For a full and he althy rest, it is absolutely not necessary to move in space by air and overcome large geographical distances. Sometimes it's enough just to look around. In particular, the nature of the Middle Urals has many attractive factors. She is unique and expressive. Coniferous forests on the mountain slopes and lakes in the hollows between the ridges create a habitat favorable for a person in the middle zone. The Pavlovsk Reservoir is one of the most popular holiday destinations among residents of the capital of Bashkiria. It is relatively close to Ufa. A visit to its shores guarantees a good rest and good fishing.

Pavlovsk reservoir: history and geography
This artificial reservoir was formed in 1960 on the Ufa River as a result of the construction of the Pavlovskaya hydroelectric dam on it. This is the largest reservoir in Bashkiria, its length exceeds one and a half hundred kilometers along the riverbed. It was intended to ensure sustainable water supply in the cities of Ufa and Blagoveshchensk. The Pavlovsk reservoir varies in width throughout from seven hundred meters to one and a half kilometers. Its depth on average exceeds ten meters and reaches a maximumdirectly in the area of the Pavlovskaya hydroelectric dam, here it is 35 meters. The banks of the reservoir are quite steep and indented. On a significant part of the coast, the slopes are covered with dense coniferous vegetation. Getting by car directly to the coastline is not always easy. This, however, does not stop the fishermen, who are happy to go to the Pavlovsk reservoir both in summer and in winter. Fortunately, getting here is not so difficult, from Ufa you can get to the village of Pavlovka even by regular bus.

Pavlovsk reservoir: fishing
The reservoir's fish stocks have noticeably decreased in recent years, but continue to be significant enough for fishermen to rush to its shores from all the largest cities in the Urals. The best fish here are perch, bream, catfish, burbot, pike, tench and ide. A characteristic feature of the reservoir is the fact that quite a lot of large fish are found here. You can fish both from the shore and from the surface of the water, if you have a boat or other watercraft. Successfully practiced on the reservoir and winter ice fishing. Complications are often caused by flooded logs found throughout the channel.

Pavlovsk reservoir: rest. Prices at camp sites and their opening hours
For those who are not satisfied with resting in a tent on the banks of the reservoir, there are several recreation centers that have all the benefits of civilization. Bases on the banks of the Pavlovsky reservoir are usuallywelcome tourists during the season from May to October. The price range is quite significant. The cost depends on the level of comfort of the rented premises and the length of stay at the camp site. It is more profitable to rent a room for a long time. The price range is from 500 to 1500 rubles per day. The most popular recreation centers here are "Bashkirskaya Ritsa" and "Three minnows".