Many tourists who prefer relaxing in the bosom of nature, appreciating beautiful, amazing places, tend to spend their time where they can completely renounce the city noise and connect with mother nature. One of these places is Argazi. This lake is located in the Urals, in the Chelyabinsk region. The name of the lake is translated from the Bashkir language as "good host". The wonderful beauty of nature, excellent fishing, active recreation at camp sites and sanatoriums and just a good time leave no one indifferent.
Argazi reservoir

Argazi reservoir is popularly called simply Lake Argazi. It is the largest reservoir in the Chelyabinsk region. The city replenishes its fresh water supply from this source. On the shores of the lake there are a lot of boarding houses, sanatoriums, tourist centers. The reservoir itself was built in 1946, during the construction of the Argazinskaya hydroelectric power station. In the area of the village of Bayramgulovo there is a dam on the Miass River. It is worth noting thatThe reservoir got its name from Argazi, the lake was flooded during the construction of the hydroelectric power station.
Nature Argazi

The shoreline of the lake has large fluctuations that reach up to six meters, it can be called poorly defined, because it is constantly changing. To a greater extent, this applies to the eastern shores of the lake. From all sides the lake is surrounded by hills, and from the west - by the most beautiful spurs of the Ilmensky mountains. The shores are very diverse: wooded and bare, gently sloping and hilly. The edge of the coast is dotted with many bays, wetlands, on which the aquatic vegetation that dominates in Argazi rages with colors. The lake has a sandy, rocky or muddy bottom, there are many flooded islands. Its depth in some places reaches eighteen meters, while the average is about twelve meters. The mountains and hills around the lake are covered with deciduous and coniferous forests. Where the river leaves the reservoir, a dam is installed, the length of which is 1500 meters. The whole territory is strewn with many islets, their total number reaches 45. Everyone who is looking for recreation centers on Lake Argazi will easily find a comfortable place for themselves here. Peace, silence, complete reunion with nature - all this can be found in these parts.
Let's go fishing
The most common, although not the only recreation on Lake Argazi, is, of course, fishing. The fishing season is all year round. For those who relax in the summer, it is best to rent or buy a boat for fishing. Somenature lovers prefer to sit on the shore with a fishing rod, but in order to go on real fishing and get a rich catch, it is better to use a boat. If you come to Argazi in winter, it is better to go fishing on the Buran. Going on it on the road and given the nature of the lake, you need to be extremely careful. Since the water level here is constantly changing, gullies, faults or cracks often form on the surface, movement can be dangerous. If you have come just for the sake of fishing, then this event will definitely pleasantly surprise and delight you. The lake provides many options and ways to fish.
What kind of fish is found on Argazi

All true fishermen strive to get to Argazi. The lake is famous for its variety of fish species. Here you can catch perch, chebak, pike, ide, burbot, ruff, zander. It should be noted that recently the lake has been actively stocked with fish. Particular attention is paid to burbot and whitefish. In 2007, forty million whitefish and ripus larvae were released, as well as ten million burbot larvae. Currently, the lake is considered the main and largest ripus base. Thanks to the latest incubation technologies, fish farmers annually collect more than tens of millions of whitefish and ripus caviar. Those who come to the lake in the summer have the opportunity to catch large specimens of burbot, whose weight can reach twelve kilograms. Good catch of zander or pike. However, it should be noted that the population of pike perch on Lake Argazi has significantly decreased in recent years, it can not be found in allplaces. Some lucky fishermen manage to catch carp, its population is small here, top dressing is good, so it very rarely takes the bait. Single specimens of carp can weigh twelve kilograms. At the end of the 20th century (in 1998), sturgeon was launched into Argazi. Very rare, but some specimens come across even now. The Kealim River flows into the lake, it is through it that brook trout get here, there is a chance to meet rainbow trout, which can weigh three kilograms.
Lake vacation

For those who are interested in fishing on the lake or who just want to plunge into the pure world of nature, it will not take much effort to get here, the map will help you decide on the area. Lake Argazi is located near the village of Novoandreevka, the coast stretches along the western side of the Argayash region. The southeastern shores are in contact with the Ilmensky Reserve. The coast of the lake can be proud of its well-established tourist infrastructure. A tourist paradise is Lake Argazi, the photos are proof of this. Numerous recreation centers, sanatoriums offer visitors to take a course of wellness procedures, relax in a Russian bathhouse, relax playing billiards or go fishing. Moreover, fishing is organized here all year round: in summer - on a boat, and in winter - on all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles.
Family Vacation

On the lake you can have a great rest with the whole family. Both adults and children are not bored here. Children can walk inforest zone, swim or just play outdoor games on the shore. Depending on the age of the children, you can choose the type of recreation that suits you. An overnight camping trip is a great way to bring all family members together. No one is left indifferent by bright sunsets on the lake, quiet starry nights with a fire, sincere conversations or songs with a guitar. Well, what a trip without fishing and cooking fragrant fish soup on an open fire! A lot of positive impressions, a charge of vivacity received from nature, and besides, a lot of memories - all this will complement and unite your family even more. After all, it was in the bosom of nature that the first close relationships between people began to emerge.