On Earth, there are thousands of amazing and beautiful places created for us by Mother Nature. To see many of them, you need not go to unknown distances, but simply explore your native land. Do not hesitate, it keeps a lot of fantastic beauties. The Yumaguzinsky reservoir is one of such places. It was created by the human mind and the genius of nature. Tourists are just starting to explore this reservoir, but no doubt it has a great future.
Yumaguzinsky reservoir is located in the Southern Urals in the Republic of Bashkortostan on the Belaya River (locally Agidel). From Ufa it is about 265 km, from Chelyabinsk 660, and from Yekaterinburg 770.

Nearby is a very popular Nugush reservoir with well-established service and many recreation centers. In a straight line (through the forest and rocks) it is about 5 km to it. The reservoir got its name from the village of Yumaguzino,located also on the Belaya River in the Kugarchinsky district. 18 km from the village in the direction of the reservoir is the Yumaguzinskaya hydroelectric power station, where excursions are also arranged. On the map you can see the Akavaz, Akbuta, Sakassk farms, but in reality there are no settlements along the reservoir.
How to get there
The Yumaguzinskoe reservoir is located in a hard-to-reach area of the Bashkiria National Park. In the rainy season, as well as in winter, it is very difficult to get there. Even in summer, with wonderful weather conditions, the access to the reservoir itself is difficult.

Therefore, many tourists get there on foot. Driving on the highway is as follows:
1. Drive to the village of Meleuz (about 150 km from Orenburg and 225 from Ufa). There is also a railway station in Meleuz.
2. Get to the village of Basurmanovka (about 23 km from the city). The road forks further.
3. Turn right, follow the bridge over the Belaya, move to the village of Yumaguzino.
4. Move towards the HPP.
5. Without stopping at the village of Verkhnebikkusino, get to the second bridge and cross it to the other side of the river.
6. Pass the gate. Everyone, you are on target.
Entrance and entrance to the reservoir are paid. Ticket offices open at 9 am and close at 6 pm. Around 21:00, the entrance gates are also closed. There is no secure car park here. You can leave your car just outside the territory.
Yumaguzinsky reservoir was formed as a result of the construction of a dam onBelaya river. Curving between the rocks in bizarre zigzags, it stretched for 57 km to the village of Maksyutovo.

The width of the reservoir in different places is not the same and on average reaches 300-400 meters. The length of the coastline is approximately 125 km. The depth of the reservoir is also not the same. There are places where it is more than 60 meters. The surface area of the water surface reaches almost 36 square meters. km. The rocks surrounding the reservoir are very steep for almost the entire length. In the first 15 km after the dam, there is nowhere to land on the shore (the slope of the coast is 45 degrees and higher). Only further there are excellent points for mooring boats and camping. The park "Bashkiria", in which the reservoir is located, is famous for the diversity of flora and fauna, some of which are listed in the Red Books of Bashkortostan and Russia. In the immediate vicinity of the reservoir, you can meet foxes, ermines, martens, and larger predators. Dozens of birds nest in the forest and on the rocks. There are many types of fish in the water.
History of creation, pros and cons
The youngest in Bashkortostan at the moment is the Yumaguzinskoye reservoir, where recreation is just beginning to gain popularity.

Its construction began in 1998 in connection with the construction of a large hydroelectric power station. The project, as well as the very idea of \u200b\u200bcreation, has been repeatedly criticized. Despite this, in 2004, in the spring, they began to gradually flood the future section of the reservoir. In May, on the Belaya River during the flood, the water in the reservoirarrived at a speed of 600 cubic meters per second. The total mass reached 140 million cubic meters. This amount is enough for all planned economic needs. This is the provision of electricity and water to a large number of settlements, which is a huge plus. However, there are also disadvantages. So, a man-made reservoir flooded some villages, nesting places for birds, a lake and an underground river. The location of the dam in the area of karst voids and soft rocks still causes concern among some experts, despite the large-scale strengthening of the platform with concrete.
Walk around the reservoir and surroundings
Rest on the Yumaguzinsky reservoir will seem like paradise for those who are tired of the hustle and bustle of popular resorts.

Hikers can move along the pond along the barely noticeable forest paths. But the most unforgettable experience leaves swimming on the water. To do this, you can rent a catamaran or a boat, as well as order a boat. The rocks framing the reservoir amaze the imagination with their menacing beauty. In large areas they are overgrown with forest. Caves gape in many rocks with dark mysterious spots. Some of them have names, for example, Teatralnaya Cave. The rocks also have names: Cruiser, Chest-Tash, Devil's finger. This amazing creation of nature is a narrow rocky cliff sticking up with a very unusual shape. There is also a rock of Leaders (of the proletariat). In the 80s of the last century, the Karimov artists depicted Lenin, Engels and Marx on it. Today, for some reason, it is the imageLenin is quite well preserved.
Active Leisure
Yumaguzinsky reservoir gives a lot of vivid impressions. Fishing here is one of the best in Bashkortostan. Some fishermen talk about amazing catches of catfish and pikes weighing more than 10 kg. True or not, every fisherman will see for himself, but there are really a lot of fish in the reservoir. These are not only catfish with pikes, but also perches, pike perch, roach, chub, rudd, grayling. Winter fishing is also very popular here. In addition to fishermen, speleologists can have a wonderful time on the reservoir. There is an island here called Sacasska. It used to be a mountain, the foot of which was flooded. From the island you can proceed to the famous Sumgan-Kutuk region, where more than a dozen of the most interesting karst caves of various depths are located. Some of them are with extraordinarily beautiful stalactite and stalagmite formations. Underground rivers flow in separate caves, lakes splash. The most famous of them is Sumgan-Kutuk, which is called the Devil's Abyss. True, only experienced speleologists can go down there.

Where to stay
Since the Yumaguzinskoye reservoir began its existence quite recently, recreation centers on it are still in the project. But the management has solved this problem. Anyone can rent a houseboat for themselves. They are located on the Akavaz River, in a convenient bay. From the dam you can get to them by boat. The cabins are designed for 4, 6 or 8 people. They have everything you need, including sleeping bunks, a kitchen with a gas stove,set of furniture. Nearby there are sites for fires, barbecues, tables with benches are equipped, a spring with clean spring water beats. The cost of such a house per day is from 3500 rubles, depending on the type. Important note: cell service is not available at the reservoir.

Recreation centers at the Yumaguzinsky reservoir
At a distance of about 1.5 km from the reservoir, near the village of Verkhnebikkuzino, there is a recreation center "Bashkirskaya village". Comfortable wooden houses, double or multi-bed, await guests here. There are rooms even with a Russian bath. It is good to stay in them with a large company, family or arrange a romantic getaway for two. On the territory of the "Bashkir village" there is a restaurant with two cozy banquet halls. Nearby, on a rock directly above the reservoir, the Swallow's Nest cafe was built, reminiscent of the Crimean landmark of the same name.