the landing procedure using special devices. And the overall standards for the company at the moment are as follows: length - 55 cm, width - 40, height 25 (was 20).

These dimensions, according to the rules for the carriage of luggage on Aeroflot aircraft, according to the company's employees, have been analyzed and are optimal, and such a control system also takes into account the complaints of some passengers about crowding in the cabin due to the things of other passengers.
Aeroflot's free carry-on baggage weight is ten kg for economy class and 15 for business class passengers, provided that these personal items take up one piece.
As for the weight of baggage, they have not changed much since the entry into force of the law. The rules for the carriage of baggage on an Aeroflot aircraft for economy and comfort class allow free baggage (weight up to twenty-three kg) occupying 1-2 places (depending on the fare), for business class it is allowed to transport 32 kg and two places. It is important to consider that the dimensions of the luggage must not exceed 55 x 40 x 20 (length x width x height), and the sum of these three measures should not exceed 158 cm.
The dimensions of a backpack carried in excess of the free baggage allowance must be no more than 80 cm, if you add up its length, width and height, and weight no more than five kg. Purchases from duty-free stores must be sealed in only one package, not exceeding the sum of three sides of 115 cm. For items that do not fit into the established norms (althoughrepresentatives of the company are quite "generous", but there are different cases) or occupying additional places, you will have to pay extra. The amount can be from 2.5 to 7.5 thousand rubles.
S7 Airlines
Another popular carrier is S7 Airlines. Many people know this company as "Siberia". This company differs by dividing the main tariff into "flexible" and "basic". The rules for carrying baggage on S7 aircraft for the economy class of the “basic” fare allow you to carry baggage only for a fee (no-baggage ticket), and free hand luggage is provided for up to ten kg and dimensions of 550 mm x 400 mm x 200 mm. According to the latest data, the amount of baggage transportation for such an air ticket will be 2,500 rubles. for one place with a maximum allowable weight of not more than 23 kg. The “flexible” economy fare includes the transportation of one piece of baggage weighing up to twenty-three kg in the ticket price. Baggage dimensions must not exceed 203 cm when adding the length, height and width.

S7 business class baggage rules are also divided into "flexible" and "basic" fares. The "basic" business fare allows you to take one piece of baggage weighing less than 32 kg and the total length, height and width of 203 cm. The "flexible" business fare includes two pieces of the same weight and size instead of one. For passengers flying in business class, there is free transportation of luggage up to five kg and dimensions not exceeding 55 x 40 x 20 cm. But you can carry equipment for skiing or snowboarding weighing no more than 32 kg and inquantity of one set. It is also allowed to transport baby strollers and infant carriers at no additional charge, but if there is a child on the flight.
Luggage exceeding the limits must be paid extra. Prices can range from 2500 rubles. for each piece of baggage, and flights within Siberia Airlines with transfers are paid twice as much. Transportation of all pets, except for a guide dog, is paid as excess baggage, it is better to check the price for their transportation a few days before departure on the company's website.
The well-known "daughter" of "Aeroflot" - the airline "Victory" - quickly won the love of passengers due to low prices for flights. New rules for the carriage of luggage on Pobeda aircraft were introduced almost immediately after the approval of the law, and since the end of September 2017, the company has been selling non-refundable baggage-free tickets. If there is baggage weighing up to ten kg and 203 cm (this is the result of adding the width, length and height), the passenger will be able to check it in and pay. It will be possible to book the service on the website, in this case the price will start from 499 rubles. for one place. The price of baggage weighing up to 20 kg will be 1499 rubles. Overweight for each kilogram, according to the rules for transporting luggage on the Pobeda aircraft, is paid (500 rubles). According to the latest data, luggage can be taken even heavier than 5 kg, but it must fit into the dimensions of 26 x 30 x 27 cm. The dimensions are checked through a special calibrator, in which the traveler's personal belongings must fit. Theoretically, you can carry at least a heavydumbbell, as long as it fits in the calibrator.

