Traveling to Japan is the cherished dream of many Russians. However, not everyone manages to fulfill it because of the high cost of this trip. The Land of the Rising Sun is considered one of the most expensive in the world, and Tokyo has been in the top five most expensive cities for tourists for several years. But still, nothing can stop someone who wants to see Fujiyama and cherry blossoms in spring with their own eyes. Our article is for such travelers, it contains the most important information that will allow you to have an inexpensive and interesting vacation in original Japan.

A little about the country
If you are planning a trip to Japan, get ready to be amazed. You will have to do this all the time, because the Land of the Rising Sun cannot be compared with other Asian states. There's nothing herefrom China, Vietnam or Thailand, but, nevertheless, traveling through Japan, you seem to penetrate into the very heart of Asia and hear its beating on every street of noisy megacities.
Tourists are attracted here by an incredible combination of modern technology with ancient traditions, which are strictly observed by every generation of the Japanese family. If you are lucky, you can see a colorful festival dedicated to, for example, kokeshi (Japanese matryoshka). Or sit quietly in the garden, enjoying the beauty of cherry blossoms at dawn or sunset. And in megacities you will be met by numerous cafes, shops and shopping centers. Here you can buy something, dine, and in some even stay overnight. In general, a trip to Japan will be the biggest and most significant adventure in your life. And, doubly nice, you will never regret the money spent on it.
Japan: solo or group trip?
First of all, before traveling to the Land of the Rising Sun, you need to decide on the budget and travel options. And there are few of them - a group trip to Japan or an independent one. What to choose? It directly depends on your budget and opportunities.
Traveling to Japan on your own is quite possible, but will require very careful preparation. You will have to think absolutely everything:
- flight to Japan;
- hotel booking;
- travel route around the country;
- food points and excursion program;
- money exchange options;
- types of communication with the local population.
All theseaspects of a good trip will take you a very long time and also require some experience in solo travel. In addition, on the road you will encounter certain difficulties, which can only be overcome by unspoiled and sociable tourists. For example, it is worth knowing that in Japan, few of the local population know English. Therefore, you will not be able to simply ask a passer-by for directions. Perhaps, after some time, a young Japanese who knows the basics of the English language will come across, but there is a high probability that this will not happen. In addition, the inscriptions in the country are not duplicated, they are all written in hieroglyphs. This fact significantly complicates the holiday in Japan.
If the above difficulties scare you, then it is better to buy a travel package. Of course, it is not cheap, but you will be free from all worries, including visa ones.

Travel cost
If you are planning a flight from Moscow, then two weeks in Japan will cost you one hundred and fifty thousand rubles. This amount includes flights, travel around the country, accommodation and several excursions. Meals are based on the breakfast system, the remaining meals the tourist must pay for on their own. A trip to Japan from Vladivostok is much cheaper. Our compatriots can choose a ferry tour, which costs about sixty thousand rubles on average. From Vladivostok, you can get to the Land of the Rising Sun in different ways and with various travel packages on hand. This is the most popular tourist attraction among locals.direction.
Reviews about independent travel in Japan allow you to plan your trip perfectly and save a lot of money. On average, brave tourists can spend thirty to forty thousand less on a trip than when buying a tour. This money will be very useful to you on vacation, because you can bring quite a lot of useful things home from the Land of the Rising Sun. How to plan a budget trip to Japan on your own, we will tell you a little later. And now let's try to find out the most important aspects of preparing for the trip.
When to go to Japan?
A great trip to Japan can be planned for any time of the year, but traditionally tourists try to visit the country in spring or autumn. During these seasons, the Land of the Rising Sun appears in a particularly beautiful form. In spring, she is dressed in pink foam of sakura flowers, and in autumn she simply hurts her eyes from red maple leaves. It seems that they are everywhere here, and the Japanese even came up with some special rituals for observing this beauty.
Skiing is possible in Japan in the winter, several main resorts are characterized by high comfort and state-of-the-art equipment. But for those who are not attracted to skiing, it will be quite uncomfortable to see Japanese sights in winter and enjoy the trip. In addition, it can be very windy in the country during the winter season, which is quite unusual for most of our compatriots.
In summer, the country is very hot and stuffy. Air conditioners are everywhere in the cities, and tourists suffer from temperature fluctuations. Many people take sweaters or jackets with them towear them in restaurants or malls. But if you prefer a beach holiday, then go to Okinawa. Here you will receive an incredible level of service and enjoy swimming under the hot sun.
Where to go in Japan?
If you take the trouble to study reviews of independent travel in Japan, you can easily create your own travel itinerary. For the first time, a week will be enough for you to get acquainted with the Land of the Rising Sun. The following cities are suitable for this:
- Tokyo.
- Nara.
- Kyoto.
Moving between settlements on high-speed trains, in seven days you will explore the most beautiful parks, swim in hot springs, visit the most famous temples and, of course, taste the bustling and noisy life of megacities.
If you are already a little familiar with Japan, you can choose a slightly different travel city, and increase your stay in this country to two weeks. During this period, tourists will be able to see Hiroshima, Osaka, Kobe and other unusual places. In general, you can plan to visit one city per day. In this case, the trip program will be very rich.
Visa processing: nuances and features
Any trip to Japan starts with the hardest part - getting a visa. This is not possible for every even a very experienced tourist. The thing is that in order to obtain a visa, Russians need a special letter on official letterhead. In addition to it, you will need to confirm the hotel reservation (and this is quite problematic when traveling on your own) and senda package of documents using special mail (the cost of shipping will be at least seventy dollars).
Many of our compatriots negotiate with travel agencies and pay for their visas. This usually takes two weeks and saves a lot of time.

