"Belarusian Maldives": description of the lakes, where they are and how to get there

"Belarusian Maldives": description of the lakes, where they are and how to get there
"Belarusian Maldives": description of the lakes, where they are and how to get there

"Belarusian Maldives" has recently begun to attract lovers to relax on the shores of amazingly beautiful blue lakes. In the absence of official permission to rest in these places and developed tourist routes, many extreme sportsmen, divers, fishermen and just hunters to take pictures and spend their leisure time interestingly pave their way through the Belarusian expanses.

Roads calling us

Most often, interest in these places arises after viewing photos, as well as exciting stories of acquaintances who enthusiastically share their impressions left by the Belarusian Maldives.

belarusian maldives
belarusian maldives

How to get to the enchanting lakes, which are actually worked out quarries, each traveler decides for himself. A well-designed plan for the implementation of the plan is already part of the journey. If you leave Minsk in the direction of Brest by car, then after Baranovichi you should turn right - towards Slonim. Having passed this settlement and the next one, Zelva, you need to go around from the eastthe city of Volkovysk and move north to the village of Krasnoselsky. The easiest solution to this issue is to use a map.

Appearance of blue "pearls"

In the recent past, in the Volkovysk district of the Grodno region, near the village of Krasnoselsky, natural resources were mined. Chalk began to be mined in these places about a century ago.

It is the combination of water with limestone suspensions that leads to the formation of such amazingly beautiful shades. This is what attracts tourists to the Belarusian Maldives. After the end of industrial work, the quarries were filled with water, the color of which is amazing, especially in the spring and summer. The lakes are stunning with a variety of bizarre shapes. They occupy an area larger than three hundred football fields. In order to fully feel the charm of these "pearls", it is advisable to visit at least a few reservoirs.

Extreme vacation

"Wild" tourists are delighted with the opportunity to swim in the light emerald waters off the coast, covered with young pine trees. A feature of these lakes is not just an amazing shade of water, but also a variety of colors: from pale blue, azure to acid green.

Belarusian maldives how to get there
Belarusian maldives how to get there

Fans of extreme travel are not afraid of the steepness of the coastline, which complicates the descent. They are not embarrassed by the rather cool water, which does not have time to warm up enough during the day. It is not the properties of lime-enriched water that are of particular concern to specialists, but the uneven bottom andextremely steep banks, often threatening with landslides. People who cannot swim should not move more than half a meter from the shore, as the bottom is often just as steep. In addition, access roads are littered with warning and no-swimming signs.

Surrealism and color mixing

The special charm of these places is given not only by the mysterious color of the lakes, uncharacteristic for Belarusian nature, but by the fact that from afar the water seems opaque and dull. But close up, through the water column, one can distinguish pebbles and boulders resembling meteorites. In addition, a walk along the foggy coast in August allows you to see surreal paintings. Standing on a steep bank, you begin to feel on a physical level how a foggy cloud is spreading around.

Where are the Belarusian Maldives
Where are the Belarusian Maldives

This is how the Belarusian Maldives win people's hearts, where there are white sandy beaches, very similar to the southern ones, and unrealistically steep cliffs, similar to the canyons of North America, and vegetation growing in a temperate climate.

Promising solutions

Regret arises due to the certain short duration of the observed phenomenon. The rapid disappearance of such an amazing color of water is caused by the gradual depletion of surface reserves of chalk, which dissolves in it. This will lead to the fact that the marvelous Belarusian Maldives may soon turn into discreet lakes that will not stand out from the rest.

In addition, non-compliance with the rules of conduct onnature, regulating the disposal of garbage and making fires, as well as safety rules, leads to a deterioration in the local environmental situation and human casu alties. A decision to be taken at the government level could radically change the situation for the better. Do not forget that not only enterprising people, but also the state as a whole can earn money by building a high-quality tourism infrastructure.

Belarusian Maldives today are able to inspire and delight with their splendor, but tomorrow it may be too late.