Crutches, foldable chairs, baby strollers and other portable devices will not have to pay for air transportation, and they do not need to be pre-measured. A flight according to the rules of baggage transportation on a Pobeda aircraft with equipment such as a bicycle, fishing tackle or skis is subject to payment from 1499 rubles. A pet must be transported in a special container, and the fee for its transportation will be 1999 rubles if the animal weighs less than eight kg.
Red Wings
Red Wings Airlines is a Russian air carrier whose aircraft are based mainly in Domodedovo. Red Wings divides its air tickets into three categories - the “basic”, “standard” and “light” fares. Of which, Light fare tickets are a baggage-free category, providing free transportation of only hand luggage weighing up to ten kg and measuring 550 mm x 400 mm x 200 mm (length x width x height).

The rules for the carriage of baggage on the Red Wings aircraft according to the “basic” fare scale allow you to carry two pieces of baggage, each of which can weigh up to 23 kg (that is, with a total weight of up to forty-six kg) and the size of 1 piece - not more than 203 cm on the sum of three sides. But in the “standard” ticket fare, there is only one place for bags up to 23 kg and up to 203 cm, according to the results of measuring three sides. These rates also include free transportation of one set of ski equipment.sport weighing no more than 23 kg. However, hand luggage in the last two rates of the Red Wings airline can be transported free of charge only in weight up to 5 kg, with the same dimensions of 550 mm x 400 mm x 200 mm. If a child under two years old is flying with you without a separate seat, the company provides a baggage transportation service at no additional charge (1 piece) weighing up to ten kilograms, dimensions up to 203 cm, based on the results of measuring three measures.
Any excess baggage in size or weight entails an additional charge, the minimum of which is 2500 rubles. Animals or birds as passengers of the Red Wings company are transported for a fee (except for guide dogs) and only in a container. If there are several animals or birds in the container, then transportation of each animal or bird is paid.
Ural Airlines
Ural Airlines headquartered in Yekaterinburg is one of the five most popular Russian passenger airlines. Let us consider in more detail the rules for transporting luggage on an Ural Airlines aircraft according to their fare scale, which consists of five categories:
- "Promo" - allows you to carry things for free as luggage weighing up to five kilograms and dimensions: 55 cm long, 40 cm wide and 20 cm high. It is also not forbidden to use one piece of baggage weighing up to ten kg and the sum of measurements of three sides up to 203 cm without payment. Sports equipment at this rate can be paid for and transported as excess baggage.
- Economy and"Premium" - 1 piece of luggage up to five kg, one piece up to twenty-three kilograms and dimensions up to 203 cm by the sum of the sides, as well as a set of equipment for sports.

- "Business Light" - two pieces of personal belongings as luggage up to five kg, each does not exceed the dimensions of 550 mm x 400 mm x 200 mm, one piece of baggage weighing up to thirty-two kg (according to the sum of measurements of the sides, no more than 203 centimeters), as well as a set of equipment for sports.
- "Business" - two places for personal items as luggage up to five kg and two pieces of luggage up to thirty-two kilograms in weight and the sum of the sides no more than 203 cm each, as well as one set of equipment for sports.
Before buying a ticket, it is better to check on the company's website the rules for free baggage transportation in certain directions. It is important to know that, according to the rules for transporting baggage on an Ural Airlines aircraft, the free baggage allowance does not include such types of baggage as a car, motorcycle, scooter, moped, sports or hunting boats and spare parts for them, musical instruments, seedlings, greenery (meaning food) weighing over five kilograms.
The rules for the carriage of baggage on the plane of UTair, another major airline holding company in the air transportation market, imply air transportation of baggage and hand luggage at the following types of fares: Business, Economy and Light.
For Light fare tickets, it is allowed to carry hand luggage free of charge with dimensions of 550 mm x 400 mm x 200 mm andweighing up to ten kg. Things of a small child under two years old at this rate can only be transported in the cabin. Sports equipment at the Light fare will be considered as excess baggage and is subject to payment. Bags weighing up to twenty-three kilograms must be paid for, the price will be from 2500 rubles.

