Turkey has long been recognized by Russians as the best place for family holidays, from April to the end of October. Unlike exotic countries, the flight to this state will not be long. And the climate in Turkey will not require long-term adaptation from the crumbs. In this country, a reverent attitude towards children. And the all-inclusive system - a kind of know-how of the tourism industry in Turkey - makes a vacation with a child completely hassle-free. However, babies are capricious and demanding creatures. Where an adult feels like in paradise, a child gets bored, or even starts to get sick. Will holidays with children in Turkey be so cloudless everywhere? Where is it better to go, which resort to choose? Let's understand the intricacies of a package holiday in Turkey. And the reviews of parents who have already visited this country with their children will help us in this.

Choosing a resort according to climatic characteristics
Going on holiday in Turkey withchild, you can not focus only on the money that you are going to spend. In travel agencies, especially in large cities of Russia, you will be offered a variety of resorts to choose from. Some of them are considered expensive, others - cheaper. But you should also take into account the specific needs of the child. Let's start with the main thing: adaptation to the climate. Toddlers suffer from both cold and excessive heat. Therefore, if you are going to Turkey at the height of summer, it is better to choose resorts on the Aegean coast. Constant westerly winds disperse the most exhausting heat, making the air fresh. And if you intend to spend a week or two in Turkey for the May holidays or in October, "at the end" of the holiday season, choose the cities of the Anatolian Riviera. In Alanya, Side and Belek, people bathe in November, while in Izmir the southern, but still autumn is already coming. And of course, in the summer you need to make sure that your room has air conditioning.

Choosing a resort. Beaches
Travel agencies advertising holidays in Turkey with a child often depict wonderful sandy coastlines on their posters. All this is true, travelers say in reviews, but there are exceptions. Some resorts in Turkey, such as Kemer, have pebble coasts. It happens that hotels on the first line delight their guests with bulk sand. But in most cases, holidaymakers are content with what nature offers them. There are also places where the descent into the sea is possible only along the ladder from the pontoon. And how can kids swim here? It's even dangerous for them. Children, especiallysmall, can twist a leg on a large pebble. At the slightest wave of the sea, a stone can hurt them. And you can't build castles out of pebbles. Therefore, it is better to choose Turkish resorts with sandy beaches. Those, judging by the reviews of vacationers, are Alanya, Belek, Marmaris, and on the Aegean coast - Kusadasi, Fethiye, Kas. Surfers and children are two completely different categories of vacationers. And if you are the first to give the wind and the excitement of the sea, then it is better to protect the kids from this. And in this regard, you will not find anything better than Marmaris. Reviews mention islands that block the entrance to the bay of this city, which makes it more like a lake.
We take into account the specifics of the resort
Turkey's major seaside cities are positioning themselves as places of youth recreation. In Bodrum, Izmir or Marmaris, you will not notice any signs at all that this is a Muslim country. Discos, nightclubs, "Streets of bars" - this is not exactly what young children need. But when choosing resorts in Turkey for families with children, you should know that they all have their own peculiarities. And these are small satellite villages. Do you want to get to the city market, "hang out" in the evening in a cafe or see the main attractions? Please, take a minibus, which in Turkey is called “dolmush”, and in ten minutes maximum you will be at the epicenter of civilization. The issue price is a lira and a half (15-20 rubles). But in the small village where your hotel is located, life calms down with the sunset. And your baby can fully enjoy the true Turkish flavor. Small settlements like Icmeler near Marmaris, Goynuk, Beldibi,Tekirova, Camyuva and Kirish near Kemer, all the satellites of Alanya and Antalya, the small town of Side - these are the places to stay that family tourists recommend in their reviews.

Hotel location
We have already talked about the resorts and beaches of Turkey for families with children. Now it's time to review the country hotels. Their stardom affects only prices, but not amenities or proximity to the sea. In Turkey, you can meet “fours” and even “triples”, which are not inferior to the “fives” in terms of the quality of services. Therefore, each time you need to get acquainted with the hotel in advance based on the reviews of tourists. Some hotels are located in very picturesque places: on rocky cliffs or on high banks. From there you have a fabulous view of the sea. But think for yourself: what will it be like for your baby to overcome all these descents and ascents to get from the room to the restaurant or the beach? So it is better to choose a hotel standing on a flat area. Some elite five-star hotels have a huge territory where you can walk. But sometimes such hotels are located far from the sea, and a bus takes guests to the beach. Decide for yourself whether your child needs daily shaking in a stuffy, crowded transport as a prelude to sunbathing? It is better to choose a hotel with fewer stars, but located on the first or second line from the sea.

Something about the "specifics" of hotels in Turkey
The “16+” concept, according to which people under the age of sixteen are not accommodated, is still a rarity fortourism industry in Turkey. On the contrary, the lion's share of hotels in this country position themselves as a place for family holidays. It is customary to travel to Turkey with children, since a short flight and a mild climate are most suitable for kids. However, there are hotels that position themselves as "youth". But as a rule, they are located in the center or near large cities - in Antalya, Marmaris, Bodrum, Izmir. Some hoteliers are trying to attract all categories of tourists. Therefore, you need to carefully get acquainted with the services. Perhaps on their list is a disco until two in the morning or a bar that is open until the morning? But still, those hotels that call themselves a “family vacation spot” organize a transfer to places of noisy entertainment in the city, reserving a place in the hotel for peace and bliss. However, a cheerful company, returning from a party at two in the morning, does not really care about the restful sleep of other residents.

