The city of Pyatigorsk in the Stavropol Territory is the second largest. In addition, it is known as the oldest balneological resort in Russia, as well as the place where M. Yu. served and died. Lermontov.
Thanks to its numerous mud deposits and mineral springs, located on a relatively small area, the city of Pyatigorsk in the Stavropol Territory of Russia may well compete with the leading resorts in Germany and the Czech Republic. But these places are good not only for recovery. Arriving in Pyatigorsk, outdoor enthusiasts can find many new interesting routes for themselves.

A colorful city located in the North Caucasus, spread out on the slopes of Mount Mashuk and immersed in picturesque groves, gladly welcomes its guests, regardless of their social status and nationality. After all, all their naturalPyatigorsk allows people to get we alth in the form of the purest mountain air, mineral water and medicinal Tambukan silt for free.
History from ancient times
Pyatigorye has been inhabited for a very long time. This is evidenced by household items and tools found in these places by archaeologists. The first written mention of Bish-Dag (five mountains) with its hot spring was left by Ibn Battuta. This famous Arab traveler mentioned these places when describing his travels in 1334
Mid 16th c. dated information about Pyatigorye, created by Russian chroniclers. These papers say that this is the area where the Circassians live.
In 1773, the Russian scientist Guldenshtedt briefly described Hot Mountain, which is the southern spur of Mashuk. The researcher pointed to the existence of a hot sulfur spring that flows down to the Podkumok River. In those years, this area was under the rule of the Turks. But after the adoption in 1774 of the Kyuchuk-Kainarji treaty, Pyatigorye became part of the Russian Empire.
Foundation of the city
The history of Pyatigorsk began in the 18th century. It was then that a point appeared in this area, which is part of the Azov-Mozdok fortified line, created according to the order of Catherine II to protect the southern borders of Russia.
In 1780, a fortress was built near the Beshtovy Mountains to strengthen this point. It was named Constantinogorsk in honor of the empress's grandson. Not far from this fortress, the village of Hot Waters arose, to the healing springs of which visitors began to flock. It is 1780 that is consideredthe date when the city of Pyatigorsk was founded.
Birth of a resort
In 1803, Alexander I issued a rescript that gave this area a special significance. This document changed the fate of the city, making it a resort.
Throughout the further history of this region, scientists have repeatedly been convinced that Pyatigorsk has no equal in the whole world in its diversity, we alth, value and quantity of mineral waters.
Some innovations were introduced by the General Manager of Georgia and the Caucasus, General A. P. Yermolov in 1819. By his order, baths were rebuilt in Hot Waters, and a platform appeared on one of the ledges of Mashuk. Also, a new building for the adoption of water procedures, which was called "Yermolovsky", has grown. In addition, the general, with the participation of the St. Petersburg Construction Committee, planned the entire area, creating residential areas in it. It was proposed to settle in the new settlement to residents of various cities located in the Caucasus province. For this, people were offered some benefits.
Thus, one of the parts of the future Pyatigorsk (Stavropol Territory) and the streets that still exist in the city were formed. Their current names are Bukhachidze, Anisimov, Krasnoarmeysk, K. Marx Avenue and them. Kirov. Soon, the first residential buildings appeared in these quarters, and starting from 1823, construction in the city began to be carried out most actively. So, a hotel with a restaurant, Soldier's, wooden Sabaneevsky baths, etc. were erected in it. In addition, a boulevard was planned, mineral water springs were equipped,Elizabethan, Emanuelevsky and State Gardens, as well as the Nicholas flower garden. A gazebo called "Aeolian Harp", Lermontov's Grotto and the Elizabethan Gallery appeared in the city.
The project of the future city was drawn up in 1828 by Giuseppe Bernardazzi. In 1830 he was approved by the Committee of Ministers of Russia. At the same time, General Emanuel proposed to name the city Pyatigorsk, as well as the mountain at the foot of which it was located. On February 18, 1830, this settlement appeared on the map of Russia.
Where is the mountains. Pyatigorsk? In the Stavropol Territory on the territory of the hill of the same name, not far from the southwestern slope of Mashuk. In the vicinity of the resort, two shallow, but at the same time turbulent rivulets flow - Podkumok and Kuma. They have a rather picturesque view, but they are not able to satisfy the needs of Pyatigorsk in drinking water. Here and at all, despite the numerous sources, there is a shortage of life-giving moisture. And this is one of the main problems of the administration of the city of Pyatigorsk in the Stavropol Territory. To date, the Kuban is helping to compensate for this deficit.
