The Chusovaya River has an interesting history and many sights. This is the only river of its kind that crosses the Urals, thus stretching across both Europe and Asia.
Rafting on the Chusovaya River is one of the most unique and favorite among tourists. More details about this and much more will be discussed below.
A little about the origin of the name of the river
There are several options.
Most likely, the name is made up of the Komi-Permyak words "chus" and "va", meaning "fast" and "water" respectively - "chusva" ("fast water").

Before we tell how the rafting on the Chusovaya River takes place, let's consider some more versions of the origin of this interesting name of the river.
1. Chusovaya means "hour". In the 18th century, this version was put forward in the course of an expedition to the Urals by Academician I. I. Lepikhin. He considered that the name had been changed, and that the river was formerly called "Sentinel" because ofwaiting for the time (hour) when ships can be launched. But the name was formed long before ships were launched through these waters.
2. The word "Chuosi" in the Komyak language means "sacred river".
3. There is also a more fantastic version. According to her, the name of the river consists of four words, and four different languages with a similar meaning: from the Tibetan "chu", the Turkic "su", from the Komi-Permyak "va" and the Mansi "I". They all mean the word "river". It turns out that the name of the river, according to this version, should mean four times “river” in translation.
5. The version put forward by A. S. Krivoshchekova-Gantman (a researcher of the Komi-Permyak language), the following: "chus" is a Komi-Permyak archaic word that means "deep ravine", "gorge" and "canyon". "Chusva", in her opinion, is either "gorge river", or "river in the canyon".
Chusovaya: general description
To see all the unique beauty of these places, you need to raft down the Chusovaya River. This is one of the most popular outdoor activities in the area.
Chusovaya is the most famous river in the Urals with a curious history and magnificent natural beauty. It starts its journey in Asia, crosses the Ural mountains and then flows through Europe.

Chusovaya takes its beginning on the Ural slopes (eastern), which it crosses and ends on the western spurs of the Ural Range. The unprecedented beauty of the river is given by limestone and dolomite blocks - giant stones. These rocks areare called Stones. In total, there are about 200 of them on average. Basically, they rise above the water to a height of 115 meters, and their length along the coast reaches 1.5 kilometers.
The river flows into the Kama.
Rafting on the Chusovaya River (Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Tagil)
Every year, thousands of people make this amazing romantic challenge, allowing not only to see the beauty of the surrounding nature, but also to test their strength and endurance and become even stronger.

This type of travel is very popular in Yekaterinburg and throughout the Urals. There are many travel companies of extreme recreation in different cities that carry out rafting on the Chusovaya River. "Sturm" is one of the most famous. It is located in Nizhny Tagil.
Many mountain rivers of various depths and amazing natural landscapes are the reasons why they become a favorite hobby of people who have tried this activity at least once.
Agencies offer the services of professionals who calculate the best routes for time and complexity. For tourists, they offer the services of experienced instructors.

Natural Attractions
These places are rich in amazing historical sights: caves, rocks, monuments. Most of the rock outcrops are natural monuments. In total, the river has 70 riffles and more than 150 tributaries (considerable rivers and very small streams).
Rafting on the Chusovaya River is amazingromantic route. Along the banks of Chusovaya there are majestic rocks, each having its own name. This is the main attraction of these places. Outwardly, they are almost similar to each other and are composed of Permian and Devonian limestones, a little less often - dolomites, anhydrites and shales. Many rocks have interesting outcrops in the form of lamination and brown coloration from iron oxide streaks or spots of yellowish-red color of scale lichens.
There are small caves and grottoes in the rocks, but the karst is not very active here, so there are no particularly large caves.
In general, the rocks on the Chusovaya River are called stones, and those on which the current flows into the big water are called fighters, because barges with products from factories often crashed here during the rafting period in spring. Such moments in the history of the Chusovaya River were even mentioned by the writer D. N. Mom's Siberian.

Flora and fauna of the area
The valley of the Chusovaya River is rich in rare plants listed in the Red Book. Also here there are such wild animals as wolves, elks, lynxes, bears, wild boars, squirrels, martens and sables. Muskrats and beavers live in the river.
And fish live here in significant numbers, including valuable species: grayling and taimen. Many birds, including herons and ducks.
Due to the richness of fauna and flora, the variety of unique natural landscapes, traveling and rafting along the Chusovaya River leaves many unforgettable impressions.
Everyone who has visited at least once these magnificentits beauty of the place, tend to come here again and again. Travelers are especially impressed by the exciting rafting on the Chusovaya River. 2014 was rich in such events!

Various routes make it possible to see the true beauty of the nature of the Urals. Reviews of absolutely all tourists are the most positive and enthusiastic.
There is nothing surprising in the fact that these places are very popular among travelers. The Chusovaya River is one of the most beautiful rivers in the Urals.