Uchinsk reservoir is one of the artificial reservoirs in the hydraulic system of the Moscow Canal. But from the entire chain of other large reservoirs of this system, it has a number of significant differences. All fundamental differences are due to the functional purpose of the reservoir, located away from the main navigable fairway of the canal. The Uchinsk reservoir is one of the main sources that provide sustainable water supply to such a grandiose metropolis as the city of Moscow. It is from here that the main volume of water intake is produced. Water is supplied through a special channel to the Eastern Waterworks of Moscow, from where it is distributed to consumers.

Uchinsk reservoir. Its natural and economic features
The history of this place dates back to 1937, when the construction of the Akulovsky hydroelectric complex on the Ucha River was completed. The Uchinsk reservoir formed here had a length of twelve kilometers and a width of about three. The depth reaches twenty meters. The main thing that has been determining the appearance of this reservoir for several decades is the administrative regime that restricts the free access of citizens to its coast. The area aroundThe Uchinsky reservoir is a strict water protection zone. It is this circumstance that explains the complete absence of any kind of tourist infrastructure in such places, which in all other respects are suitable for Sunday rest. There are no tourist bases here, swimming, lighting fires on the shore and moving around the water area in motor boats are prohibited. Local residents most often use the word "prohibition" to refer to what is marked on the map as the Uchinsk reservoir. Rest on this not quite accessible territory, in fact, is possible. But at your own risk. Many people love this place precisely for that - for its inaccessibility to the general tourist masses.

This is one of the most environmentally friendly places in the entire near and more distant suburbs. By the way, it is this circumstance that provides good fishing for everyone who managed to get to the Uchinsk reservoir through secret paths. The map suggests that the easiest way to do this is from the northeast direction, from the side of the Yaroslavl highway. But it is quite possible to get there by train from the Yaroslavl station, going to the platform of the Pravda station. Here you will have to transfer to a regular bus of route 36 and a trip to the stop "Karyer". But the most reliable transport for this kind of travel should be recognized as a bicycle.

Recent Negative Phenomena
These should include the weakening of the administrative regime. Nature around the Uchinsky reservoirtoo good not to be coveted by various corrupt and simply influential people. In recent years, more and more various buildings have appeared on the territory forbidden to ordinary citizens, and this cannot but negatively affect the ecology of the water protection zone. The southwestern shore of the reservoir is being developed especially actively.