Minsk - Molodechno route: transport, schedule, attractions

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Minsk - Molodechno route: transport, schedule, attractions
Minsk - Molodechno route: transport, schedule, attractions

Belarus is not such a long country as Russia or Norway. It is compact, so it is not difficult to get to all cities from the capital. For example, one can get from Minsk to Molodechno by any means of transport, except for aviation. Molodechno is not the most interesting city, but it is worth visiting, for example, on the way from the capital to Lake Naroch.

Minsk. Trinity Suburb
Minsk. Trinity Suburb


This is the cheapest way to organize a trip from Minsk to Molodechno. There are many long-distance and suburban trains between cities. The first ones are more expensive, since some of them are international, which are formed by Russian Railways and UZ (railways of Ukraine). They can follow from Kyiv to Riga or from Baranovichi to Kaliningrad. It takes about an hour to travel by such trains from the capital to Molodechno, but it is unprofitable to buy tickets, it is too expensive in terms of a kilometer of travel. For example, on the train Moscow - Kaliningrad, the fares in Russian rubles are:

  • Reserved seat - from 300 rubles.
  • Compartment - from 1500 rubles.
  • Sleeping - from 5400 rubles.
  • Image

Belarusian courseruble may change, at the moment it is approximately equal to 30 Russian rubles.

It is much more convenient and cheaper to get from Minsk to Molodechno on a local train. The daily train schedule is as follows:

  • 00:38.
  • 02:40.
  • 06:30.
  • 07:02.
  • 15:30.
  • 17:09.
  • 17:28.
  • 21:31.

Drive about an hour. The cheapest tickets in common carriages are from 100 rubles, in a reserved seat - from 150 rubles, and in a compartment - from 210 rubles. By Russian standards, it's cheap. Considering how many kilometers (75 km) are from Minsk to Molodechno, the fare is a little more than 1 ruble. per 1 km in a common car and 2 rubles. in the reserved seat.

Besides this, international trains of the Lithuanian formation run to Vilnius. They depart at 10:30, 19:30 and 19:43. From Minsk to Molodechno they can be reached in 50 minutes. Cars on the route with only seats, tickets cost from 360 rubles. The most expensive ones are about 1000 rubles. A kind of their competitor is the train of the Belarusian formation to Vilnius. It is cheaper, a ticket costs from 100 rubles, the fare is 1.3 rubles. per kilometer, which is cheaper than conventional trains in most regions of Russia.

And, finally, the cheapest way to travel by rail from Minsk to Molodechno is an ordinary train. It travels longer than the above trains, as it makes stops in almost all settlements of the route. Trains depart from 04:40 to 22:15, there is also a night flight at 00:45. Tickets are cheap, cost about 50 Russian rubles. In some cases, the train may beaccelerated and is on the road 1, 5 hours. The departure schedule from Minsk is as follows:

  • 05:24.
  • 18:11.
Commuter train in Belarus
Commuter train in Belarus


Buses and minibuses from Minsk to Molodechno depart from the central bus station. They are on the road from 70 minutes to two hours. The first flight leaves at 6 am and the last one at 8 pm. The destination for the bus can be not only Molodechno, but also the city of Postavy or the resort village on Lake Naroch.


The distance of 75 kilometers from Minsk to Molodechno can be reached in about an hour by car. Exact travel times will depend on traffic and weather. You need to move to the north-west from Minsk along the M-7 and R-28, through the city of Zaslavl. There will be no other large settlements along the way.

Train station in Molodechno
Train station in Molodechno

What to see in Molodechno?

The city is an ordinary Belarusian regional center without any special sights. This is not such a famous tourist city as Polotsk or Nesvizh. There are no castles or their ruins, as in Lubcha or Novogrudok.

While walking along Molodechno, you should pay attention to the following objects:

  • Orthodox churches and a modern Catholic church, which is interesting because its towers are decorated with an ornament in the style of the Belarusian cornflower.
  • Central square. On it is the fountain "Kupalye" with beautiful nude sculptures. Opposite the square is a park with a memorial to those who died during the Second World War.
  • Memorialcomplex "Stalag".
  • Local History Museum. It has a good historical exposition illustrating different periods of the city's history.
  • Local Arbat - Pritytsky Street.
  • Photogenic sculptures, such as a herald and a slender passenger near the station.
