Abo castle in Finland

Abo castle in Finland
Abo castle in Finland

Turku Castle is very popular today. After all, this is one of the most remarkable places in Finland. This historical monument has another name - Abo Castle. Now within its walls there is a hotel and a historical museum. However, most often travelers are attracted to the castle by jousting tournaments, which are of interest to everyone without exception.

abo castle
abo castle

Historical background

The fortress was built in 1280. At first, the citadel of Turku was built as a military fort. Under Duke Juhan, Turku was transformed into an exquisite Renaissance castle. Scholars and historians who have studied the castle believe that the construction of the castle was based on samples from Gotland. The building material was gray granite, and later brick.

Turku Fortress was intended for military and defensive purposes, but in the Middle Ages the castle was also the most important administrative center, where the King of Sweden often stayed while in Finland.

In 1303, one of the sons of Magnus Ladulos, Valdemar, became Duke of Finland. He was very interested in his estate and Abo Castle was quickly turned from a camp into a powerful fortification area to protect interests. Sweden. Such an interesting state of affairs automatically transferred the capital of Finland to the trading city of Turku with all the accompanying trading privileges. The prosperity of the castle territory continued throughout the 14th and 15th centuries. However, Abo Castle has repeatedly become the site of political clashes between Denmark and Sweden, and the peak of these troubles was the invasion of the city by Danish troops in 1509, during which most of the noble citizens were killed and the rest were taken prisoner.

After the 16th century, Abo Castle (Turku) began to gradually fall into decay. By the 18th century, Turku Castle was used mainly as a storehouse and provincial prison. Then the arsenal of the Swedish army began to be located in the castle, and even later there was a barracks for the Swedish Royal Skerry Flotilla.

At the end of the century before last, the historical museum of the city of Turku began to work in the castle.

abo castle finland
abo castle finland

For a long time of existence, this historical monument has experienced rapid prosperity and destruction. The entire castle was especially hard hit during World War II.

Today the castle in Turku is considered one of the largest and most significant museums in Finland.

About the castle

The fortress can be divided into two architectural complexes - outbuildings and the castle itself. The Historical Museum is located in outbuildings. I must say that the museum occupies a considerable territory - a whole block. Buildings and structures allow you to recreate the historical appearance of the city. There are also interesting workshops here, where you can go to anymoment.

abo turku castle
abo turku castle

Turku Castle or Abo Castle in Finland is open to visitors and guests of the city every day except Monday.

For kids

Abo Castle (Finland) attracts not only with its amazing color, but also with the fact that various interesting events are often held here. Travelers with children should visit programs specially designed for young tourists. For example, it can be the Marine Center Forum Marinum, where a unique collection of real ships and models is presented. The big plus is that children under 7 years old can visit such an exposition for free.

Knight's Tournament

Real jousting tournaments in Turku are held in the summer on weekends. Knightly battles take place in the park under the walls of the city castle. The event ends on Sunday. The atmosphere of the tournament allows you to plunge into medieval times. Visitors will be able to learn a lot of interesting things about knightly traditions from lectures. In addition, a rich medieval fair operates on the square.

old brownie of the Abo castle
old brownie of the Abo castle

Additional information

At present, in addition to visiting the museum, which presents magnificent exhibitions, you can also rent medieval halls for celebrations. Wedding banquets are often held here.

Duke Johan's Cellar, a medieval-style restaurant and the Fatabur Museum-Shop, are open for visitors.

By the way, the book of children's Scandinavianfairy tales called "The Old Brownie of Abo Castle".
