Tour to Disneyland Paris: photos and reviews

Tour to Disneyland Paris: photos and reviews
Tour to Disneyland Paris: photos and reviews

Paris is not only an architectural fairy tale, but also a grandiose entertainment center in Europe. Millions of tourists come to this city every day to enjoy its greatness. The expression "journey to a magical land" is the best way to describe a tour to this wonderful city.


This is where the largest amusement park in Europe is located, so a holiday in Paris is perfect not only for a romantic pastime of two hearts in love, but also for families with children.

Capital of France from above
Capital of France from above

In our article we will consider the main tours to Disneyland, introduce the reader to this fabulous place and tell all about Paris. Ready? Then let's go!

The biggest amusement park in Europe

Disneyland is every kid's dream! The famous amusement park is not located in Paris itself, but in its suburban environs. For the first time the doors of this magical place opened to visitors in 1992, but today Disneyland in Paris is almost the main attraction of France. The state allocated a huge area for the construction of an amusement park equal to almost two thousandhectares.

Disneyland is a place where even adults can go back to their childhood for a while. Visitors are greeted by a French castle in pink tones, which has already become a symbol of Disneyland. From it to the Sleeping Beauty Palace stretches the main street, made in the original American style. Children's laughter sounds everywhere, and cafes and restaurants are filled with country music.

Cartoon characters on the main street of Disneyland
Cartoon characters on the main street of Disneyland

Disneyland Paris Tours

Full-fledged trips from the city are organized to the amusement park, they can be both for several days and for one. Let's take a look at the main vacation options at Disneyland.

In most cases, all tourists, if they come to Paris on vacation from a tourist organization, local guides offer to arrange a tourist trip with a stop in the park. It's usually a one day weekend from Paris to Disneyland.

Tours to France mean a complete package, in other words, flights, accommodation and basic transfer between points are included. There are many hotels in the vicinity of Disneyland, which are usually accommodated by local organizations. This implies a wide range of prices for tours to Disneyland. The amusement park of Paris is a special space, it is impossible to completely bypass it in one day. Therefore, if you are planning a trip here, you should count on a long stay, otherwise you will only be able to see a small part.

Main castle at Disneyland
Main castle at Disneyland

The average price for a 3-day Disneyland tour is about 1300 euros perperson, which in terms of the Russian currency - 90 thousand rubles. This price includes accommodation in a five-star hotel and all tickets for the main attractions. Of course, there are many different options cheaper - it all depends on the capabilities of tourists and their preferences.

As a special bonus, which, of course, can please any child, a joint dinner with your favorite characters can be made. The cost of this service varies from 4 to 5 thousand rubles. You can also order a special birthday cake - this service will sweeten up any evening.

How to get to Disneyland?

The road to a fairy tale is open to all tourists who have arrived in France. The easiest way to get to the amusement park is to use the services of commuter trains called PER. Trains run very frequently at 10-minute intervals and depart regularly from major Paris metro stations Charles de Gaulle, Gare de Lyon (next to the train station) and Aubert.

It is worth noting that the trip to Disneyland will take about an hour and a half, so you should plan your time carefully. The cost of a train ticket for adults is 1000 rubles, for children - 500.

For those who want to reduce travel time, it is better to use the TGV express train. The train consists of two floors, so it can accommodate a large number of people. The Express has fewer stops, but costs a bit more.

Disneyland Paris
Disneyland Paris

Prices fortickets to Disneyland

The cost of tours always includes paid tickets, but each entrance ticket has its own category, on which the prices of tours directly depend. Let's look into this case in detail.

If you are traveling on your own, the best way to purchase tickets is from the amusement park's official website. By shopping online, you can save up to 20% and save yourself from languid queues.

At the moment there are the following types of tickets:

  • MINI. This category belongs to the cheapest type of tickets. The price for adults and children starts from 40 euros. The MINI ticket does not allow you to enter the park on weekends and public holidays, as well as during the summer holidays.
  • MAGIC. Starting from 60 euros for adults. Also have some entry restrictions in August and on weekends in winter and autumn.
  • SUPER MAGIC. Practically apply to all days except Christmas holidays.
  • SUPER MAGIC PLUS. They do not have any restrictions, but they are also the most expensive type of tickets. The price category starts from 90 euros.

It is worth noting the fact that Disneyland has a peculiar system. Each category of tickets applies to only one of the parks. If a tourist expresses a desire to visit several park areas at once, the ticket price is doubled. In addition, the ticket is valid for all rides in the selected area.

What should you know about Disneyland?

There are special children's tours to Disneyland. They are designed for different age groups,since there are certain zones in the park that are suitable for certain interests. There are many different attractions in the park, children will be interested here. If you are in the territory of a neighboring country or another city located near Paris, then you can purchase a bus tour to Disneyland. It implies a gathering of tourists at a designated place, a transfer in both directions, as well as booking hotel rooms when it comes to a multi-day vacation.

Branded buses to Disneyland
Branded buses to Disneyland

A trip to a fairy tale from Russia

Despite the fact that our country is remote from France, rest on its territory is in great demand among Russians. Many domestic companies organize full-fledged tours to Disneyland from Moscow. Usually they are divided into two types: settling in the vicinity of an amusement park for the entire period or a tour to Paris with a stop at Disneyland. As they say: “There are no comrades for the taste and color!”

Hotels in Disneyland
Hotels in Disneyland


We hope that in our article you managed to understand in detail the main nuances regarding the organization of tours to Disneyland. If you were in Paris, but did not stop by this amazing place on the planet, consider that your trip was not. An amusement park in Paris deserves the attention of both children and adults. Yes, of course, this is an expensive vacation, but how many impressions and emotions you can get from it! This trip will be remembered for a lifetime! Good luck and new discoveries!
