The southern coast of the Gulf of Finland opens to travelers one of the most beautiful cities in the B altics, the capital of Estonia - Tallinn. Many tourists make their way through this wonderful city in order to enjoy its medieval streets, frosty freshness in winter and bright sunshine in the season.
By and large, Tallinn is a small town with a large number of monuments and museums. The city has not only a well-equipped historical center, but also a developed modern part with popular shopping centers, food courts and parks.
In today's article we will talk about the main attractions of Tallinn, where to go and where to spend time in this beautiful city. You are ready? Then welcome to an exciting journey through the capital of the Estonian state. And our review of the photo of the city of Tallinn begins!

Visit any country in the European Union should start with registrationcorresponding document, called a visa. As everyone knows, Estonia is included in the list of countries of the Schengen Agreement, therefore, to visit this state, it is enough to provide any tourist Schengen visa. For example, residents of St. Petersburg need only have a Finnish stamp in their passport.
More detailed information on the main aspects and the necessary documents for registration can always be obtained at the consulate of the country or the visa center.
Having de alt with the visa issue, it is worth going directly to the topic of the article - the sights of Tallinn. With photos, names and descriptions of the most interesting and valuable, from a historical point of view, objects, we will introduce you in more detail. Let's go!
Tallinn's main attraction
All guides to the capital of Estonia introduce tourists to the photo and description of this object. Traditionally, a tour of the city should begin with its highlight, in our case it is the Old Town. How can you describe it? This is an urban area saturated with the spirit of the Middle Ages, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The sights of the Old Town in Tallinn can impress even the most seasoned travelers. Here you get the feeling that you are on the set of a film about Richard the Lionheart. All stone paths lead tourists to the central square, where the City Hall is located. During the summer period, a large number of street restaurants open in the Old Town, and in winter, Christmas markets prevail here. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the photo of Old Tallinn.

Geographically, the Old City is divided into two parts: upper and lower. Previously, Vyshgorod (the upper part of the city) served as a place of settlement for aristocrats and representatives of other we althy strata of society.
Tallinn Town Hall
The main attraction of the Old Town in Tallinn is the local Town Hall and the central square. A large flow of tourists flocks here every day, dreaming of capturing unique architecture uncharacteristic for their country in pictures. It is generally accepted that the city square with the tower is the very center of Tallinn. Sometimes the Town Hall serves as a venue for various receptions at the state level and other events, on all other days anyone can get here for a nominal fee.

Town Hall Pharmacy
Another must-see attraction in Tallinn is the oldest European pharmacy. For the first time the doors of the hospital opened in the first half of the 15th century.
The history of the pharmacy is quite interesting. At the end of the 16th century, the building was leased to Johann Burchard, who laid the foundation for a dynasty of pharmacists. The generation of Burchards managed the institution for over 300 years, today the sale of medicines continues in this building, some of it has gone under the museum, and the other half has remained a pharmacy.
City Wall
If you are wondering: “What to see in Tallinn in one day?”, Then you can give a definite answer to this: all of the above attractions, including Tallinncity wall. Of course, we can talk about this subject to a measured rest, and not, as they say, “gallop across Europe.”
The city wall acts as an important local landmark of Tallinn (photo below), which absolutely any resident of Estonia would recommend visiting. Unfortunately, only some sections of the building that defended the city in the Middle Ages have survived to this day. The Tallinn fortress was then considered one of the most reliable in Europe, in addition, some sections of the wall acted as a prison.

Freedom Square
Svoboda Square touches the patriotic feelings of the townspeople and causes pride for their country, as a monument rises in the center, which is the personification of the victory of the Estonian troops in the War of Independence of 1918-1920. In everyday life, the square serves as a venue for various events, concerts and celebrations.
Maiden Tower
The tower belongs to the fortress wall and previously served as a prison for girls of easy virtue, unfaithful and disobedient brides. This is one of the main attractions of Old Tallinn. Despite the fact that the Maiden Tower was subjected to repeated serious damage, the city authorities managed to reconstruct the building and give it a modern appearance. Today, inside the building there is a museum and a cafe with a picturesque view of the Old Town.

