East Africa - the cradle of humanity

East Africa - the cradle of humanity
East Africa - the cradle of humanity

East Africa can be called the true cradle of humanity. It is unpredictable and many-sided, full of riddles and secrets. Every corner, every inhabitant is filled with a special magical spirit.

east africa
east africa

When you come here for the first time, you need to peer into everything around you as if through the prism of a wide-angle lens. Only then will East Africa allow you to absorb everything - the speed of a cheetah, which is ready to rush across the savannah, overtaking the wind, and the smell of African tribes, which is unusual for us, and the strength of an elephant herd. Only here you can see the purple-crimson sunset, feel the aromas of gardens, spices and the fish market, learn the taste of crocodile barbecue, hear the sounds of Masai drums breaking the mysterious silence.

holiday in africa
holiday in africa

East Africa is inhabited by various tribes, each of which is of particular interest to tourists. Nilotic people live in the southern part of Sudan. The most famous among them are the Nuer and Dinko tribes. They have their own culture and are very proud of it. Perhaps this was one of the reasons why they look down on other tribes. By this they show their superiority over them. Despite the fact that these people have black skin, they do not belong to the Negroid race. The figure is tall and slender, the facial features are sharp, and the lips are narrow. African tribes practically do not wear clothes. Men almost always go naked, and women wear only a small apron.

africa tourism
africa tourism

East Africa is still inhabited by Semitic and Hamitic peoples. These include the Sukko, Maasaya, and Karomoja tribes. In most cases, these are nomadic tribes engaged in cattle breeding. Only a small proportion of them are sedentary and, in addition to raising livestock, are engaged in soil cultivation. The Maasaya people have a special beauty that they are very proud of. They are quite brave and strong. Each warrior of this tribe must be able to kill a lion with a spear with one blow.

And along the banks of large rivers you can meet Bantu peoples. In material terms, they occupy the highest level among all the tribes of East Africa. They are famous for their interesting dwellings, whose architecture includes intricately intertwined herbs. The Swahili represent a separate African nation. They live on the islands of Pembu and Zanzibar.

Special satisfaction can be derived from the adventures that Africa is rich in. Tourism here has recently been gaining popularity at a rapid pace. Everyone can choose the vacation that he likes. So,in addition to exploring the tribes, you can go on hikes of increased complexity, take a unique tour by car, raft down a turbulent river and take part in a safari. For those who prefer a more relaxing holiday in Africa, you can simply observe the life and behavior of wild exotic animals in their natural habitat or admire the local virgin nature. A special place in East Africa is given to extreme tourism. It is designed for those people who cannot live without adrenaline and strong emotions.

east africa
east africa

East Africa offers a variety of accommodations for its guests. Quite comfortable and cozy hotels have been built on the continent. Well, for lovers of extreme directions, housing conditions are as close as possible to nature. Basically, this is housing placed on stilts (balconies), or tent camps. Such conditions allow you to more merge with nature into one whole.
