Mount Kosvinsky Stone: description

Mount Kosvinsky Stone: description
Mount Kosvinsky Stone: description

The Ural Mountains are a very valuable and unique natural object. It is here that you can breathe clean air and drink spring water. Admire the majestic beauty of your native land. Get a charge of vivacity and energy.

Ural expanses

In the boundless eastern expanses, the Ural Mountains stretch in a narrow belt from the north, from the Yamal Peninsula, to the south, to the very borders of the Orenburg region. It is they who are considered to be the natural border dividing the mainland into two halves: Europe and Asia. Their length is more than 2000 kilometers.

Kosvinsky stone
Kosvinsky stone

A distinctive feature is the expansion of the massif as it lengths: at the top it is 40-60 km, down to 150. The mountain range is also divided into five parts: Northern Urals, Southern, Middle, Subpolar and Polar. Scientists claim that this massif was formed more than 3.5 billion years ago as a result of a rupture of the earth's crust.

Rich natural land

This area is an area with a large supply of minerals. Of the 55 items, 48 were mined in the depths of the Urals: iron, nickel, copper, gold, platinum, aluminum raw materials, potash s alts,precious stones - and this is not a complete list of them.

Due to its favorable location in the taiga zone, in addition to natural resources, the Northern Urals is famous for its forest. Most of the territory of the Sverdlovsk region is occupied by deciduous and coniferous vegetation. These are mainly trees of valuable species: cedar, pine, spruce, larch, which allows the development of the wood processing industry.

There are also many large rivers flowing through the territory of the mountain range: Vishera, Pechora, Kosva, Lozva. Many different fish live in them: herring, grayling, whitefish, taimen, salmon and other valuable species, so fishing is well developed here. But still no one can name the number of small river reservoirs.

northern ural
northern ural

General information about the array

Mount Kosvinsky Kamen is very famous outside the Ural lands, the height of which is 1519 m. It is only half a meter lower than its neighbor (Konzhak), therefore it is considered one of the highest in the Ural Range. Its circumference is 40 km.

The mountain surprises many with its original shape, which is presented in the form of a regular cone with a plain on top and steep slopes. Therefore, during the period of snowmelt, small lakes form on its plane.

I would like to note that on Mount Kosvinsky Kamen there is the presence of rocky remnants (areas of a once higher surface, preserved from destruction by erosion, presented in the form of separate arrays) of a very interesting shape. Simply put - stone pillars.

Mount Kosvinsky stone
Mount Kosvinsky stone


Nature generously endowed the hill with a variety of herbs and flowers that delight the eye with their bright colors.

The main composition of the Kosvinsky Kamen massif is presented in the form of plutonic rock - dunite and pyroxenite. The presence of the first, of course, implies a deposit of the precious metal - platinum, and the second - sulfide ores and nickel.

On the lower slopes of the mountain, coniferous forests grow 900 meters to the top, turning into tundra with huge boulders of stone placer.

The river Malaya Kosva originates from the south side of the peak, the length of which is 10 km. It flows into the Kama reservoir.

It is worth noting that the weather in this area is very changeable, with frequent rains and very few clear days.

Kosvinsky stone height
Kosvinsky stone height

Resting place for tourists

The small village of Kytlym administratively belongs to the urban district of Karpinsk, and it is located on the eastern side at the foot of the mountain we are considering. Kosvinsky Kamen attracts numerous tourists, and the village is a favorite stopping place for visitors. Its favorable location - surrounded by the Ural Mountains - provides an opportunity to choose to conquer any of the peaks.

Decided to spend your holidays here? Wonderful! I would like to say that the road, although not very difficult, but it will take a lot of time to overcome it. Those who are going on a journey by private car can enter the coordinates into the navigator and follow the laid route to the mountain itself withsuch a beautiful name - Kosvinsky Stone.

How to get from Yekaterinburg? A bus runs from the North Station in the direction of the city of Karpinsk. This trip will take up to 8 hours. From Perm, the duration of the route will be 11 hours. Then you will have to get to the village of Kytlym by fixed-route taxi.

Using public transport, a bus, for example, you can get to Karpinsk Central Station, and from there - a local minibus to the village.

mountain kosvinsky stone bunker
mountain kosvinsky stone bunker

Types of recreation

Very fond of vacationers, especially skiers and snowboarders, come here in winter. High steep slopes and lots of snow will provide a lot of fun and adrenaline. You can not just ride, but take part in the competitions that are held here and try to win.

You can also try your hand at more active recreation, such as climbing to the top of a mountain.

Kosvinsky Stone, as already mentioned, abounds in the presence of water flows. A large number of the latter opens up the opportunity for tourists to travel by boat and catamaran. Rafting on mountain rivers is very popular among tourists. Moving along the water surface, it is almost impossible to get off the route and get lost. Good mood and good spirits are provided to you.

small mowing
small mowing

Underground secrets

Local residents say that inside Mount Kosvinsky Kamen is completely pitted with underground tunnels and passages and looks like a large anthill. These passages are so spacious that inthey can be passed not only by a car, but also by a large truck.

It is worth noting the fact that mysterious construction is still underway there, special vehicles with building materials and cement trucks are constantly arriving there. In the old days, platinum was mined here, so the horizontal mines dug for this are quite convenient for work. There is also a multi-level security system, and entry is only possible with passes.

And one more secret is hidden by Mount Kosvinsky Kamen - a bunker that has been located inside since Soviet times. It is there that the command center of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) and the main control center of the air defense system - Perimeter - are located. All work there is carried out under special control and in complete secrecy, so we can only guess what is happening there.

The unique material dunite, which is used in the manufacture of refractories, has unique abilities to block scanning radio emission. Therefore, the location of the secret base of the armed forces here is very beneficial for the military.

To ensure the life of the object, power lines were built, bridges were laid across the rivers to provide easy access for transport to their destination. Near the base, in the village of Kytlym, for the military, who are engaged in its protection and maintenance, they built a small town with residential buildings and the necessary infrastructure. Officers with families live nearby - in the city of Karpinsk.

Kosvinsky stone asget there
Kosvinsky stone asget there

Choice made

These places are of unique archaeological, historical and cultural value. Therefore, it is worth taking a moment and coming to just relax and admire the landscapes of the Urals, plunge into the sea of endless expanses, evergreen forests and majestic peaks.

In good clear weather, from the top of Mount Kosvinsky Kamen, a wonderful view of the valley of Konzhakovsky and Serebryansky Kamen opens up. It is especially beautiful here in autumn, when everything is painted in bright colors, and the slopes are covered with a carpet of ripe blueberries.

Due to the presence of coniferous trees, the air here is ecologically clean and healing, tourists assure that it is easy to breathe in this area. And this means that during hiking you get less tired, the body is simply charged with energy. And while traveling through the forest, you can pick up a variety of mushrooms, berries and cedar cones.
