What to take on the train from food and drinks?

What to take on the train from food and drinks?
What to take on the train from food and drinks?

If you have a long journey by rail, you need to think in advance what items and products to take with you. The right things make any trip much more comfortable, allow you to feel comfortable and cozy. One of the important steps in overcoming long distances on any transport is the preparation of food and drink for the journey.

what to take on the train
what to take on the train

In this article we will look at what to take on the train, how to organize meals in transport, what food and drinks to prepare. After all, it is very important not only to fully feed the family, but also to avoid food poisoning and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

What can I take on the train for food?

If you have a trip in the cold season, then you don’t have to worry much - all the stocked products will not deteriorate too quickly. But if you travel in the summer, then due to the intense heat, the likelihood that provisions will become unusable increases significantly. Therefore, we advise you to have lunch in the car during the hot season.restaurant. So, let's look at what to take on the train to eat.

what can you take on the train
what can you take on the train

If you plan to take meat products, it is advisable to purchase vacuum-packed cuts or raw smoked sausage. Treat all sausages with extreme caution, they are most often the cause of poisoning. It is better not to take sausages, sausages, meat with you at all. If you want to take chicken or eggs, then they should be eaten at the very beginning of the journey, literally after the departure of the train! We advise you to take with you instant mashed potatoes, instant vermicelli, soups in cups, boiled porridges (oatmeal, 5 cereals) or cereals. Titanium hot water is always running in any car, so you can easily provide yourself and your family with a hot dinner.

what to eat on the train
what to eat on the train

If you are traveling with children, do not forget to take breakfast cereals or corn flakes, which are enough to fill with juice. Then you don't have to think about what to feed your child for breakfast. Don't forget baked goods: Crackers, dryers, crackers and whole grain breads are great for a long trip. They will not spoil and will be tasty during the whole journey. If you want regular bread, buy sliced bread or cut it ahead of time. In no case do not make sandwiches at home - they will instantly become inedible. What to take on the train? take fruits and vegetables. They should be well washed and dried in advance. It is convenient to put fruits and vegetables in a plastic container so that they do not wrinkle. Do not cut them into pieces, as they will quickly disappear. From fruits we advise you to take apples, strong, without dents. Soft and juicy pears, peaches or any berries will quickly turn into an unappetizing mass. From vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes and bell peppers. You should not eat onions and garlic on the train, remember that you are not alone in the car.

What to take on the train for snacks?

The best snacks are dried fruits, nuts, seeds. They will not go bad in the heat and perfectly satisfy hunger. Cookies can also be taken with you, but you should choose them without chocolate, icing, jam and other ingredients that can go bad. Do not take chocolates with you, they will melt and stick together. As for dairy products, it is undesirable to take them on the road, because they become unusable very quickly. The maximum is to buy some yoghurts (with a long shelf life) and eat them at the beginning of the trip.

eat on the train
eat on the train

What to take on the train from drinks?

To ensure a comfortable trip, you need to think about what drinks to take with you. Of course, you can't do without water. Take plain drinking water, without gas. Do not forget about tea, take a small package of tea bags with you. If you like coffee or cocoa - buy a few bags of these instant drinks. For children, it is advisable to take juice, it is more convenient to buy a container with a volume of 0.2 liters with straws. Do not take alcoholic beverages, especially strong ones, on the train. Do not overshadow the rest of your neighbors in the compartment! Be polite. Happyway!
