For the average passenger, a successful landing at the airport is the end of the journey. But few people think that preparation for this begins long before the chassis touches the strip. The average landing speed fluctuates around 200 km/h. The plane goes through several stages, touches the runway (at this moment, as a rule, a cloud of dust takes off behind the plane), then reduces speed according to a special algorithm and stops.

To successfully complete the flight, the coordinated work of both pilots (captain and co-pilot) and several air traffic controllers is required. If one of the links fails, the result is usually the same. According to the statistics of aviation accidents, takeoff and landing of an aircraft are the two most dangerous moments of any flight.
Turn off mobile phones
In ultra-modern airliners this phrase may not be heard, but in most aircraft this requirement must be strictly observed. The flight safety regulations that you agree to upon boarding require that you comply with this paragraph in order to avoid interference with the operation of instruments, which are more common in a modern passenger airliner.hundreds. Of course, with widespread computerization, the number of instruments seems to have decreased, one on-board computer monitors everything, but, for example, this computer receives altitude data from an altimeter located on the panel in front of the crew member sitting on the left. If we talk about other flight parameters, then there are no fewer sensors that the computer checks against, rather, on the contrary.

This is what the cockpit of a Boeing 777 looks like. On-board computer screens (each pilot has his own) and controls are located on a horizontal panel between the pilots. The screens are independent - each pilot can view and adjust the information they need at the moment. The landing of the aircraft is carried out using instruments that have separate screens in front of the helm, but at new airports, the computer on board is able to interact with the runway equipment itself.
Return the blinds to their original position (open)
The request to raise the curtains is based on the design features of a modern liner. Pilots, sitting in the cockpit, can assess the situation in flight according to the readings of the computer, but the computer or sensor will not immediately show some kind of emergency situation. But neither they nor the computer are able to see what is happening with the wings. The devices will fix the fuel leak, but the device is not able to say where exactly it occurs. And if the landing of the plane will take place freelance, the flight attendants, having a picture overboard, will be able to warn the pilot, and through him the ground services.
What companies won't say
There are some rules, ohwhich the company will not tell you, but it is worth knowing them. Each company is part of a group, and sometimes using the aircraft of one group (or just a company) will help save on tickets - all air carriers appreciate the loy alty program. It's worth checking out the company's reviews and how they're running the program before you fly.

It is always recommended to carry sucking candy with you. Aircraft takeoffs and landings involve rapid climb or loss of altitude, and although systems now exist to compensate for changes in overboard pressure, passengers may experience ear congestion and other unpleasant sensations. If you are traveling with a small child, it is recommended to bring him a coloring book.
If you are flying for the first time, it is worth remembering the toilet. It can be used while stationary or in flight. But when the plane starts landing, the flight attendant is obliged to close it.
You should also ask in advance about how you will get from the airport to your place of residence. Employees of the company know about this, but in 9 out of 10 cases they will tell you the most "expensive" way. If you are flying on a tourist trip, ask this question to an agent. Delivery to the place of residence is often included in the price of the tour.
Emergency situations
Situations may arise on every flight that require an emergency landing at the nearest airfield. In most cases, no special action is required from the passenger.

The plane landed on its belly as a result of landing gear problems. In such cases, it is recommended:
- get off the plane quickly;
- stay far from the plane so that rescue crews can find you;
- remove the table and, at the direction of the flight attendants, assume an emergency landing position.
This situation may never happen to you, but the saying "forewarned=forearmed" has not yet been canceled.
The final stage of the flight is the landing of the plane. And if the average passenger sits until the plane comes to a complete stop at the end of the runway, then for those accompanying the flight and the attendants on the ground, an emergency time comes. The plane needs to be refueled, cleaned and re-flyed as soon as possible.