Reviews about "Beltourist" is important to know for all travelers who plan to use the services of this travel company. Currently, it is the leading tour operator in the Belarusian market, which specializes in bus tours, but at the same time develops in other sectors of this market. The company is ready to organize tours to 44 countries of the world, more than 22 thousand people have already used its services. It is important that the company operates not only on the territory of the union state, but also has its own representative offices in the Russian Federation. Particularly in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
About company
Reviews about "Beltourist" in Russia appear more and more every year, as tourists from the Russian Federation are increasingly using the services of this company. Many willingly trust this tour operator, as it is a brand with a rich history, which is well known outside of Belarus itself. The company has established itself as a reliable partner capable of providing anytravel assistance.
At present, the travel agency is the leader in the tourist market of Belarus, the company actively offers its services to Russians. The number of tourists from Russia who seek help from the Beltourist travel agency is growing every year.
Due to increased demand, the company's office appeared in Moscow in 2017. The company itself claims that only real professionals work here, who provide full customer support at all stages, from selecting a tour to returning the client home. In "Beltourist" they always focus on what they consider the safety of customers, comfort and convenience on vacation to be the main thing in their work, besides, they do not forget that prices should remain affordable. Customer focus guarantees high quality service and low prices. These are the main goals that the company sets in its work.
Specialists guarantee you that each client will be sure that they will receive only satisfaction from the trip and only positive emotions. Is this really so, we will try to figure it out, based on the reviews of the "Beltourist" travel agency, which we present in this article.
Bus tours

Bus tours from "Beltourist" is one of the main directions in the company's work. The tour operator offers tourists to visit Croatia, Germany, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, France, Austria, Spain, Switzerland, Scandinavia, Italy, Belarus.
In reviews ofTravel agency "Beltourist" clients note that it is here that they are ready to provide the most diverse programs of tours of completely different directions and durations. Accordingly, their prices are strikingly different.
In this article we will talk about several typical offers from this company, which recently can be used not only by tourists from Belarus, but also by Russia.
Vacation in Croatia

Recently, Croatia has been popular with our tourists. In this country, for relatively little money, you can enjoy the warm sea and favorable climate. In particular, the company offers to spend a vacation in Croatia by ordering a bus tour lasting 12 days.
The journey begins with the arrival of the tour group in Minsk, from where the clients set off on their journey around five o'clock in the morning. In transit, they overcome the territories of Belarus, Poland and Slovakia, in the evening they arrive in the Hungarian capital of Budapest. It is supposed to check into a hotel and overnight.
The next day, a sightseeing tour of Budapest with a visit to the unique architectural complex "Fisherman's Bastion", the neo-Gothic parliament building, the Matthias Temple, where royal families traditionally get married, the central park Varoshliget, Heroes' Square. In the evening, the group boards buses for an overnight journey to Croatia.
Tourists arrive in Klek in the morning. This is a village in the very south of Croatia, on the sea coast with pleasant beaches with a gentle entrance, bays of amazingbeauty. Accommodation in bungalows in double rooms. Each has its own kitchen, fan, Wi-Fi. If necessary, it is possible to check into a new hotel for an additional fee.
A seaside vacation is planned with the opportunity to go on an excursion to Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to rafting on mountain rivers, to ancient Dubrovnik, which is considered the hallmark of tourist Croatia. Together with Venice and Amsterdam, Dubrovnik is considered one of the three most beautiful cities in Europe. It is surrounded by fortress walls, on narrow and small streets there are many brilliant statues, one of the oldest pharmacies in the world in the monastery, the prince's palace, the Cathedral. In total, customers spend 8 days at sea, having the opportunity to visit the largest electronic music festival in Europe, Ultra Music Festival, for an additional fee.
After check-out from the bungalow, the group goes in transit through the territory of Croatia, Slovenia, Austria. At night, the bus arrives in Poland.
In Krakow, checking into a hotel. In the morning - sightseeing tour of the city with a visit to the royal castle, the main market Sukennitsa, St. Mary's Church. If you wish, you can go shopping in the shopping center, located within walking distance from the hotel. Late evening arrival in Belarus.
The price of the tour includes travel on a comfortable Euroclass bus, two nights in three-star hotels, two breakfasts, sightseeing tours in Budapest and Krakow, accommodation in Croatia for 8 days (7 nights). Additionally, you will need to pay for insurance, a visa, entrance tickets to museums and visits to other attractions. An excursion to Dubrovnik costs 30 euros per person (about 2300 rubles), to Korcula and Mostar - 25 euros each (about 1900 rubles). During the tour in July it is possible to visit the electronic music festival - the price of the ticket will depend on its category. The organization of rafting on a mountain river will cost 30 euros for a group of six people.
For 10 euros (about 760 rubles) you can additionally reserve an exact seat on the bus. Since 2018, Croatia has had a city tax for tourists in the amount of 8 euros (about 600 rubles) per adult, 4 (about 300 rubles) per child aged 12 to 18.
No overnight travel