There are natural reservoirs in the vicinity of the resort. These are the Lysogorskoe and Tambukan lakes, which have impressive deposits of healing mud. But it is worth noting that their water has a bitter-s alty taste and a specific smell. Judging by the reviews of vacationers, this fact scares off those who decide to swim here. The only place where residents and guests of Pyatigorsk are given the opportunity to take a nap with a fishing rod or swim calmly isNovopyatigorsk artificial lake. It is located in the southwestern area of the city.
The highest point of the resort is Mount Beshtau. Climbing up to its observation deck, you can admire an excellent panorama. From here you can see all the resort towns of the KavMinvod, as well as the Main Range of the Caucasus. Amazing views can also be observed by those who climb Mount Mashuk, which is practically located within the city, sheltering pump rooms with mineral waters, parks and local sanatoriums on its slope.
Judging by the reviews of vacationers, Pyatigorsk will definitely appeal to those who love shady places. After all, the slopes of Mashuk are covered with linden and oak forests, cozy birch groves, as well as thickets of hawthorn. All these plant masses are located in the north-west direction from the resort, and then they connect with the Beshtaugorsky forest, consisting of hornbeam, beech and ash.
Pyatigorsk is a region of the Stavropol Territory, geographically located south of Y alta. But, despite this, the climate of these places is closer to temperate continental. This is affected by the remoteness of the city from the sea.
Judging by the reviews of vacationers, there are no sudden temperature changes in Pyatigorsk. Summer here is quite warm. In the hottest month - July, the thermometer rises to an average of +21 degrees. Winters in Pyatigorsk are mild. Even in January, the air temperature does not drop below -4 degrees.
Warm and dry autumn delights guests of the city. Fine days that last until the end of November are never upset by overcast skies and off-seasondampness.
He alth factor
At the very beginning of its history, the resort was founded as a place for treatment with hot sulfur springs. They were the first to be discovered in these parts. Today, guests of Pyatigorsk are offered he alth improvement by three types of natural springs at once. Among them are not only hot, but also warm, as well as cold. Healing mineral water is extracted in Pyatigorsk simultaneously from 23 wells. Additionally, there are 15 more sources. However, these wells are in reserve and will be used only if necessary.
According to their chemical composition, the waters produced in Pyatigorsk (Stavropol Territory, Russia) are divided into three types. Among them:
- Sulfide. They are mined in the main group of local sources known since ancient times. Such waters are characterized by a high temperature, which reaches +47 degrees. This elixir of he alth is used, as a rule, for balneological procedures in the Lermontov, Pirogov and Ermolovsky baths.
- Carbon dioxide. These mineral springs of Pyatigorsk are used for balneological procedures and for drinking. The water in them has an average and low content of carbon dioxide. One of the subspecies of this natural healing factor is the Essentukov type. These are cold carbonic waters. Before use, they are specially heated right in the pump room.
- Radon. Their springs have weak mineralization. At the same time, such waters contain a certain amount of radon. Depending on the source, it ranges from weak tohigh. Such waters are used only externally, using when taking a shower, baths and during inhalations.
Judging by the reviews, in Pyatigorsk vacationers can drink natural medicine for free in nine pump rooms located on the slopes of Mashuk. And also in specialized galleries (on Akademicheskaya street and Kirov avenue).
In numerous sanatoriums in Pyatigorsk (Stavropol Territory), in addition to balneotherapy, so traditional for this area, mud therapy is also actively used. For him, natural material is delivered from Lake Tambukan. Mud is used for various applications and wraps. A small factory has been opened in Pyatigorsk. Its products are cosmetics containing Tambukan mud.
With the active participation of the administration of Pyatigorsk (Stavropol Territory), the improvement of he alth paths located on Mount Mashuk, which are intended for therapeutic walking, is currently supported.
Pyatigorsk he alth organizations take tourists throughout the year. At the same time, judging by the reviews of guests, sanatoriums and rest houses provide first-class service, creating a unique atmosphere of comfort. Offered here:
- various gynecological procedures;
- electrophototherapy;
- underwater horizontal and vertical spinal traction;
- doing therapeutic exercises in the pool.
Pyatigorsk sanatoriums specialize in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, organs of vision and gastrointestinal tract. Herepeople come who want to get rid of skin and ENT diseases, as well as those who suffer from diabetes, heart disease and metabolic disorders.
Administrative divisions
Located on the territory of the Stavropol Territory, Pyatigorsk is territorially divided into seven districts. Among them:
- Beshtau.
- White Daisy.
- Center.
- Mountainpost.
- Novopyatigorsk.
- Energetik.
- Horse racing.
However, the inhabitants of the city themselves prefer to divide it into lower and upper parts. The first of them (western) is a typical industrial zone. On this site, you can find only small areas where there is a residential building.

