Nature of Karelia. Rest in Karelia

Nature of Karelia. Rest in Karelia
Nature of Karelia. Rest in Karelia

Karelia is located in the northwestern part of Russia. This is an amazing region that attracts tourists from all over the world with its beauty. The nature of Karelia is rich in broad-leaved forests and clean lakes. Picturesque reservoirs, rocky shores, unique plants - all this undoubtedly attracts tourists. In addition, such rivers as Shuya, Vodla, Kem flow in Karelia, which are especially popular among lovers of kayaking. Description of the nature of Karelia and its climatic conditions, read in this article.


  • Winter is relatively mild, long. Starts from the end of October. It is characterized by frequent changes in the temperature regime (sharp thaws and cold snaps). The coldest winter month is February.
  • Spring in Karelia begins at the end of March. Frosts often occur in May.
  • Summer starts in June. The hottest month is July (+ 14… +16 degrees C). The temperature in the summer months can range from 0 to +34degrees C.
  • Autumn starts in the second half of August. The weather tends to be windy (especially on the coast).
Nature of Karelia
Nature of Karelia


Most of the vegetation cover of Karelia was formed in the post-glacial period. A significant territory of the republic is covered with coniferous forests. In the southern part of Karelia, large areas are occupied by pine forests, while spruce forests predominate in the northern part. Karelian birch is widespread in Prionezhye and on the Zaonezhsky Peninsula. This plant is included in the list of the most valuable tree species in the world. The nature of Karelia is amazingly beautiful. The shores of the lakes are covered with pine trees, which alternate with blueberry and lingonberry bushes. In addition, the forests of Karelia are the kingdom of mushrooms. There are chanterelles, boletus, boletus, boletus, mushrooms.


The nature of Karelia is amazing because the fauna in the north of the republic is characteristic tundra, and in the south - taiga. Lynxes, brown bears, badgers, wolves, beavers, white hares, squirrels live in the forests. Moose, raccoon dogs, wild boars and Canadian minks can be found in the southern regions of Karelia. Otters, martens, muskrats, European minks live in rivers and lakes. There are seals in the White Sea. The world of birds in Karelia is surprisingly diverse. Here you can see hazel grouse, capercaillie, hawks, white partridges, golden eagles, black grouse. There are ducks in the lakes, sandpipers in the swamps, and seagulls on the sea coast.

Nature of Karelia photo
Nature of Karelia photo


The nature of Karelia is the main attraction of the region. This is the world of lakes and rivers. Bigpart of the territory of the republic is dotted with various reservoirs that impress with their beauty and richness of flora and fauna.

Lake Ladoga is the largest in Karelia and throughout Europe. It is from here that the beautiful Neva and other rivers - Volkhov, Svir, Olonka originate. Lake Ladoga is the most popular tourist attraction in Karelia. This is a favorite land of fishermen and hunters. Pike, grayling, pike perch are found in Lake Ladoga, and there are many upland birds in coastal areas.

Lake Onega is the second largest in Karelia and in Europe. Despite the fact that it is half the size of Ladoga, this body of water attracts no less tourists. Firstly, salmon, trout, pike, pike perch and bream are found in the waters of Lake Onega. Secondly, the water here is very warm and clear.

Tourism in Karelia

The nature of Karelia, whose photos surprise with their beauty, has long attracted the attention of travelers from all over the world. The tourism business is well developed in the republic. Despite the fact that hotels are located only in cities, there are camp sites and wooden houses on the shores of Karelian lakes.

Description of the nature of Karelia
Description of the nature of Karelia

Karelia is an amazing place where you can enjoy the beauty of nature and solitude. In addition, all conditions for good hunting and fishing are created here. At any tourist base, you can rent equipment necessary for recreation.

It should be noted that Karelia is called the "lungs of Europe". An amazing number of coniferous trees grow here, so this place is especially popular among people suffering from bronchitis, asthma andother diseases of the respiratory system.
