Above the wondrous Laspinskaya valley, at the foot of Mount Ilyas-Kaya, the Crimean "Stonehenge", the Temple of the Sun in Crimea and one of the most powerful energy points of our planet, breaks the earth's firmament to break out to the surface.
Mystical stone flower. At the epicenter of the Earth's energy
Strange statues near Laspi Bay have aroused the interest of local residents and the brightest minds of the past since ancient times. According to the legends, the temple of the Sun in Crimea is not a simple creation of a mistress of nature, but a real cosmic portal, a source of natural, clean energy of the Earth. It is believed that in the epicenter of this oasis one can understand one's true destiny, cleanse oneself spiritually and physically, receive long-awaited answers to vital questions of a personal and individual order, and also achieve the fulfillment of one's innermost desire. Such places of power in the Crimea and around the world increase the energy potential of a person, open areas of the subconscious unknown to him, help to radically change his life, if only he can get to the mystical stone flower.

Mystery of the name. Rocky bud or hardened palm?
No one knows where the name Temple of the Sun came from and who invented it. It seems that it has always existed, preserved from ancient times. And yet the unusual accumulation of stones has other nicknames. The Crimean "Stonehedge" is called the temple of the Sun in Crimea by analogy with the megalithic structure in England, those who are used to giving logical explanations for everything that exists are called a frozen volcano, those who love myths and legends of antiquity find similarities with "dragon's teeth", but the main names are considered "Seven Fingers" and "Stone Flower".
According to the first version, the stones look like phalanges of fingers, tearing apart the flesh of mother earth and striving to break through to the surface. The number of fingers still remains inexplicable. Adherents of the second option believe that the sculptures are more like rock chamomile petals, and this particular flower is a symbol of the Sun gods in a number of mythologies.
Out of space and time. Research attempts
From time immemorial, only priests were allowed access to the cosmic portal to perform rituals. This place was considered sacred, not letting people with evil intent or impure intentions in.

After tens of hundreds of years, Soviet and Nazi scientists became interested in the concentration and power of the Crimean "Stonehenge". Each country sent its own group of explorers to study the mystical source, and both failed. Scientists disappeared without a trace, as if dissolved in space and time. Only afterthe opening of the archives of the KGB and the NKVD of the USSR, it became known that the only conclusion that the experimenters managed to come to was that the temple of the Sun in the Crimea is the cause of all the events taking place in the world.
The path to self-knowledge. On the top of the mountain Ilyas-Kaya
Many esotericists, psychics or simply those who believe in energy flows that can change the lives of all mankind dream of going on the road to the "seven fingers" and wondering where the temple of the Sun is located. Just 30 km from Sevastopol is Mount Ilyas-Kaya (mountain of St. Elijah). Moving along the Y alta-Sevastopol highway, you need to stop before turning to Laspi at the bus stop and then move on foot to the Temple of the Sun in Crimea. How to get to the stone flower will tell the only path leading uphill, and blue marks on the trunks of trees.
It is believed that before you climb the altar and send your cherished desire into space, you need to spiritually cleanse yourself by visiting the top of Mount St. Elijah. There once stood a monastery built by the Greeks in the middle of the 12th century and dedicated to the saint, but only small fragments of the foundation have survived to this day. On the ruins of an ancient sacred place, one gets rid of karmic sins, as well as the realization of one's destiny in this life.

Altar of desires. With pure thoughts and good luck
After visiting the remains of the monastery, you can safely go to the Temple of the Sun. A group of mysterious stones is located a few dozen meters from Mount Ilyas-Kaya. uneventhe sculptures form a semicircle, in the center of which stands a stone altar, where you should make your wish with full confidence that it will come true. There is only one condition for a dreamer - the fulfillment of a dream should not harm anyone. If this rule is violated, then life, as a rule, pays like a boomerang.
Another good tradition is connected with the central stone. Everyone who comes here brings small gifts to the altar. Most often, flowers, fruits, vegetables and coins become an offering and a sign of gratitude for the opportunity to realize one's desires.
Soaring between heaven and earth. Church of the Resurrection of Christ
Not only places of power in the Crimea are popular and loved by tourists. In the vicinity of Foros, there are other attractions that delight at first sight. The visiting card and the main symbol of the city is the Foros Church, built in 1892 according to the project of N. M. Chagin. The reason for the laying of the temple was the miraculous rescue of Emperor Alexander III and his family from inevitable death during a train crash in 1888. Local tea manufacturer A. G. Kuznetsov allocated the necessary funds for the construction of the Church of the Ascension of Christ.
The place and style of the building were especially well chosen. The Foros Church is an architectural monument of the 19th century, a classic example of Byzantine temple architecture, towering on the Red Rock at an altitude of 412 m above sea level, which creates the effect of a "hovering" building over the endless expanses of heaven and earth.

An impeccable play of contrasts. Strict simplicity and luxury of the Kuznetsov Palace
The history of the old estate in the classical Russian style began in 1887, when a large tea magnate and porcelain manufacturer A. G. Kuznetsov, who owned large tea plantations in India and Ceylon, bought a plot of 256 hectares at auction and ordered the construction of a two-story estate. In the heart of the Foros Park, the architect Billiang erected a beautiful and elegant house, whose strict simplicity was perfectly combined with the luxury of exotic plants.
Kuznetsov put his hand not only to the arrangement of the city recreation area, but also to the construction of the Church of the Resurrection, which Foros is famous for. The sights have forever preserved the name of a noble philanthropist who suffered from tuberculosis and rejoiced when he spent hours admiring the paintings of Yu. Yu. Clover with landscapes of central Russia. Fifteen panels by this artist have survived to this day within the walls of the estate.

Besides, the estate was known for its wine cellar, the second largest in the Crimea after Massandra. The vineyard once occupied 30 hectares of land, and the winery annually produced up to 10 thousand liters of wine, which were sold to other countries and glorified Foros all over the world. Reviews of the Kuznetsov Palace today are not too numerous, since excursions are conducted only on an individual basis, and the estate is the property of the Foros sanatorium.
Gold-woven we alth of Foros. Cape Sarych
Cape Sarych - the southernmost point of the Crimeanpeninsula and one of its driest areas - comfortably extends between Laspi Bay and the village of Foros. The sights of this place are picturesque views, gentle sea, cozy bays, golden sand and unique relic plants, the most common of which is juniper.

Cape Sarych, according to one version, owes its name to Admiral Sarychev, thanks to whom the lighthouse was built in 1898. According to other sources, a rare shade of soils is to blame, while "sary" from Turkish means "golden, yellow, golden-woven". In any case, at present, access to the sea and coast is very limited, since many private cottages and boarding houses successfully operate on the cape.