How many km from Rostov to Sochi? Useful information for vacationers

How many km from Rostov to Sochi? Useful information for vacationers
How many km from Rostov to Sochi? Useful information for vacationers

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Resorts of the Krasnodar Territory - Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik - these are the cities of Russia, which are associated with warmth and comfort. Almost every summer, millions of citizens of our country go on vacation to these parts. Warm sea, sand and palm trees soothe, fill with strength and emotions.


Distance between cities

These cities have a small distance from each other. For example, to see how many km from Rostov to Sochi, just look at the map and it becomes clear that the distance between them is only 550 km. Therefore, you can travel from one city to another in about six to eight hours.

Distance between cities
Distance between cities

The distance from Rostov to Gelendzhik is 100 kilometers less, which will allow you to arrive in this city an hour and a half earlier if you drive at an average speed.

You can also find out how many km from Rostov to Sochi by referring to online maps that will show the fastest route. Buses run regularly between these cities. It is easy to find out exactly how many km from Rostov to Sochi from an attendant or driver.

A distance fromRostov to Krasnodar is even less - just over 250 kilometers, so you can get from one city to another in about four hours. If you take a bus, the speed of movement will decrease, as it is limited by internal rules, and people arrive from city to city later than if they were driving their own car.


The sun is shining
The sun is shining

Recreation in the subtropical regions of Russia is good for several reasons:

  • long summer period;
  • well-established infrastructure for vacationers;
  • price.

Buying a tourist ticket to these cities of Russia, you save on flights from country to country, get cheaper fruits and vegetables, since they are more affordable in summer. Your vacation will not be much different from if you went to a hotel, for example, Turkey. The climate of Turkey is similar to the weather conditions in Krasnodar, so you can get a great tan without leaving the country.
