Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is one of the most famous writers, a bright and extraordinary personality. He loved his country and was proud of it. The Poltava region, thanks to its unusually talented native, has become famous throughout the world and for all ages. Now a fascinating route is organized here for tourists. Let's go through all its points, as well as look at other interesting towns and villages of the famous region.

Poltava region occupies the eastern part of Ukraine. It is known, first of all, for its administrative and cultural center, Poltava. Mentions of this city can be found in the 12th century in the Ipatiev Chronicle. However, numerous excavations carried out on its territory indicate that the first settlements arose here in the Paleolithic period. During its long history, Poltava changed hands many times. Poles, Lithuanians, Russians, Ukrainians owned it. She was repeatedly subjected to devastating raids and became a place of decisivebattles. The most famous is the Battle of Poltava, in which Peter the Great brilliantly defeated the Swedes. Even the winged phrase, known far beyond the borders of Ukraine, “an abyss like a Swede near Poltava” lives among the people. At the beginning of the 19th century, the Poltava region became a kind of cultural center of Little Russia. Here were born Kotlyarevsky, who gave the world the wonderful opera "Natalka-Poltavka", Gogol, Panas Mirny. Writers Korolenko, Nechuy-Levitsky lived and created masterpieces in Poltava, Vernadsky and Sklifosovsky worked. Poltava residents cherish their historical heritage. Tourists are waiting for monuments of the past and present, unique museums, national cuisine, comfortable hotels and warm hospitality.

Poltava region, in addition to its administrative center, includes four more regional cities. These are Komsomolsk, Lubny, Kremenchug and the famous Mirgorod. He became famous thanks to the eponymous collection of stories by Gogol. Probably, there is not a single person who would not read or watch Viy. No less famous is the story "Taras Bulba". The inhabitants of Mirgorod immortalized the immortal creation in a peculiar way, making the city puddle, mentioned in the fourth story, one of the central attractions. Now it looks like a pond and is ennobled with benches and sculptures installed around it. In addition to the puddle, there are numerous monuments, a museum, a unique birch grove, and a wonderful park. From the point of view of history and architecture, the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the chapel of Panteleimon the Healer are of interest.

Komsomolsk, Poltava region
This modern city grew up on the banks of the Dneprodzerzhinsk reservoir. It appeared due to the magnetic anomaly discovered here by geologists. Young people from all over the Soviet Union came to develop it. They named the new city in honor of the Komsomol members on the Amur. However, restless archaeologists have found ancient sites and settlements on its territory, indicating that Scythians, Goths, Sarmatians and even Sumerians once lived on the site of Komsomolsk. Tourists are waiting for unique monuments of the 5th millennium BC and the beginning of our era. These are the mounds of nomads "Three Brothers", "Swedish Grave", "Brick" and some others. Despite the fact that the city of Komsomolsk is quite young and has no historical monuments, the Poltava region is famous for its humorous sculptures thanks to it. Only here you can see a monument to an old woman selling moonshine and seeds, a plumber, a traffic cop, a pig personifying alcoholics.

Lubny and Kremenchug
Lubny is another historical and cultural center that the Poltava region is proud of. Ukraine is a country where Christianity is mostly practiced. Lubny was founded just in the year when Vladimir carried out the baptism of Russia. For a long time it was run by the Vishnevetsky family. The widow of Prince Mikhail Raina Mogilyanka built a temple with her own money, and soon the Mgarsky Monastery was founded in the same area. It became the largest Orthodox center. Now the city has severalexisting and at the same time being historical monuments structures. These are the Mgarsky Skete, the Transfiguration Cathedral and Monastery, the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. Kremenchuk, a beautiful city and regional center, was founded as a defensive fortress in the distant 16th century. Over the years of its existence, it has been attacked many times by invaders and experienced the most severe destruction. But, despite all the troubles, the city survived and was rebuilt. In the late 18th - early 19th centuries, Kryukovsky Posad, the place where the Kurukovsky Treaty was allegedly signed, entered its territorial composition.
Cities of district significance
There are 11 regional cities in the Poltava region: Lokhvitsa, Shishaki, Karlovka (Poltava region), Globino, Kobelyaki. Each of them has its own wonderful history. Gadyach was founded in the middle of the 15th century, but the first settlements were built here by the Scythian tribes.