What hotels in Turkey should be for families with children
Now let's talk about what specific services a "hotel for the whole family" should provide to its little guests. Baby cots are now available even in cheap city "youth" hotels. But what about the rest? In a good hotel, which is called “family” for a reason, a potty or a toilet seat nozzle will be delivered to your room at your request. You will have a changing table and a baby bath at your disposal. Some family "fives" even give out strollers for rent to guests. To make a holiday in Turkey withchild as safe as possible, the balconies in the rooms of such hotels have high, but transparent railings. The hotels have not only a doctor's office, but also a pediatrician on duty. In the reviews, tourists recommend carefully reading the list of services in the rooms before choosing a hotel.
Turkish cuisine is very tasty, but also very peculiar. For religious reasons, pork is not eaten there. In the dishes there are many spices and spices. Therefore, the best vacation with children in Turkey can be overshadowed by the fact that the child simply refuses to eat food that is unusual for him. Travelers in the reviews recommend that you find out in advance whether the restaurant of your chosen hotel has conditions for feeding babies. And they should not be limited only to the presence of high chairs for feeding. Ideally, a hotel restaurant should offer a so-called "children's table". This is a row of shacks located at the height of a five-year-old child. Children, imitating adults, can choose their own food. And not just any, but useful and loved by them. These are mashed potatoes, pasta, steam meatballs, chicken breast, soups - all with a minimum of spices. For breakfast in the restaurant menu, pancakes, pancakes, cereals with milk and other dishes loved by children are desirable. And for the smallest guests, the restaurant of the "five" should provide a sterilizer and bottle warmer, milk formulas and first foods.

Parents in their reviews assure that swimming in the sea and building sand castles delight children for the first two days. Then they get tired of it and theywant something new. And nothing occupies the kids like a swing-carousel. There are playgrounds in Turkey even in hotels without a single star. It is much more important to know what they are - these places of entertainment for kids. Knowing the restlessness of their children, many parents would like to see the coverage of such sites as soft as possible, so that in which case it would not be necessary to go to the emergency room. Since children will spend a lot of time on swings and slides, it is important that the sun does not bake their heads. Playgrounds should be well shaded. In the "fives" a trampoline is added to the standard set of children's fun. In case of bad weather, there should be a room with toys and a video player on which cartoons are broadcast. And of course, hotels in Turkey for families with children are inconceivable without a shallow pool (most often heated).
Sometimes people want to get rid of the burden of parenting! And the best vacation in Turkey with children will be when experienced animators take care of the kids. These are teachers who are successfully disguised as sociable guys and girls. Even the most uncommunicative and sociopathic child will be delighted with the mini-club run by such animators. The language barrier with the proper organization of children's leisure does not matter. In good hotels, mini-clubs have several groups, divided by age: for kids, elementary school students and teenagers. And in hotels in Turkey, which are not suitable for families with a child, except that children's hits are played before an adult disco. Mini clubsare also different. If you want to take a break from your child and want it not to get bored, make sure that the animators will be engaged in the wards from morning to evening, and not only at certain hours. In good hotels, the mini club provides lunch and afternoon nap.

The best family entertainment during a holiday with children in Turkey is a water park. Towns of water attractions are now available at any seaside resort. But you will save a lot of money if you choose a hotel with its own water park as your place of residence in Turkey. Reviews of parents about such hotels are unanimously enthusiastic. For kids, completely harmless slides in the form of elephants and mushrooms were built there, and for schoolchildren and teenagers there are such slopes, on which even an adult is breathtaking. Hesitating whether it is possible to go on vacation to Turkey with a very tiny child? Parent reviews claim that speci alty hotels have more than just bathtubs, pots and bottle sterilizers. For a fee, you can hire a certified nanny or baby sitter. And in some hotels, along with mini-clubs, there are even nurseries.
When going on vacation in Turkey with a child, you need to think about leisure outside the hotel. Not all excursions are equally interesting for children. Walking through ancient ruins and medieval temples can be entertaining for schoolchildren, but not for crumbs of three years old. But riding on a donkey and a show of trained dolphins will leave in children's memory the mosthappy memories of Turkey. At least once during your vacation you need to visit a real water park. In Turkey, they are stylized as the Thousand and One Nights fairy tales, and do not leave indifferent neither kids, nor schoolchildren, nor adults.
The best holiday in Turkey with children: reviews
What resorts and hotels do family tourists recommend? In Belek, famous for its sandy beaches, Melissa Garden 4 remains the undisputed leader. In Alanya, there are good “troikas”, such as “Deha Hotel” and “Club Sun Heaven Family”, as well as “fours”: Antik Roman Palace, Sapphire, Asrin Beach and others. The resort of Side is entirely specialized in children's recreation, due to its microclimate and location among the coniferous forest. On the Aegean coast, reviews recommend Holiday Resort in Didim, Rosso Verde in Bodrum, Tusan Beach Resort in Kusadasi and Pasha Beach in Marmaris.