Mount Kazbek is the most famous of all the peaks that mankind knows. She gained fame not only thanks to writers such as Lermontov, Pushkin, but also due to her greatness and beauty. The mountain itself is simply magnificent. In order to get to its top, you need to stock up on warm clothes, special shoes, sunglasses, as the sun is simply blinding when it rises.

First of all, you need to go by car along the route that passes through the Fiagdon Gorge. Then continue on foot. Mount Kazbek is not only a symbol of greatness, but also a bait for numerous geologists. When climbing, be sure to pay attention to the stone block, which is a monument. Various inscriptions are carved on it, from which we understand that the monument was made to a person. But the most interesting thing is that the years of this old man's life are simply amazing. He lived one hundred and sixty-seven years.

Mount Kazbek is available to tourists only in summer. In winter, only professionals can conquer its peaks. On theMount Kazbek means "ice peak" in Georgian. And this is completely true. Therefore, if you want to become one of the conquerors of this natural creation, it is best to plan an ascent to Kazbek during the warm season.
B. Kozmin is the first of our compatriots who dared to conquer the mountain peak. And he succeeded. The mountain itself (by the standards of geologists) is not difficult, but you can hear many stories about the conquerors who did not return. Today it is very well mastered by climbers. Speaking their language, it has become "home". This indicates that safe paths have already been beaten, your path will be much easier than that of the pioneers. The main thing is to stock up on good equipment and patience.
There are many legends and fairy tales about the mountain in question. One of the most famous is about Prometheus, who was punished for giving people fire, and chained to ice rocks for this. The legend of Prometheus is also found in Georgia, Ingushetia. Only his name in the Georgian version is Amirani, and in the Ingush version he is called Kurkya.

About the middle of the way you will definitely see the monastery, which is also very common in many works of writers. "Monastery on Kazbek" - a poem by Ts. Sameba, in Pushkin's work "Journey to Arzrum" this temple is mentioned. If you carefully read Lermontov's poem "The Demon", we understand that "the church on a steep peak" is this monastery.
Mount Kazbek. Photo

Of courseI really want to convey to you all the splendor of this mountain. But it is almost impossible to do it with words. This can be done only by people who are not only creative, but also with the richest inner world. A. S. Pushkin, like no one else, was able to betray the charm of Kazbek. But not a single word can replace the emotions and sensations that Kazbek gives. You need to conquer it personally, because it will already be your impressions …
Here the clouds humbly walk under me;
Through them, rushing, waterfalls rustle;
Naked masses under the cliffs;There below the moss is skinny, the bush is dry… »