"Fat Margarita" and "Kik-in-de-Kek"
Tallinn can be called a city of towers and towering medieval buildings."Fat Margarita" is the most impressive tower, which is part of the city fortress complex, the thickness of the walls of which reaches 5.5 meters. This building acted as a defensive structure for the city treasury and the entrance to the harbor. Today, inside the tower is the Maritime Museum, where you can learn about the history of navigation and fishing in Estonia.

"Kik-in-de-Kek" is another defensive tower of the Tallinn fortress wall. The name of the building in Saxon means "Look into the kitchen." This name was given to the tower, because from the top, where the guard was located, there was a wonderful view of the kitchens in city houses. Today, "Kik-in-de-Kek" is nothing more than a museum, although it is from this place that the journey through the local dungeon begins.
Viru Gates
This is a kind of gateway to Old Tallinn. Here begins the famous Viru Street, which stretches along the medieval houses up to the Town Hall Square. The gate is located in the eastern part of the fortress wall. In addition, the Viru Gate serves as a kind of symbol for the locals, separating the modern part of the city from the medieval one.

Katarina Lane
You might think it's quite an ordinary European street in the Old Town, but no. Katarina Lane is a full-fledged museum, which previously housed numerous workshops for making souvenirs from leather, ceramics and glass. It is here that a tourist who wants to purchase a qualitysouvenir in Tallinn. Also along the entire street in the summer there are many cafes with gourmet dishes prepared according to old recipes.
Dome Cathedral
The main Lutheran church in Estonia, which fascinates many tourists. If you haven't visited this wonderful 13th-century building, then you can assume that you haven't been to Estonia. The locals are used to calling the cathedral "Toomkirik", but its official name is St. Mary's Church.
One of the main attractions of the church is the tomb of the navigator Ivan Kruzenshtern. In addition, the Dome Cathedral is exactly the place where you can listen to organ music for free.

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
If the church mentioned in the previous paragraph is Lutheran, then the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is a primordially Russian building erected in the 19th century. Estonians still perceive the temple as a symbol of the Russification of the people. In the twenties, the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral was planned to be destroyed, but after the collapse of the USSR, it went to the Estonian authorities. At the moment, divine services are periodically held here.
An object in the Orthodox style was erected. And it is impossible for a domestic tourist not to notice it, since the temple stands out so much among the usual European architecture.

Kaarli Church
Continuing the theme of cathedrals, one cannot fail to mention Kaarli Church. Previously, on this very spot, there was a chapel of St. Anthony, completely made of wood. Unfortunately she is notsurvived to this day, as it was destroyed by fire during the Great Northern War.
To date, Kaarli acts as a functioning neo-Gothic Lutheran church. Divine services are regularly held here and crowds of tourists gather in order to see with their own eyes all the luxury of the building. A separate decoration of the facade of the building is a German clock of the 20th century. Many visitors to Kaarli Church are true connoisseurs of music, as classical instrumental music concerts are often held inside the building.

What is hidden under this mysterious name - "Lennusadam"? In fact, this is a naval museum, the location of which is real aircraft hangars. If you are tired of the usual European architecture, parks and restaurants, then the Lennusadam Museum-HydroAirport is a great place to get a little distraction. Inside the hangars, real military equipment is presented, especially this place will be interesting for children. Submarines, aircraft, ships - all this can be seen and even photographed or filmed. The museum even has a specialized playground for children and a cinema.
Memorial "Mermaid"
The final item in the list of "What to see in Tallinn in 2 days" can be considered the "Mermaid" monument, erected in memory of the dead crew of a warship in 1893, which sank as a result of a storm. The search for the ship continued for forty years, and the monument to the battleship"Mermaid" was erected on the amount collected as a result of donations. Incidentally, Adamson acted as the sculptor.

