Moscow does not have a good environment. And if not for the numerous parks, squares, rivers and lakes, it would be really bad. Thanks to the large planting areas, Muscovites and guests of the capital have the opportunity to relax and breathe clean air. One of these places is the Dubki park. And although this name appeared about half a century ago, this area has its own history, which begins in the 19th century. In those days, there was a chic oak grove here.
Dubki Park in the 19th century

In the middle of the grove was a three-part lake. This reservoir was not independent, but was part of the water exchange system in the north of Moscow. And now, according to some information, it connects with the waters of the Kopytovka River, through it - with the Ostankino and Farmer ponds. And all this with the help of a system of underground collectors. Previously, there was a connection with the Astradam and Deer ponds through the Zhabenka river. Significant changes began after 1861, when the Petrovsky-Razumovskaya estate became the property of the Forest Academy. They began to cut down parts of the grove and keep a dacha thereconstruction, laying new driveways and roads. It turns out that the Moscow Zoo was originally planned to be built not on Krasnaya Presnya, but here. A beautiful lake, a chic forest - ideal conditions, but it was necessary to perform a small amount of work. The distance to the center of the capital was great, and for this sole reason, the mayors of Moscow decided that the public would not travel that far.
The next stage of history: after 1945

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, the grove was almost completely cut down. One person stood up for defense, Mironov, a former engineer for landscaping and landscaping. He began to defend the ancient oak grove in front of the officials. He connected students, pensioners, schoolchildren, in general, the entire local population to the struggle. The felling was stopped and even new plantings were planted: young oaks, lilacs, ornamental varieties of shrubs and trees. The ponds began to be put in order. It was the oak trees that gave the name to the revived park. In the 80s, they wanted to build up this area with residential buildings, but again, caring people defended it. In the same years, a large amount of landscaping work was carried out here. After the cleaning of the ponds, many springs clogged. They built a children's town. It was soon destroyed, but then rebuilt again. Recently, these places were thoroughly put in order, and now the Dubki park is a favorite place for recreation and walks for all residents.
Modern Leisure Park

Now we have a nice, cozy park, which, with its area of 18 hectares, is included incomposition of the large reserve "Petrovsko-Razumovskoe". Before us is a typical oak forest near Moscow. Remote from highways and roads, free planning, with many paths and paths. There are two ponds on the territory, interconnected by a canal with a bridge. They are reinforced and decorated with environmentally friendly wooden piles. In summer, you can feed ducks in the ponds, fountains work. Swimming is prohibited.
What else is the Dubki park in Moscow famous for? The main attraction, of course, is the oak alley with centuries-old oaks. There is an amusement park, children ride horses on weekends. In winter, the nearby hill turns into an excellent hill, from which those who wish go down on skis and sledges. On the territory of the park there is a famous memorial in honor of the 55th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. If you regularly and for a long time visit the Dubki park, you undoubtedly have a photo of this place. Every year, young trees are planted here, renewing the territory and making it even more comfortable and well-groomed. The public can relax in a cafe or on one of the benches. A family, children can have a great time.
Exotic park experience: sauna

Park visitors who love sauna have the opportunity to visit such an institution here. Park "Dubki" lures you with a sauna, made in an exotic form. The rest room in the institution is designed in the form of a cave, the walls are completely made of stone, stalactites hang from the ceiling, which gives realism to the design of the room. Perfectly fit the table andsofa in the seating area located on the edge of the pool. There is a banquet area with a wooden table and benches, fenced off from everything else by a wicker fence. It is equipped with all modern communications: satellite TV, video and audio equipment. The Finnish steam room can accommodate up to ten visitors at the same time. Brooms and aromatherapy are at your service. Then - in a luxurious pool, where you can not only plunge, but also swim. In this institution, wedding banquets, corporate events are held, anniversaries and birthdays, anniversaries are celebrated, families with children have a rest. The festive table will offer you dishes of European cuisine and a wide selection of drinks. Relaxation in the sauna will be enjoyed and remembered for a long time.
Location and how to get there
Where is the park "Dubki"? Moscow, Nemchinov street, near the Timiryazevskaya metro station. Arriving by metro, you need to go from it along the pedestrian street, go around the shopping center and four Soviet-built panel houses on the left. The landmark is a wooden temple located at the entrance to the park. In the event that you went to the place of rest by car, be guided by the address: Ivanovskaya street, house number 3, which is located directly at the entrance. Here, in the yard, you can leave the car.