Live in Japan: where to stay?
To remember your trip to Japan for a long time, you need to take photos almost everywhere. Hotels and small hotels deserve special attention. It is worth noting that in the Land of the Rising Sun there is a fairly large selection of places to stay. But, if you want to save a little, then all of them will be very unusual and entertaining.
Many tourists stay overnight at spas. Don't be surprised, it's pretty common in Japan. For about thirty-five dollars you get a small room with a bathtub and a sunbed. There will also be a TV and all other amenities, and you can go down to the restaurant for dinner. Guests will enjoy a variety of treatments and massages.
Capsule hotels are exotic for Russians. They are quite inexpensive and have a very high level of comfort. There are even double capsules for traveling couples. This pleasure will cost approximately thirty-five dollars per night.
Love hotels seem like a very unusual place to spend the night. These facilities are intended for love dates and provide the opportunity to rent from one hour to several days. These hotels are issuedrather exotic, but equipped with the highest class. In addition, they are much cheaper than regular rooms. A night in such a hotel will cost from eighty to one hundred and fifty dollars.

Food while traveling
Of course, you can eat in restaurants every day, but a budget holiday does not imply such luxury. Therefore, make your choice in favor of Japanese fast food, it is extremely he althy and tasty here. No hamburgers or fries, just seaweed, sushi and seafood. Such a pleasure will cost approximately 5-6 dollars.
If the choice of dishes in a cafe confuses you a little with a large number of incomprehensible names, then buy a ready-made lunch in a supermarket. Its cost will be the same as in a cafe, and through a transparent film you will always see the contents of the package.
Gourmet Trip
Experienced tourists choose a special type of holiday - a culinary trip to Japan. It is worth noting that this is something incredible. Of course, there are still few Russians who are ready to spend money on such a tour, but their number is increasing every year. What is it that attracts gourmets in the Land of the Rising Sun? Michelin-starred restaurants, of course.
The fact is that as soon as Tokyo was included in the Michelin guide, restaurants with stars appeared in it. And tourists who want to experience gastronomic delight rushed to them. Every year the number of restaurants with high cuisine increases and Tokyo has already significantly surpassed the recognized gastronomic center - Paris in these characteristics.
For example, in the oldest quarter of Tokyo, Ginza, there are sushi restaurants with three Michelin stars. In one of them, the chef Jiro works, about whom feature films were even made. His work is a real art, and the price of the dishes prepared by him exceeds several thousand dollars.
Each city in Japan has its own culinary traditions, so gourmets can travel all over the country in search of a special taste. One of the most popular Japanese foods is noodles. There are just a lot of options for its preparation - boil, fry, steam, and the like. Each region in the country has its own recipe. We can say that a culinary tour allows tourists to discover new facets of an already familiar country.

Money exchange
With the exchange of money, many inexperienced tourists often have problems. Keep in mind that buying yen is best done at home. Otherwise, you can get into a very unpleasant situation, because in many ATMs and terminals the card of the European payment system may not be accepted. This is due to the fact that Japanese terminals operate on their own system. Only a few ATMs in large shopping centers calmly accept absolutely all bank cards.
It will not always be possible to exchange money in a bank, because tourists can get on holidays, and it is impossible to exist in Japan without money. Therefore, experienced travelers advise to carry the main amount of money in cash, and leave funds on a bank card to pay for restaurants andshopping.
Japan Travel Tips
Going to the Land of the Rising Sun, tourists need to know a few simple rules for staying in Japan, which will make the trip easier. We have compiled the most important recommendations:
- Don't try to tip in Japan, don't do it. There is no tipping system across the country.
- It is customary in Japanese bars to pour spirits from your own bottle in honor of friendly disposition, so if you are honored with such an honor, be sure to make a return gesture of respect.
- Never point your finger at objects or people - this is extremely impolite, but you can point at yourself.
- In a restaurant, it is enough to wave your hand in front of your nose, as the waiter will remove the dirty plates.
- In the Land of the Rising Sun, it is customary to take off your shoes in many rooms. You may be asked to take off your shoes in some areas of a restaurant, hotel, apartment building, temple, and so on. It is considered especially indecent to step on a mat with a shod foot, this is perceived as an insult.

- When going to the hot springs, keep in mind that those who have tattoos on their bodies are escorted to separate baths. They are not allowed to be in the common area with the rest of the campers.
- When you receive an invitation to a Japanese home, be sure to bring a gift with you. This is considered courtesy and respect.
Of course, it is difficult to list all the nuances of traveling through the Land of the Rising Sun, because it is verymuch is known only after an independent trip.

Japan, travel: reviews
Not a single tourist had an angry comment about Japan, in any case, we did not meet such. This means only one thing - you can and should go to this country. It will reveal a lot of interesting things even to those who are very poorly informed about the culture and traditions of the Land of the Rising Sun.
Experienced tourists prefer Japan to all other Asian countries. Ask them why. We think the explanation will take several hours. After all, it is simply impossible to describe this amazing country and its people in a nutshell. Travelers are delighted with the historical monuments of Japan, its cities, cuisine and original traditions. Tourists say that you can come here many times, and each time you find something unusually exciting for yourself.
What do you need to decide on a trip to the Land of the Rising Sun? Yes, quite a bit - desire, the spirit of adventurism and more money. And then you can tell your friends when you get back home about what an incredible trip to Japan you had.