Granada. Attractions: description and reviews

Granada. Attractions: description and reviews
Granada. Attractions: description and reviews

Spanish Granada is rightfully called one of the most beautiful and unsurpassed cities in Europe. This place is the dream of poets and romantics. Granada is built on three hills - Sabica, Albaicín and Sancromonte. The city is located on the slopes of the mountains with the majestic name of the Sierra Nevada. In this settlement, the inhabitants lead a quiet, unhurried and measured life. Even today, when the 21st century is behind the windows, on the stone-paved streets of Granada you can meet pack donkeys accompanied by drovers. For eight centuries in a row, the city was under the influence of the Arabs. That is why Granada (the sights confirm this) owes its architectural and cultural heritage to this people.

granada attractions
granada attractions

Cultural Granada

This Spanish city is known all over the world as a place where many shops and workshops are located, making guitars and cajons (castanets) for centuries. These are traditional instrumentsthat sound during the performance of flamenco. The most stunning dance carnivals can be seen in the caves of Sacromonte. This is the name of the district, which is located on the hill of the same name in the city. It is known for its whitewashed houses on narrow winding streets and caves dug centuries ago. Granada, whose sights are mainly ancient buildings and structures, is a traditional habitat for gypsies. They have been living here since the 16th century and are mainly located in Sacromonte. Among the caves there are those in which you can live in peace, enjoying all the achievements of modern civilization.

Granada always hosts a huge number of cultural events - festivals of dance and music, cinema and jazz, theater and tango. The Frederico Garcia Lorca Prize is awarded annually in this city.

granada attractions reviews
granada attractions reviews

Main attraction

The most famous place in Granada is the Alhambra Palace, or the Red Castle. This masterpiece owes its existence to Spanish Muslims. In the XIV century, when the Caliphate of Cordoba had already sunk into oblivion, and the Moors were driven out into the mountains to the barren lands, this masterpiece of architecture appeared. Many art historians refer to the Alhambra as one of the most perfect sights of Muslim culture.

The Alhambra is considered the best personification of the proverb "Meet by clothes, but see off by mind." From the outside, this building is nothing special. But Granada is justly proud of him. Attractions(The Red Castle is the best of them) you should start looking from here.

Here you can see a severe heap of battlements, walls and towers of red color. This whole heap is small and became the palace of the Alhambra. But do not rush to leave: the interior of the object fully compensates for the lack of external beauty and charm. Inside, every centimeter on the wall is decorated with ceramics and lace carvings.

The Alhambra is located on one of the Granada hills. At the very beginning of its existence, this building was an ordinary fortress, but during the XIV-XV centuries, the Nasrids turned it into a luxurious palace. It is quite easy to get lost here, because the Alhambra is a kind of intricate labyrinth, consisting of courtyards, rooms and gardens.

granada attractions red castle
granada attractions red castle

Castle tour

Granada (Spain) gives visitors a wonderful tour of this object. Attractions (the Alhambra - the first of them) begin to be examined from the room in which the ministers of the Sultan met. It's called mehuar. This is followed by a room where the Sultan spoke privately with his and foreign ministers. From here there is access to the courtyard with a pool and shrubs on the sides. The courtyard is named Myrtle Yard. The Hall of Ambassadors adjoins it - two decades have been working on the creation of this room. Noteworthy is the cedar dome. Only the Lion's Court can compete with the beauty of the Myrtle Yard. Most tourists come to the Alhambra just to see this room. There is a fountain in the center of the courtyard.framed by a dozen lions of marble. This design has become a symbol of hours and signs of the Zodiac.

granada attractions falla
granada attractions falla

Other outstanding places

Granada, whose sights can be seen all day long, is known for another place that attracts the attention of millions of tourists. This is the Manuel de Falla Museum. It is located in the house where the world famous composer lived and worked. The scores of "The Mystery of Maese Pedro" and "Enchanting Love" are presented to the audience. Also in this building you can hear how the old house whispers softly. It was this whisper that tempted the composer to spend his life in Granada.

Other Falla

Granada welcomes everyone! Landmarks Falla is not only the house-museum of the famous composer, but also the Bolshoi Theater. These are two different institutions, but they deserve the same respect. The theater is located on Frahela Square. It began to be built in 1884 and completed in 1905. The theater building was built of red brick. The foundation is shaped like a horseshoe, and each of the floors is surrounded by a gallery. The Falla auditorium can accommodate 1,214 people. The stage of the institution is 18 meters long and 25.5 meters deep. The Falla Grand Theater always hosts the Carnival of Cadiz.

granada spain attractions alhambra
granada spain attractions alhambra

A tourist is still there

Granada, whose sights have been honored to be seen by millions of travelers, has not yet disappointed anyone. And confirmation of thisare their testimonials.

For example, Granada (attractions) has the following reviews: many tourists say that in order to remember the history of the Alhambra, you need to visit it at least twice. After all, this place is simply overflowing with Christian and Muslim history. In addition, you need to spend several days in Granada to fully explore all its attractions. And it is true. So pack your bags and go to the fabulous city.
