Air passenger transportation has long become commonplace in the life of every modern person. However, one can often observe how passengers are embarrassed to board the aircraft. It seems to them that this way of getting into the salon is obsolete, and it is high time to replace it with the usual tunnel to the very doors.

Not just a ladder
The biggest mistake passengers make when talking about airstairs is focusing on obsolete technology. In fact, this conclusion is fundamentally wrong. The fact is that the ladder of the aircraft is not just a ladder. This is a complex mechanism that allows people to safely get on board and leave it, regardless of weather conditions. Such a device differs from a ladder in telescopicity and dimensions.

The design of the ladder is simple:
- vehicle driven by an operator;
- device itself;
- seal.
Skilled work on such a machine is extremely important. Managerwith it, a person is obliged to strictly comply with all safety requirements in order to avoid a tragedy. So, a recent case in Russia was that the operator of the airstairs at Pulkovo did not bring him close enough to the door. This resulted in the death of a little girl.
Two passengers fell into an unexpectedly formed gap between the aircraft and the compactor and fell onto the concrete surface of the runway from a great height. The girl was seriously injured and was hospitalized. Unfortunately, the child could not be saved. So simple negligence led to the collapse of part of the ladder and the death of a small child.
Varieties of ladders
Many people think that the tunnel from the waiting room to the side of the aircraft is something innovative and technically perfect. This is a common misconception. The fact is that such a device is also a telescopic ladder. Yes, it is more perfect, and there is no stairs, but it is not so versatile. It cannot be quickly repaired or simply replaced with another one. In addition, only specialized aircraft can be fitted to it.
The passenger telescopic gangway of an aircraft is a long and comfortable gallery, and it is not available at all airports. Most often, only large air harbors with a large passenger flow are equipped with them.
For smaller airports, mobile boarding bridges are used, and this is what many passengers do not like. In remote regions, there is often no developed infrastructure, so only those aircraft fly there that have a built-inladder body. This is the simplest device of all, and it does not boast reliability or security.
Airstairs can have significant design differences. The cheapest of them really look like stairs, and those that are more expensive look like escalators and travolators. Although they may have different designs, these devices for ordinary passengers are always made from the same materials. Mostly aluminum and other light metals.

Rules of conduct for passengers
Not only the operators are responsible for the ladder. First of all, the passenger must take care of his own safety and, in accordance with international rules, he is obliged to comply with the rules while on the airstairs. It is forbidden to jump from it, it cannot be rocked, since all such actions can end extremely unpleasantly for the passenger.
If there is reason to believe that the device is malfunctioning, it is the passenger's duty to immediately report this to the flight attendant. Standing at the airstairs, you must treat each other with respect, observing a live queue and not preventing personnel from entering the board.
Emergency ladder
In the event of an emergency at the airport, passengers go down the folding ladder built into the side of the aircraft. If an emergency landing occurs, then regardless of the damage, the crew must use the emergency evacuation slide. It inflates instantly and provides an excellent opportunity to get off the board quickly and in an organized manner.airliner.
The most luxurious ladders in the world
In terms of senseless luxury in everything, no doubt, Saudi Arabia is in the lead. Of course, at civil airports, completely ordinary ladders are used here. Yes, they are more modern, but there is nothing unusual about them. However, everything is completely different when the passenger is not an ordinary tourist, but a sheikh. In this case, the staircase can be richly decorated or even be a work of art.
The personal ladder of the King of Saudi Arabia is especially interesting. He constantly carries it with him to inspire the whole world with the idea of his incredible we alth. What is so interesting there? First of all, the entire staircase is made of gold and is a moving escalator.

Extremely we althy members of the royal family of Saudi Arabia have a plane gangway, although more modest than that of the king, but it is still decorated with precious stones, and the material of the stairs is an alloy of precious metals.