Economic and Business fare tickets include baggage transportation: only 1 piece and weight up to twenty-three kilograms - economy, two pieces weighing up to thirty kilograms for each - this is business class. Luggage can be carried without any additional charge for the Economy fare (one piece) up to ten kg (550 mm x 400 mm x 200 mm), and for the Business fare - two pieces of the same weight and size each. These two rates include transportation of one set of ski equipment.
In addition to free baggage allowances, you can take a backpack weighing up to five kg and measuring up to 400 mm x 250 mm x 200 mm, as well as one sealed bag with goods from duty free stores weighing up to 3 kg. Payment for the transportation of things in excess of the norm, which is established by the company, starts at 2,500 rubles and doubles in case of transit movements within the company.
If a passenger plans to fly with an animal or a bird, then he must inform the air carrier in advance (at least two days before the flight), otherwise a refusal to transport a living creature may follow. The bird or animal must be in a specialized container, andits weight (considered together with the container) cannot exceed ten kilograms. Air transportation of a bird or animal is paid.
Northern Wind
Northern Wind is a subsidiary of the well-known travel alliance Pegas Touristik. It was formed not so long ago, only a decade ago, but it is already among the ten largest passenger air carriers in Russia. Rules for the carriage of baggage on the plane "North Wind" subdivide the transportation of baggage into three categories of tariffs. These are "Economy", "Comfort" and "Business" tariffs for airline passengers. Each tariff scale is subdivided into subcategories: "Promo" and "Optimum". Among all the company's tariffs, the easiest travel option is the Economy Promo tariff. By purchasing a ticket in this category, a passenger can carry, without additional charge, only personal items in baggage, the weight of which does not exceed five kg, and the total size of three measures does not exceed 115 cm (dimensions on three sides: 55 centimeters x 40 centimeters x 20 centimeters).
"Economy Optimum", in addition to five kilograms of luggage, involves the transportation of one piece weighing up to twenty kg and measuring 203 centimeters as a result of adding up three measures. The rest of the tariffs are allowed to carry with you at a double baggage allowance (only in the Comfort Promo and Business Promo tariffs it is allowed to carry one piece of luggage).
It is important to consider that the employees of the "North Wind" check in separate luggage for each traveler. Consolidation of cargoes can be done after proving that the passengers are followingtogether, and the combined baggage will not exceed the norms in force in the company. Exceeding the norms should be paid (starting from 2 thousand rubles and more).
In closing
Despite the seemingly strict boundaries of the rules and regulations adopted in the fall of 2017, the rules for carrying luggage on an airplane and carry-on luggage with many popular passenger air carriers allow you to take not so little. As can be seen from the review of luggage and baggage allowances, only one or two companies have introduced minimum allowance limits. So before the upcoming flight, we advise you to think carefully and reasonably approach the things and items you need on the trip, and also not to bother yourself with extra luggage. When booking an air ticket, it is better to clarify everything that is included in its price and what is not included. When booking online, just click on the price icon or write your question to the airline's technical support service.
The law is intended to expand the choice of fares for passengers and orients airlines towards the formation of a pricing policy that is beneficial for travelers. Although in that short time the law has not yet seen big changes and benefits for ordinary passengers, it is possible that more new companies with low ticket prices will appear, in contrast to the existing one or two popular low-cost airlines. We hope that these times are not far off. Soon, perhaps, traveling by plane will become more accessible for the majority of Russian citizens, even if for this you have to give up the amount of personal belongings allowed for transportation. Still, it is better to get new vivid impressions, emotions, really have a good time on vacation thantake with you to another country or city on vacation countless things, most of which are likely to be unnecessary.