The upper part is the well-known resort city. It is here that all the mud and hydropathic clinics, historical sights and sanatoriums are located. The main residential areas are also located here. They borrowed their names (“Failure” and “Flower Garden”) from the karst lake and park located on their territory.
Judging by the reviews of tourists, this part of the resort is the busiest. But White Chamomile is best suited for renting housing. The local streets of this area offer beautiful views, and getting from here to other places in the resort is much easier.
Index of Pyatigorsk (Stavropol Territory) – 357500.
Interesting places of the resort
A lot on the territory of Pyatigorskattractions (a photo with a description of the most popular of them will be presented below). Among such objects are not only museums and monuments familiar to many places, but also unusual territories and buildings. So, in the city of Pyatigorsk (Stavropol Territory) at the foot of Mashuk there is a cemetery. It is sometimes called an open-air museum. The fact is that there are a lot of historical monuments in this Pyatigorsk necropolis. These are the graves of statesmen and soldiers, scientists and writers. In addition, the necropolis was the site of the original burial place of Lermontov. Back in 1916, the cemetery was closed and began to serve only for historical and cultural purposes.
Description of the sights of Pyatigorsk should begin with one of its main streets - Kirov Avenue, where the fountain "Fairy Tale" is located, which is also called "Gnomes" or "Grandfathers". The history of this building began in 1902. However, at that time it looked a little different. Yes, and was called the "Giant" because of its jet of water, which rose up to a great height. The beauty of the first version of the fountain did not shine, which is why they decided to modify it. This is how a building appeared here from a picturesque pile of stones with grottoes, as well as with relief images of fabulous gnomes. Nowadays, the fountain has been equipped with colored lights that decorate it at night.
Quite a few sights of Pyatigorsk (see photo with a description below) are located in the oldest park in the city, which is called the "Flower Garden". It was destroyed in the 20s of the 18th century. in place of the swamps. The park has grown over the years. On its territorynew flower beds appeared, and trees were planted along the alleys. In addition, a musical rotunda was built in the Flower Garden, a fountain was equipped and various buildings were erected.
During the years of Soviet power, this park was merged with another, located on Mount Goryachaya. To date, this territory, judging by the reviews, is one of the most beautiful in Pyatigorsk. That is why residents of the city and its guests love to walk here so much.
Directly at the entrance to the park is one of the sights of the city of Pyatigorsk - the gallery "Vernissage". Near it stands a monument to the hero of the immortal novel by Ilf and Petrov - Kise Vorobyaninov. This literary adventurer is depicted as begging. Vorobyaninov is standing by a large bag, bowing his head and looking longingly at his upturned hat.
Not far from the entrance to the park rises the original building. This building is made of colored glass and openwork metal and decorated with pointed turrets. This architectural marvel is none other than the Lermontov Gallery. It was transported to Pyatigorsk at the beginning of the 20th century. from Nizhny Novgorod, where the building was one of the exhibits of an art and industrial exhibition. The main purpose of the gallery throughout all these years remains unchanged. Within its walls is the State Philharmonic, concerts are held and exhibits of various exhibitions are placed.
At the entrance to the gallery you can see an old fountain called "Lucky Catch". For more than 100 years, it has been giving vacationers its coolness and an interesting sculptural composition, represented by a boy holding a fish over his head.impressive size.
Behind the Lermontov Gallery is the building of the Yermolovsky Baths. It was built in 1880. Today there is a gynecological balneary.
If you walk along the path, which is located to the right of the Ermolovsky baths building, then after 50 m you can see the "Grotto of Diana". This is a decorative and rather original building of the first half of the 19th century, which belongs to landscape architecture.

