Georgia is an amazing, very colorful country, the demand for tours to which among Russians is increasing every year. What should be considered before visiting Georgia? What should you be prepared for and what should you definitely visit in this country? More on all this later.

When you need to go on vacation
Georgia for tourists from Russia is an amazing land that is beautiful at any time of the year. The optimal time for a trip depends on what type of holiday you are a fan of. So, if you like descents from steep mountain slopes, of which there are many in the country, then you need to go here from December to March. Winters here are quite warm, but it should be borne in mind that in the popular resorts of Bakuriani and Gudauri, the cover is formed only by mid-January.
Fans of holidays by the sea should come to this sunny country no earlier than May. The holiday season on the coast here lasts until September. If you do not plan to swim in the sea and sunbathe on the beach, but just want to see the sights and visit the most interesting places, then in thiscase, it is worth going to Georgia in May or June - during this period it is still not so hot, but the surroundings delight with their unimaginable beauty. By the way, from September to November, the country is actively harvesting fruit, which can be purchased here for next to nothing.

What to bring with you from clothes
Speaking about holidays in Georgia, in tips, tourists often list a certain list of things that you need to take with you on a planned trip.
For a vacation in the summer, a tourist must definitely put things in his suitcase designed for cloudy and rainy weather, as he will definitely have to face it. Waterproof shoes will also not be superfluous. In reviews of vacations in Georgian resorts, it is often noted that sometimes you have to travel along a military road and visit caves - for this you should definitely take a warm jacket or a light sports jacket with you.
Tourists who go to Georgia for winter resorts are advised not to dress very warmly - for walks it is enough to take a light jacket with you.
Where is the best place in this country to spend the beach season? In the reviews of tourists about the sea in Georgia, you can sometimes read that the best coastal areas are located in such resort towns as Batumi, Kobuleti, Kvariati, Ureki, Gonio, and also Chakvi. In these cities, all the beaches are washed by the clean and warm Black Sea.
Many tourist comments say that staying on the Georgian coast during the high season leavesonly pleasant memories. The infrastructure is actively developing here, there are many places for recreation and entertainment, and, best of all, swimming and staying on the beach can be alternated with visiting amazing sights.
It is noted that in recent years, beach holidays in Georgia have reached a new level, which cannot but please tourists from around the world, including Russia.

Where to stay
In the reviews of tourists about holidays in Georgia, it is often said that there are no tourists in this country - only guests come here. The population is distinguished by special hospitality and cordiality. Therefore, if you are planning a non-business trip, then it is best to forget about the hotel - you need to live closer to the private sector, in guest houses, where, believe me, excellent conditions have been created for living people of any age.
If you are planning a vacation in Batumi or Tbilisi, you can book an inexpensive hotel room located closer to the main attractions. When choosing housing in large cities, you should not focus on those places that are located in the very center - it is better to give preference to remote regions, because it is much calmer there, and prices are much lower.
Top Must-See Attractions
It is worth noting that there are not so many legendary sights in Georgia, as it might seem at first glance. Having visited this small country, fans of beautiful views should definitely visit the Caucasianmountains barely inferior in height to the Himalayas.
Surely everyone has heard about the legendary Georgian wines. In order to taste the best of them, you should look into Kakheti, which is famous as a wine-growing region.
In the summer, Georgia for tourists is primarily a resort region. Fans of rest on the seashore should definitely visit Batumi. To date, this city is considered the most progressive Black Sea resort.
Lovers of sightseeing and visiting interesting places should definitely visit Jvari and Mtskheta - these cities are described in Lermontov's legendary poem "Mtsyri". There is definitely something for guests from Russia to see here.
What sights can Georgia still boast of? Some of these include:
- Ananuri Fortress;
- David Gareji Monastery;
- burn;
- Uplistsikhe;
- Vardzia;
- Kutaisi.
Of course, people vacationing in Georgia should not miss the opportunity to visit the area of popular mineral springs.

