Sights of Azov: photos and addresses

Sights of Azov: photos and addresses
Sights of Azov: photos and addresses

Russia can boast of a few cities with a thousand-year history of its existence. One of these settlements is located on the banks of the mighty Don River, and in 5 decades it will celebrate a thousand years since its founding. It has always occupied an important strategic and geographical position and played a significant role in the history of Russia and abroad. This is the city of Azov. We will consider the sights of Azov in our article.

sights of azov
sights of azov

The only one in Russia

There is a unique landmark in Azov, which is the only monument of engineering and military art of the era of Catherine II in the whole country. This is the Powder Cellar. The sights of Azov in general, and the cellar in particular, have been studied by various historians for many years. The study of this object is carried out by L. B. Perepachaev, a researcher at the museum-reserve.

attractions of azov with addresses
attractions of azov with addresses

Until 1797, the cellar served as a room in which barrels of gunpowder and cannonballs were stored. A little later, a cellar of red brick was erected. By topicsAt times, this building had an unprecedented design. So, the building was a rectangular building, to which an entrance vestibule was attached. The walls of the building made it unique. These are double partitions with ventilation ducts built between them. They were connected to the windows with the help of grommets.

The Powder Cellar is located on Lermontov Street, 6.

Peter of Azov I

In the city on Petrovsky Boulevard, a monument to Peter I rises. Many sights of Azov are dedicated to one or another historical person. This object commemorates the aforementioned monarch. The monument to Peter the Great was erected in 1996. The sculpture was cast at the Mytishchi Art Casting Plant. Bronze was chosen as the material. The height of the figure of Peter reaches three meters. The ruler was erected on a two-meter solid granite pedestal.

The statue looks like this: the commander leans his hand on the mortar. The sculptors depicted Peter the Great at about 20-22 years of age. Inexperienced but knowing what he wants, the king with a stern face turned his gaze to the fortress.

Shared tour

But the most interesting sights are ahead of us. The city of Azov has another pride - these are architectural structures that are located in the historical area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement. It is here that one of its highlights is located - the surviving ruins of the popular Azov fortress: Alekseevsky Gates, a fragment of the Genoese wall, the Powder Cellar, a moat and ramparts.

attractions of azov photo
attractions of azov photo

OnMoskovskaya street can also be found some sights of Azov. For example, the paleontological and archaeological museum-reserve. The main building of the facility is located in an old charming building, which, by the way, is an architectural landmark. The museum exhibits a luxurious collection of Sarmatian gold, the bones of trogontheriums (their age is 600 thousand years), various archaeological finds, the skeleton of a dinoterium, which is approximately eight million years old, and numismatic collections. Not every world famous museum can boast of such exhibits. The institution has a scientific library, the fund of which is more than 20 thousand books.

Torpedo boat

Sights of Azov with addresses are described in our review. But there is one more object in this city that I would like to draw the attention of tourists to - this is a torpedo boat.

attractions the city of Azov
attractions the city of Azov

In 1941, an enemy amphibious assault threatened to land in the Taganrog Bay. To protect Azov and the Don, during 1941-1942, a separate Don detachment of the Azov flotilla was based in the city. It included armored boats, gunboats, an armored train and other military equipment. But the basis of the fleet was torpedo boats. These were ships of the Komsomolets type. Until July 1942, the detachment heroically resisted the Nazis. After that, the boats were transferred to Novorossiysk.

The monument is a torpedo boat, which was erected on a concrete pedestal. The ship arrived at its destination on its ownmove.

The sights of Azov, photos of which are available in our article, are the life of the city, its history and essence.
