Metro station "Rizhskaya" (Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line)

Metro station "Rizhskaya" (Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line)
Metro station "Rizhskaya" (Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line)

It just so happens that metro stations all over the world compete in their decoration and architectural delights. Among them there are those that have long become classics and role models. Among them is the Rizhskaya metro station, located in the capital of the Russian Federation.

Riga metro station
Riga metro station

A bit of history

On May 1, 1958, the new Rizhskaya metro station was opened to the public. It is named so in honor of the Riga railway station, to which passengers get through it. Construction itself began much earlier.

In the middle of the 50s of the last century, the Moscow Metro had already established itself as a profitable and convenient means of transportation. But he still could not cope with all the needs of the capital for the transportation of passengers to its different ends. Therefore, it was decided to develop the metro, increasing the length of the hauls and the number of stations.

Since the presence of the Riga railway station required the improvement of transport conditions for Muscovites, it was decided to open another station not far from it,which became part of the Prospect Mira - VDNKh section.

Strengthening friendship between peoples

To confirm the policy of the USSR aimed at developing friendly relations between peoples, the Moscow government decided to offer the design and construction of the station to representatives of Latvia. Who, if not they, knew what this metro station should be.

Moscow metro map
Moscow metro map

But work did not start right away. In 1956, a competition was announced for design work on the construction and decoration of the new station. 6 projects took part in it. The competition was held not only in Latvia, but also in Moscow. In the end, the final version was approved by a team of young architects, which included: A. Reinfelds, V. Apsitis, S. Kravets, Yu. Kolesnikova, G. Golubev.

A little later, a decree was issued on the inexpediency of architectural excesses. In the final version, we had to abandon the openwork aluminum grilles on the ventilation and a huge panel with the image of Riga on the blank wall of the lobby.

Station features

The entire Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line runs underground with different depths of tunnels. In particular, the Rizhskaya itself is located 46 meters from the surface. It is a three-vaulted pylon station with a vestibule and two platforms. It has one exit to the surface, to which three escalator strips are laid. There is an outer lobby above the station.

Kaluga-Rizhskaya line
Kaluga-Rizhskaya line

This is one of the first stations that gave rise to the entire line. It was built using new technologies. Ferries betweentunnels were reduced to 8.5 meters in diameter, which made it possible to lay them parallel to the busy Mira Avenue, but immediately below it.

Some of the features include the fact that "Rizhskaya" - a metro station, which Moscow uses relatively often - was built in honor of the capital of Latvia and taking into account its flavor.

Unique Finish

Initially, the Rizhskaya metro station was designed as a reflection of the peculiarities of the country whose capital it was named after. Therefore, it was decided to finish the finish in yellow-brown tones. The meaning of this color solution lies in the fact that the tile should imitate the color of the famous B altic amber, which Latvia is famous for.

In order to add splendor to the interior, the architects decided to make small bas-reliefs depicting iconic places for Riga on the front of the pylons, finished with brown-red tiles.

It was planned that a beautiful panel depicting this city would decorate a blank wall, but in the course of the fight against "architectural excesses" this idea had to be abandoned.

The tunnels opposite the platforms are finished with yellow-brown and black tiles, which periodically fall off due to vibration and low quality. Therefore, from time to time it is necessary to carry out repairs to the Rizhskaya metro station in order to eliminate ugly bald spots.

repair of the metro station rizhskaya
repair of the metro station rizhskaya

Legend of the tile

It is known that craftsmen from Latvia were engaged in the construction of the station. Finishing materials were also ordered in this country. One potter was given the taskto make a batch of tiles that would exactly imitate the amber color. He did an amazing job. However, during transportation and facing work, part of the tile broke, so the project could not be completed.

Of course, the architects turned to the master potter again. But he was offended that his creation was so carelessly treated and refused to repeat the game. In addition, he stated that he would not be able to repeat the color exactly under any circumstances.

moscow metro kaluzhsko rizhskaya line
moscow metro kaluzhsko rizhskaya line

In order to somehow get out of the situation, an intelligent student was sent to him. But he was never able to find out the secret of the tile. In order to be able to hand over the station on time, he was forced to confess to the master in his "spy" mission. And he took pity on the people working on the project. But the tile still turned out to be a slightly different shade than the one that had already been used. So the scheme of the Moscow metro was replenished with a station with its own legend.

Famous market

In the late 80s of the last century, the Riga market was especially popular, which could be reached using the Moscow metro. The Kaluga-Rizhskaya line contributed to the fact that merchants from all over the city flocked to the market. It was from here that the famous nineties began. The fact is that for the first time in the city commercial activity appeared on the Riga market, and with it the first bandits who began to “protect” the newly minted merchants. In the market you could buy imported jeans, jackets and sweaters, whichearlier in Moscow it was impossible to do it anywhere.

This moment in history is well illustrated by the famous bandit series "Brigada". Sasha Bely began his criminal career with his friends in this market. As can be seen from the film, more than one crime boss and thief in law was "born" here.

Two city name line

In the 1950s, it was not planned that the Moscow metro scheme would have a new branch from south to north. In those days, they thought to build several branches from the radial line. In the northern direction, the Riga branch was created, which consisted of four stations. Towards the south, a branch was built from Oktyabrskaya to Novye Cheryomushki, and later to the Kaluzhskaya station itself, which is located in the Kaluga metro depot.

problems on the Kaluga-Rizhskaya line
problems on the Kaluga-Rizhskaya line

The development of the city and the increase in the flow of passengers created such circumstances that two branches had to be connected inside the ring, as a result of which a single Kaluga-Rizhskaya line was obtained.

During its construction, the Moscow method was first used, during which only metro stations were built with open pits, and the spans between the tunnels were pressed through without opening the upper arch.

Due to the use of standard designs of stations and cheap finishing materials, problems on the Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line began almost immediately. Tiles were constantly falling off, which required cosmetic repairs. Over time, it was replaced with aluminum profiles and granite of the same color as the previously used tile.

Stationmetro station "Rizhskaya" today

Today, the passenger traffic through this station is about 50,600 people a day, which is not the highest figure in the city.

riga metro station moscow
riga metro station moscow

At the wall, where there was free space after the cancellation of the panel, there is a banner, which depicts the cities of the world and the Moscow metro stations, after which they are named: Bratislava, Rome, Kyiv, Warsaw, Prague, Riga. This is a kind of tribute to these cities.

2004 was a tragic year for Rizhskaya. It was on it that the attack was planned to be carried out. The suicide bomber walked into the subway with a bomb on her, but she was frightened by the police who were on duty at the entrance to the station. Therefore, the woman moved into the thick of people and blew up the device on the surface. In addition to her, nine people died that day from an explosion equal to 2.5-3 kg of TNT.

The station became famous thanks to D. Glukhovsky's post-apocalyptic novel "Metro 2033". It was she who was the center of trade, fraud and prostitution in the world invented by the author.