"Diana's Grotto" was erected in honor of the conquest of Elbrus by an expedition led by General Emanuel. This building was named after the ancient Roman goddess of hunting, who preferred to relax in cool grottoes on hot days.
The project for the stone gazebo was created by the famous Italian architects, the Bernardatsi brothers. On one of the slopes of Mount Goryachaya, a cave was carved, the arched vault of which was supported by prehistoric columns. A semicircular stone bench was placed against the wall of the grotto. Next to him is a table made of the same material. It is believed that Mikhail Lermontov liked to relax in this grotto. A week before the deadly duel, the poet even invited the nobility here, arranging a magnificent ball for his guests. At this event, many of the guests saw Lermontov alive for the last time.
Not far from the "Diana's Grotto" is another of the main attractions of Pyatigorsk (see photo below). This is a sculpture of an eagle spreading its wings and holding a snake in its claws.

The bird rises on a pedestal, which is built of stone blocks. There is a legend,telling that a poisonous snake managed to sting an eagle. The bird was saved only thanks to the water located in the source of the Hot Mountain. More than 100 years ago, this folk tradition was reflected in sculpture. Moreover, the stone eagle is currently a symbol of both Pyatigorsk and the entire region of the Caucasian mineral waters.
Not far from this statue, the gazebo draws the attention of travelers. It is located on the top of Mount Goryachaya and is distinguished by the original architecture of the roof, reminiscent of the roof of Buddhist temples. That is why the gazebo is called Chinese. It was built in 1976
Returning from the Chinese gazebo to Kirov Avenue, it is worth going almost to its very end and seeing the Pushkin Baths. This ancient building is made of light brick, has figured masonry and is decorated with fancy turrets and stucco figures. It was built more than two centuries ago by General Sabaneev, who at that time was the owner of this land, and were named after him. In the 1920s, the baths were renamed Pushkin.
Just a short walk from this building is the majestic Academic Gallery. This building is popularly called the stone crown of the city. Externally, the gallery is a light and elegant building. And this despite the fact that it was built of stone. With its design, it resembles a bridge that connects the spurs of Mount Mashuk. You can see the gallery from any part of the city.
Not far from this building is another of the main attractions of Pyatigorsk (photo provided below). it"Lermontov's Grotto", in which the poet spent a lot of time, drawing inspiration for creating new works.

Another attraction of Pyatigorsk (Stavropol Territory) is the arbor of the Eolian Harp. In those years when these places were mastered for the sake of the country's defense, an observation post was located here. In 1831, an arbor was built in its place, based on columns and having a hemispherical dome. The structure fits perfectly into the mountain landscape. An Aeolian harp was installed above its dome, making charming sounds at the slightest breath of breeze.

In the vicinity of the resort is another of its main attractions. This is Lake Proval, the water in which has a bright blue color. This color is given to it by special bacteria and hydrogen sulfide.
The cone-shaped karst cave in which the lake is located was first examined in 1793. In the first half of the 19th century. By order of Prince Golitsyn, a bridge was built over the hole in the cave. Those who wished to go down it in a basket in order to admire the outlandish pond.

Today, near the entrance to the cave stands a sculpture of Ostap Bender. After all, it was in Pyatigorsk that the action of some chapters of the novel by Ilf and Petrov took place. In one of them, Bender sold tickets to places where tourists can go for free.