Judging by the reviews of bus tours in "Beltourist", one of the main disadvantages in such trips is night crossings. The company has foreseen this moment by offering special tours in which there are no night crossings at all. For example, under such conditions, you can go to Germany, in particular, visit Dresden and Berlin.
Planned departure to Germany from the territory of Belarus (from Minsk or Brest). Departure from the Belarusian capital at 4 am, from Brest at 9:00 am. The tour group overcomes the territory of Poland in transit, arriving in Germany.
In Dresden, the price includes breakfast, and then a sightseeing tour of the old part of the city, which is also called German Florence. Around you will be surrounded by amazingly beautiful baroque architecture. Be sure to visit the Opera House on Theater Square, the Zwinger Palace, the Brühl Embankment, Dresdenart gallery (its visit is paid separately, a ticket costs 20 euros - about one and a half thousand rubles).
In the evening transfer to spend the night on the border of Germany and Poland, not far from Berlin. The next day after breakfast, departure to the German capital. You will have a bus and walking tour with a tour of the Reichstag, Brandenburg Gate, Berlin Wall, Museum Island, Alexanderplatz, a memorial to the memory of Soviet soldiers who died during the storming of Berlin during World War II. After that, free time is scheduled. You can go to the famous Berlin Zoo, which is home to about 13,000 species of animals, or to Potsdam, the prototype of the Russian Peterhof and the French Versailles.
Total duration of the tour is four days.
Event tourism

Event tourism is popular. For example, visiting the stage of the Biathlon World Cup, which takes place in Oberhof, Germany. In 2019, you can get on this tour from January 4 to January 8, just during the New Year holidays.
On the first day, check-in to the apartment, free time, and by 16:15 organized departure for the men's sprint race at a distance of 10 kilometers. Then return to the place of residence and overnight.
You can visit Dresden or Leipzig in the morning on January 6th, and by 4:30 pm go to the women's seven and a half kilometer sprint race.
January 7 free time in the morning. In the afternoon, departure to the stadium, where the men's and women's pursuit races will take place. After moving to the hotelborder of the Czech Republic and Poland. Overnight stay. The next day, early in the morning, the bus leaves for Minsk, where it will arrive late in the evening.
Air travel

In addition to bus tours, the company offers holidays that include air travel. "Beltourist" can organize your vacation along the most popular and rare routes. For example, to Abkhazia, Vietnam, Germany, Greece, Georgia, Dominican Republic, Egypt, India, Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Poland, Thailand, Turkey, Montenegro, Croatia, Tunisia.
Europe fans can go to Austria, Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, UK, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Finland, Czech Republic, Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, to M alta.
Exotic fans will enjoy holidays in Argentina, Brazil, Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Cambodia, Maldives, Mexico, United Arab Emirates, Fiji, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Japan.
If you are not afraid of many hours of flights, feel free to go to Cuba, China, Panama, the Seychelles, the USA, the Philippines, Jamaica.
Also with this travel agency you will see such Asian countries as Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bahrain, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Lebanon, Malaysia, Oman, Singapore.
For example, you can go to Turkey from Moscow in late November - early December for 18 thousand rubles with all-inclusive meals, but without the ability to choose a certain view from the room.
As an alternative example, let's talk about a holiday in Cambodia. Company"Beltourist" is ready to organize a vacation in this country for 146 thousand rubles for two with a flight from Moscow to the resort town of Sihanoukville on the shores of the Gulf of Thailand. For that kind of money, you can relax for seven nights, breakfast is included in the price of the tour.
Bus rental