Castle Glen
The castle got its name in honor of Baron von Glen, according to whose project it was built as a result. This is a very picturesque place, located in a quiet urban area of Nõmme, surrounded by trees. In particular, Glen's Castle takes on an unusual image in autumn, when the foliage turns yellow and a fabulous atmosphere hovers everywhere. It is also worth noting the fact that the walls of the castle were erected by the hands of Tallinn prisoners who were undergoing correctional labor. Initially, it was planned to build a town hall, a church and a couple of other buildings on this site. Perhaps Glen's castle was to grow into an entire city. Alas, we are content with what we have. On this heading "What to see in Tallinn in two days" can be completely completed, because then you need to go a little outside the city.

Maarjamägi Castle
Maarjamägi Castle is the former summer residence of the Orlov-Davydov family, located a few kilometers from the city. The name comes from the word "Marienberg" - in honor of the count's wife, Maria. As a result of the revolutionary movement of 1917, the Orlov-Davydov family left their residence and migrated to Europe, and the building began to serve as the seat of the Dutch consul. Today, Maarjamägi Manor houses a branch of the Estonian History Museum, one of the mainattractions in Tallinn.
Toompea Castle
An ancient fortress located on a hill in the central part of Tallinn. The history of the object dates back several centuries, and today it acts as a place where the Estonian parliament sits. Toompea Castle from above resembles a full-fledged urban complex, and one of its towers reaches almost 100 meters in height. The national flag proudly flutters at the top.

Singing field
Important city landmark. At first glance, it may seem - nothing unusual: in the distance there is a stage in the form of a shell, and at the opposite end is a sculpture of the famous composer Gustav Ernesaks. In fact, music concerts and even rock festivals are often held here, and in winter the Singing Field acts as a full-fledged ski resort.
Tallinn Zoo
An interesting place for family leisure is the city zoo. Especially here it will be interesting for travelers with small children, since the diversity of representatives of the world fauna here is quite wide. Tallinn Zoo is one of the attractions of the city, and crowds of tourists come here every day. Geographically, the zoo is divided into zones: a bird park, a tropical zone, an arctic zone and an elephant herd. The best conditions have been created here for children: there are rides and a petting zoo.

TV tower
This, of course, is not Toronto or Berlin, but the Tallinn TV Tower deservesalso special attention. At the moment, the building is the highest in the entire country - 344 meters. On the upper floors of the TV tower there is an observation deck with a magnificent view of the city, as well as an elite restaurant and interactive installations that tell about the history of the state. The Tallinn TV tower was at one time closed to the public for reconstruction. The reopening took place in 2012.
Rotermann Quarter
Earlier it was a normal working area in Tallinn, but after the city authorities hired leading European architects, the factory quarter has completely changed its appearance. Today it is a newfangled place with an interesting design. Industrial plants and warehouses have been replaced by offices of large international companies, hotels and art galleries.
Winter period
Winter holidays in Estonia are fundamentally different from summer ones. The whole country, and especially the capital, acquire a completely new look. Tourists say that the sights of Tallinn in winter have some kind of magical power. What does it cost to travel by train around the Old Town or Christmas markets in the center of the Town Hall Square! The capital of Estonia is perfect for an active winter holiday. For example, the Singing Field, which looks quite deserted in summer, in winter it beckons tourists to slide down the hill, as in childhood. Nearby is a full-fledged ski run, ice rink and a separate slope for snowboarders. Equipment can be easily rented. And how beautiful Old Tallinn is in winter! With a photo of the sights you cansee below. The main symbol of the Estonian capital - the Old Town - seemed to be frozen in a snowy fairy tale…

Guests of Tallinn can be absolutely sure that this city will not disappoint at any time of the year. The capital of Estonia is able to offer travelers exactly the vacation they have been dreaming of for so long. What is there to think? Try it yourself!
Concluding our detailed virtual tour of Tallinn, we note that the capital of Estonia is a full-fledged open-air museum. Many travelers who have already managed to enjoy all the delights of the city assure in their reviews that Tallinn is the most beautiful city in the B altics.
We hope that our article provided you with new and useful information, and also served as a source of inspiration for visiting this wonderful city and country as a whole. New discoveries and pleasant trips to you!