Varenikovskaya village is located in the Krasnodar Territory. This settlement was formed in 1862 in the Crimean region. In those ancient times, the village was part of the Taman department - an administrative unit within the Kuban region.
History of the formation of the settlement
In 1840, the Varenikovskoye fortification was built to reinforce the Black Sea border line. Its construction was carried out by the military garrison. After 1860, active settlement of these lands by people began. As a result, the fortification gradually turned into a village. The complete transformation into a settlement happened in 1862.
Such a dramatic transformation is connected with the reorganization of the neighboring village into the city. People who did not want to become city dwellers moved to the territory of the Varenikovskoye settlement.
Inhabitants of the village were engaged in livestock breeding and land cultivation. The population has grown rapidly every year. When the Great Patriotic War began in 1941, 5,000 people from the village went to the front.

In wartime, a large partisan detachment worked in these places. Histhe participants played a huge role in unleashing the action in this territory and beyond. The partisans frustrated the economic and offensive plans of the Germans, so Varenikovskaya village became famous in wartime.
The village in modern times
This settlement is located 40 km from the district center. Residents call their settlement Intermarium. This is due to the location of the village - between the Azov and Black Seas. Such a favorable geographical position is a plus for the development of the tourism business.
The population of the settlement is about 15,000 people. There is a railway station and a plant for the production of building materials. Many children live in the village, so there are 5 schools on the territory of the settlement.
Varenkovskaya village has its own hospital with various specialists. There are several libraries on the territory. Residents receive their main income by processing:
- gardens;
- vineyards;
- rice checks.
The village of Varenikovskaya (Krasnodar Territory) has long been famous for the cultivation of land. Now these traditions are also maintained, and the settlement has its own elevator.
Tourist destination
In recent years, residents and the administration of the settlement are actively developing in terms of tourism. Varenikovskaya stanitsa on its territory has several attractions and places to stay.

Shugo volcano from a bird's eye view resembles the surface of the moon. There are healing muds, which includethere are iodine-bromine compounds. Baths in water with hydrogen sulfide are equipped on the territory, showers are also installed. You can relax and have a snack in wooden gazebos.
In a small cafe at the foot of the volcano, tourists are offered to try traditional dishes and herbal tea, which the village of Varenikovskaya is famous for. Kuban is known for its cuisine and hospitality.

The "Cossack village" complex consists of several kurens built according to all the traditions of this region. At the entrance, guests are met by a Cossack and a Cossack. The kurens are equipped with Russian stoves and ancient traditional decorations.
You can drink clean and he althy water in a well with a crane in the yard. Tourists are offered to organize walking and car routes through the mysterious and beautiful places of the Kuban. You can take active walks on horseback.
Edge Development
Despite the small territory, every year the population in the village is gradually increasing. This indicates that life in this settlement is comfortable for young people.
A sufficient number of jobs that Varenikovskaya village has, and the active development of the tourism business play a big role. The economy of the settlement is gradually growing, and the number of housing is increasing to accommodate new young families.