Krasnoyarsk railway - the heart of the Trans-Siberian

Krasnoyarsk railway - the heart of the Trans-Siberian
Krasnoyarsk railway - the heart of the Trans-Siberian

Krasnoyarsk is one of the oldest Siberian cities, the center of an amazing and beautiful region. In the city on the Yenisei, there are many attractions known throughout the country and abroad: the chapel of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa and the Communal Bridge, depicted on a ten-ruble bill, the monument "Tsar Fish" from the work of Viktor Petrovich Astafyev, the unique reserve "Pillars", the Botanical Garden, the museum- the estate of the artist V. I. Surikov … The new building of the railway station, built relatively recently - in 2004, also belongs to the local beauties. And how did the Krasnoyarsk railway appear?

From history

The history of the Krasnoyarsk railway is very fascinating. Despite the fact that as a separate unit it has been functioning only since 1979, the path through the city appeared more than a hundred years ago - at the end of the nineteenth century. In 2017, he celebrates his 118th birthday.

history of the Krasnoyarsk railway
history of the Krasnoyarsk railway

Krasnoyarsk Railway is the center of the Trans-Siberian Railway, which runs through almost the entire country. The first connection wasonly with Novosibirsk (at that time it was Novonikolaevsk), since in Krasnoyarsk a bridge across the Yenisei was still under construction, which would connect the left and right banks. In 1899, trains began to run to Irkutsk.

Unfortunately, old photos of the Krasnoyarsk Railway have not survived to this day, but there are pictures of the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway - and this is almost the same thing.

Krasnoyarsk railway
Krasnoyarsk railway

This route was then called the Central Siberian and passed no more than six trains per day. However, already at the end of the same year it was merged with the West Siberian route. Throughput increased, and the road was simply called Siberian.

In 1915, several independent roads were singled out from its composition, in particular, Tomskaya (the current Krasnoyarsk route belonged there). Almost twenty years later, a separate East Siberian railway was formed from the Tomsk railway, from which the Krasnoyarsk railway left in 1936.

photo of the Krasnoyarsk railway
photo of the Krasnoyarsk railway

How about 1936, if the beginning of the article talks about its autonomous existence since 1979? Nevertheless, everything is correct. For the first time, it began to function separately precisely in that period - and lasted until 1961. During this time, sections were built connecting Novokuznetsk and Abakan, Achinsk and Lesosibirsk, a connection with Abaza appeared. But in 1961, the Krasnoyarsk Mainline was again included in the East Siberian Railway - for 18 years. When, finally, the Krasnoyarsk railway regained its independence, it immediately grewthe amount of cargo. The organization of transportation has also improved.

Today, the Krasnoyarsk railway consists of three branches - Krasnoyarsk, Achinsk and Abakan, and Vladimir Reinhardt has been its head for more than ten years. Since the end of 2004, a new station building has been operating, which is recognized as one of the best and most convenient in the Trans-Urals. Every year the Krasnoyarsk Railway increases its transportation figures.

Krasnoyarsk railway address
Krasnoyarsk railway address


The Krasnoyarsk railway has 179 stations, large and small, on its way. The largest is Krasnoyarsk, the sorting station is Krasnoyarsk-Vostochny in the Berezovsky district of the region. It is one of the main marshalling yards in the country. It is interesting that other marshalling yards in Russia were subsequently created according to its principle.

The length of the entire Krasnoyarsk railway is more than three thousand kilometers. 17 tunnels of various lengths, more than a thousand bridges and viaducts have been built along the entire route of its passage, and the number of its employees is striking in its figure - 28 thousand 950 people!

What's special?

Although the Krasnoyarsk railway is not one of the largest in terms of length, it is quite unique in its kind. To begin with, the road is called Krasnoyarsk, and, in addition to its own, it also passes through as many as three Russian regions - the Republic of Khakassia, Irkutsk and Kemerovo! The scheme of the Krasnoyarsk railway looks like an ornate scattering of branches passing through the tiny stations of the region and looking into neighboringarea.

scheme of the Krasnoyarsk railway
scheme of the Krasnoyarsk railway

Because Krasnoyarsk lies in the very center of the country, the region's railroad connects the West Siberian Mainline with the East Siberian Mainline, covering areas with vast timber, metallurgical or energy reserves. The Krasnoyarsk Territory is rich in various resources, minerals, a fairly large number of various products are produced here, and all cargo is delivered by the Krasnoyarsk Railway. It is among the leaders in terms of transportation volumes.

In the hard times of war

In the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, everyone had a hard time. The Krasnoyarsk railway released 16-18 thousand of its employees to the front. Women began to work instead. Together with the remaining men, they carried out a huge amount of work - for example, the evacuation of plants and factories from the west. Heavy multi-ton machines were removed from the platforms manually. Mines and shells were created, as well as special trains - "Sergo Ordzhonikidze": sanitary or tank repair. One such locomotive stands today at the station square in Krasnoyarsk.

You can be proud of it

It is not enough to be already built network with a well-functioning mode of operation. Even on the railroad there is always room for improvement. So, for example, in order to develop the rich northern territories of Siberia, it is planned to build the North Siberian Railway, which will pass through Lesosibirsk, a small town near Krasnoyarsk.

For five years now, the City Train project has been operating in Krasnoyarsk - an extrathe opportunity for residents to conveniently and without traffic jams get to their business. It provides not only for the movement of electric trains in Krasnoyarsk, but also for the repair of passenger platforms. For the Winter Universiade 2019, it is also planned to build new platforms so that everyone can easily get to the place of the Games. Residents can also follow the arrival of electric trains online.

What the Krasnoyarsk railway does not have is a direct train to St. Petersburg. However, this oversight is slowly being eliminated - for example, a children's train to the Northern capital has been launched. And for adults (well, of course, for children too) there is now a tourist route to Divnogorsk, a small town 20 kilometers from Krasnoyarsk. It is interesting because it stops in the village of Ovsyanka, the birthplace of the great writer Viktor Petrovich Astafyev. After getting off on this platform, everyone can walk to his house-museum and learn more about the life and work of the famous fellow countryman.

Krasnoyarsk railway
Krasnoyarsk railway

And the Krasnoyarsk railway has been running the medical train “Saint Luke” for several years now, named after Professor VF Voyno-Yasenetsky. He makes stops at different stations and anyone in need can come and get help.

Museum is interesting

For everyone who cares about the Krasnoyarsk Railway, there is a museum of its history, where you can hear various facts, see unusual exhibits and exclusive documents. It has been operating since 1987. There is even a nineteenth-century stationmaster's office there! The museum has sixhalls. It is located in the center of the city, not far from the administration of the Krasnoyarsk Railway, at the address: Prospekt Mira, 101.

This railway is unique in its own way, it can also be considered a landmark of the region, and Krasnoyarsk citizens, at least, must know about it the more the better!