According to reviews of "Beltourist", such a service as bus rental is popular. For example, it is in demand for organizing group trips to popular tourist destinations. Due to its own fleet of vehicles, the company is able to significantly improve the quality of services provided. So now the service is provided - renting a bus with a driver.
Customers have the opportunity to rent four 57-seat Setra 417HDH buses and two 60-seat Mercedes Turismo buses. This is the best option for the work of a travel agency, organizing an exhibition, excursion, conference or other event, meeting colleagues or guests.
The buses of this tour operator have a number of obvious advantages. All vehicles are equipped with enlarged tanks, which can significantly reduce fuel consumption. All buses are as comfortable as possible, as they were originally designed for long journeys around Europe. They have increased luggage compartments, flexible payment and rental conditions. All drivers are professionals in their field, with significant experience in traveling around Europe.

Offers from this tour operator have long been of interestdomestic travelers.
"Beltourist" in the Russian capital is located at Raushskaya embankment, 4/5, room 344. The office is open daily on weekdays from 10 am to 6:30 pm.
In St. Petersburg, a representative office is open at Efimova Street, 1/4, letter A, apt. 35, the territory of the business center "Sennaya, 4".
Customer Experiences

There are a lot of positive reviews about the travel agency "Beltourist". Many note that the services of this company can be used even in those regions where there are no representative offices. Money for a ticket should be transferred through Sberbank, and all travel documents will be sent to your email.
The company clearly and carefully fulfills all obligations. Sends tickets, an electronic voucher, and insurance within a predetermined time frame. So the rest is possible.
In reviews of bus tours in "Beltourist", travelers emphasize that many have certain concerns. Doubts arise due to the modest Moscow office, as well as the need to pay for most of the tour when boarding the bus, and not in advance, as required by most companies.
As a result, the rest is a success. Tour guides and trip organizers from the travel agency create the most comfortable conditions, provide assistance in any matters, without showing any negative emotions.
Companies and long journeys work out. Tourists praise the rest in Egypt from "Beltourist". The reviews write that even when buyinglast-minute tour, the client is treated with increased attention, helping to make a choice, explaining all unclear points. After that, as quickly as possible, they draw up all the necessary documents that are necessary for a comfortable stay.
At the same time, it is worth recognizing that there are quite a lot of negative reviews about "Beltourist" in Moscow and other cities. Some tourists emphasize that the trip organized by this tour operator turns out to be a complete disappointment in all nuances: from the organization of the tour itself to unjustified expectations.
Especially a lot of feedback about "" comes about trips on the route Berlin - Paris - Amsterdam. Problems start from the very beginning, when the bus departure time is delayed by more than an hour. Initially, tourists are cold and wet in the rain. All this leads to negative feedback about the company "Beltourist".
The bus turns out to be comfortable and new, with Polish drivers. At the same time, he was regularly late everywhere, which was offset by a reduction in the free time of tourists. As a result, instead of the six to eight hours initially promised for independent walks, there is no more than one or one and a half hours left. This was only enough to visit the toilet, have a bite to eat and frantically try to buy at least some souvenirs. Due to constant delays, according to tourists, groups of travelers regularly arrive in Amsterdam very late. The sightseeing tour itself turns out to be completely useless and uninteresting, as a largea group (about 60 people) that simply cannot fit on narrow sidewalks with heavy cyclist traffic. As a result, everyone tried only not to get lost. And in the end, the bus regularly has to wait until three in the morning at McDonald's. An unpleasant ending to this trip was that the tourists were taken only to Brest, although the route was originally planned to the Belarusian capital. After they handed out train tickets - to the side seats in the reserved seat near the toilet. All this leads to disappointment and negative reviews about "Beltourist" in St. Petersburg and other cities.