On the territory of the city is the grave of Shneur-Zalman bar-Baruk, the founder of the Chabad Hasidic movement. Therefore, religious pilgrims from all over the world come here. Piryatin is considered the birthplace of Alyosha Popovich, a Russian epic hero. And in this pretty town, the Soviet comedy "Queen of the Gas Station" was filmed with Nadezhda Rumyantseva in the title role. Vladimir Monomakh also mentions the city of Khorol, named after the river of the same name on which it stands. In ancient times, Khorol repulsed the raids of nomadic tribes more than once, and was almost completely destroyed by the Tatar-Mongols. Other regional cities of Poltava region - Grebenka (named afterUkrainian writer), Zenkov, Chervonozavodskoye. They and several other settlements form the districts of the Poltava region, of which there are twenty-five.
Former Orchik
In the 70s of the 17th century, the Orchik settlement was founded. It got its name from the river of the same name, a tributary of the Aurélie. Now it is the city of Karlovka (Poltava region). This name was given to the settlement by Bernhard Weisbach, who received it as a token of gratitude for serving Russia as a general. Weisbach was from Karlovy Vary. So he named his possessions in a paternal way. The territory of the current city is decorated with picturesque ponds, in which the source of the Tagamlyk River is born. The places here are beautiful, there are many estuaries, lakes with different living creatures. At the beginning of the 19th century, the then owners of the city (the Razumovsky family) erected the Church of the Assumption at their own expense, in which the wedding of the famous writer Panas Mirny took place. A railway line and highways pass through Karlovka.

Mystical, mysterious, hospitable Dikanka. Thanks to the genius of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, it has become one of the most famous places on Earth. Probably, without Dikanka, the Poltava region would have lost its special flavor. Ukraine offers tourists a lot of interesting things, but only here, on the farm of Proni, in the Dikansky district, you can see the real devil sneaking on the roof behind the Moon, talk with the blacksmith Vakula and Mrs. Solokha. You can get to the farm by the Poltava highway. Great admirer of Gogol's talent, head of Proninskayaadministration, VV Udovichenko recreated the atmosphere of the times described in the story with the same huts covered with reeds, wattle fences, a smithy, kluny, wagons. It is especially difficult to get to Dikanka at Christmas, as tours here are actively sold out. The lucky ones, who managed to buy a ticket, are waiting for interesting excursion programs, local cuisine with dishes cooked in the oven, and a Christmas show. In addition to the farm, Dikanka is famous for the estate of the famous Kochubeys, the Triumphal Arch erected right in the open field, the Trinity and Nikolaev churches.

Some villages of the Poltava region are also widely known. One of them is the Great Sorochintsy. It lies on the river Psel, carrying its waters to the wide and mighty Dnieper. This place gave the world the great Gogol. A museum was founded in the house where he was born. In Ukraine, fairs were held in many cities and villages, but there is no longer such a famous one as Sorochinskaya. Fame brought her the eponymous story by Gogol. Based on its motives, our contemporaries staged a wonderful musical, in which famous and loved by the people singers and artists took part. Now the territory of the fair is stylized antique. In addition to trading, interesting performances and concerts of musical groups take place here.

Poltava region resorts
Poltava region is also famous for its unusual springs with healing water. Rest here can be carried out in multiple sanatoriums built in the Mirgorod region, on the Psyol and Tashan rivers. The main value of treatment in the Poltava region is healing mineral springs. Here you can improve your he alth or just have a wonderful rest, enjoying the beauty of nature and fresh air, spending time on clean sandy beaches. Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the musculoskeletal system, heart, blood vessels, joints, nerves, and lungs are treated in sanatoriums. Vacationers are waiting for comfortable buildings, excellent food, modern medical and diagnostic centers using the latest techniques.