New Hampshire is one of the smallest US states. It is located in the northeast of the country. The state stretches for 305 km from north to south, from east to west - for 110 km. The total area of New Hampshire is more than 24 thousand square meters. km. Neighbors with the states of Maine, Vermont and Massachusetts. Together with them, it is part of the historical region called New England. In the north it has a border with Canada, and a small southeastern territory is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

A bit of history
The history of the state began in the first half of the 17th century, when the expedition of the Englishman Martin Pring landed on these lands. Prior to that, only Indian tribes lived in the territory. Until the 70s of the 18th century, the state was under the control of Great Britain. In honor of one of the provinces of New Hampshire and got its name.
During the War of Independence first hereproclaimed an act of independence. This happened in January 1776. And in 1808 the state decided on its capital. It was the city of Concord. The state capital of New Hampshire covers an area of 175 square kilometers. km. The population reaches 42 thousand people. Concord is located in the southern part of the state. During the American Civil War, New Hampshires fought for the North.

Geographic features
Practically the entire territory of New Hampshire is covered with forests. This state is the second in area (second only to the province of Maine) and the number of forest plantations. Off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean there are small islands, territorially also related to New Hampshire. The White Mountains (White Mountains) run through the northern part of the state. This is the northernmost part of the Appalachian mountain range. The highest point in the state, as well as the entire historical region of New England, is Mount Washington (1,917 m). Central and southern parts of New Hampshire are lowlands. The coastline stretches only 29 km, there are small comfortable beaches.
Inland waters
There are two major rivers in New Hampshire, the Connecticut and the Merrimack. Numerous hydroelectric power stations have been built on these water flows, which provide electricity to the region. The largest cities of the state, along with the capital, are founded in the Merrimack Valley. A small lake system is located on the southern slopes of the White Mountains, and the largest body of water is Lake Winnipesaukee.

Neighborhood withThe Atlantic Ocean affects the weather conditions of the local region. The climate in the state is humid continental: warm, short summers and long, windy, snowy, frosty winters. Average January temperatures: -8…-10 °С, July +17…+20 °С.
The population of the state is 1,320 thousand people. Of these, about 45 thousand people live in the capital. The most populous city in New Hampshire is Manchester. More than 110 thousand people live in it. Nashua, Rochester and Keene are also major cities in New Hampshire. The capital, it is worth noting, is much less populated.
By racial composition, the population in the local territory is distributed as follows:
- almost 94% white;
- Asians – 2%;
- blacks - just over 1%;
- of other or mixed races - about 3%.
By ethnic composition, the most in the state lives:
- residents of French nationality – 25%;
- 23% Irish;
- English - 19%;
- Italians and Germans - 10% each.
Swedes, Austrians, Scots and Poles are also numerous.
In terms of religious affiliation, over 72% of the population is Christian. Of these, representatives of the Catholic and Protestant faiths were divided almost equally. Fans of other directions are widespread: Baptists, Adventists, Mormons. About 17% of the population are atheists.

The secret name of the state of New Hampshire is the "Granite State". It got its name because of the presence of a large number ofquarries where granite is mined. The extraction of building materials has long been the dominant industry in the industry of the state. It is this area that is the leading branch of the economy. In addition to granite quarries, sand and crushed stone are also mined here in large quantities. In addition, industries such as mechanical engineering and electronics are developed in the state. New Hampshire has some of the largest marine parts manufacturing in the country and the largest optics factory.
The state's abundant forests produce paper, lumber and other wood products. Agriculture is also developing. From animal husbandry, the leading ones are poultry farming and dairy farming. Potatoes, corn, blueberries and cranberries are grown in greenhouses. There are coniferous farms, especially for the Christmas holidays.
Thanks to climatic and natural conditions, tourism is actively developing in the state of New Hampshire. Picturesque landscapes, beaches, mountains, close proximity to major cities (New York, Boston) attract more and more tourists to these places, the number of which increases annually. There are also other places where you can have fun.