Who hasn't heard of Georgian national cuisine? If you are relaxing in this colorful country, you should definitely try the traditional local dishes that are offered here literally at every step.
The recommendations of tourists often say that, having arrived in Georgia on vacation, you should definitely visit the local markets, which offer home-cooked dishes, as well as natural food and freshfruits grown in home gardens, the price of which is pleasantly surprising.
As for going to restaurants, they are relatively inexpensive. Practice shows that in high-class catering establishments for a full meal, which will include both the first and second course, as well as beer and tarragon, you will have to leave about 60 lari, which in terms of Russian currency will be about 1400 rubles.
Practice shows that when traveling to Georgia together, the item of food expenses should be calculated on the basis of 100 lari per day (2380 rubles), but this is provided that tourists do not know the word "saving".

Do I need to take a car?
Having decided what to see in Georgia, the tourist begins to think about whether he needs to take a car in order to travel to local attractions. In the reviews of Russians, the fact is often noted that having a vehicle with you significantly reduces waste if travelers planned to attend excursions over long distances. What's more, self-guided driving allows you to see the sights at your own pace, without being guided by anyone, as is always the case with group tours.
If you plan to stay in the country for a long time, within which a trip from city to city will be made, then it is still worth taking a car with you.
If a tourist does not have his own car, he can easilyrent a vehicle, only crossing the state border. The cost of renting a car here costs about 20-35 euros per day, depending on the brand of car.
How far to go
Travelers from Russia strongly recommend not to go to Georgia for a long time - 3-4 days will be enough for an interesting study. During this time, you can arrange several excursions to the most interesting destinations concentrated in a particular region.
If the tourist aims to explore the whole country, then a couple of weeks for this will be enough. So, a week is enough to thoroughly explore Tbilisi and Batumi, and the rest of the time can be spent on other regions.
What to bring with you
Traditionally, tourists, leaving for some countries, buy souvenirs there for relatives and friends. What do tourists bring from Georgia?
In reviews of this country, it is often noted that the country offers a real abundance of souvenirs in its markets. Here you can find unique horns, daggers, carpets, handmade jewelry of incredible beauty and much more. Experienced travelers notice that when choosing a souvenir, it is important to pay attention to its authenticity, because in fact there are cases when tourists buy knives and daggers that are not made by hand, as well as horns made of ordinary, but strong enough plastic.

The most sought after souvenir from Georgia is wine. Moreover, it is considered popular as a homemade drink,and purchased at eminent wineries. Tourists should pay special attention to the local moonshine, which, according to experienced travelers, cannot even be compared with the best brandy in terms of strength and taste. This drink is made from grapes and sold at almost every turn.

How much does a vacation cost
In the reviews of tourists about holidays in Georgia, it is often said that people like this country because of the acceptability of prices for holidays. According to vacationers, the main item of waste is transportation costs. In the recommendations of experienced tourists, it is noted that it is best to go to this wonderful country by plane.
In their reviews, Russians who have visited Georgia are very often advised to visit this country as part of individual excursions. Group tours are not recommended, as they do not allow you to explore this state the way a tourist really wants to.
Practice shows that to stay in the country together for a couple of weeks, it is enough to take about 1,100 lari with you, which is equivalent to 26,000 rubles. True, this amount, given as an example, is indicated without taking into account transport costs and taking into account the fact that the couple will go on excursions every other day and only for medium distances.

In what currency should I take money with me to Georgia
As part of the topic "What a tourist needs to know about Georgia", it is imperative to mention the currency in which money should be taken with you tojourney.
It is worth noting that in any local city there are exchange points where a tourist can receive lari - funds in local currency. By the way, these points accept a huge number of types of currency, including rubles and dollars, so there will most likely be no problems with the exchange.
It is worth noting that in Georgian cities settlements are often made in rubles, but the exchange rate here is not very pleasant, so you should still stock up on lari.
In reviews of the country in question, it is often mentioned that a tourist may well travel around Georgia with an international card - it allows you to reliably pay in stores, transport, when buying tickets, etc. Of course, if you are relaxing in mountains, then the map here is not an assistant for a tourist - you must definitely have cash with you, and in the local currency - lari.
From the photos of tourists in Georgia, one can judge how wonderful and multifaceted this country is. It is interesting to visit people of different ages and owners of different income levels. The first thing you should definitely come here for is the local wine, which can be found everywhere here!