Petrovsky Square (Voronezh): history, address, photo

Petrovsky Square (Voronezh): history, address, photo
Petrovsky Square (Voronezh): history, address, photo

Petrovsky Square in Voronezh is one of the most beautiful places in the city, chosen by local residents to spend their leisure time and various other cultural events there. Here you can see how mothers slowly walk with their beloved children, dates are set for their soul mates and happy newlyweds come for photo shoots. We can say that this is the cultural center of this city.

Construction history

Petrovsky Square got its name in honor of the great Russian tsar and reformer - Peter I, who visited Voronezh more than thirteen times from 1697 to 1723, where he spent a total of about five hundred days.


Here he made his dream come true, which consisted in the creation of the Russian fleet, which later the Russian sovereign did. He personally took a direct part in the construction and launch of the very first ships. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the most famous monument to this emperor was erected in the city of Voronezh exactly at the time when Petrovsky Square was solemnly opened.

Then, in the distant thirties of the 19th century, the Voronezh governor D. Begichev decided to create a museum room dedicated to the tsar andlocated on an island with a storehouse, and opposite it to build a square for cultural walks of the townspeople. For its creation, they collected money from local residents and allocated funds from the state treasury. The construction of this place was led by a talented architect I. Volkov, who managed to create only the building of the chamber.

Then the Russian-Turkish war began, and the construction of state-owned and stone buildings and structures throughout the Russian state was prohibited.

View of the square before reconstruction

In past years, such structures were the subject of special care from the city authorities and required special care. In those days, there was even a special commission that monitored all the gardens in the center of the province. Petrovsky Square also fell under her vigilant control. Voronezh and its residents quickly got used to such a green place in their city, they loved to spend their time here. Therefore, periodically there were some changes in the appearance of the park, directed only for the better. So, in 1901, Petrovsky Square placed about 40 shops on its territory so that you could sit there calmly and take a break from hiking, and a beautiful fountain was also created.


Visitors could walk and spend their leisure time in this area from 06:00 to 23:00. And also Petrovsky Square (Voronezh) was guarded by a watchman who monitored the observance of order here.

This location is a local attraction that should be given special attention.

Monument and its opening

In 1834In 1999, the Voronezh governor decided to perpetuate the memory of the great Russian Tsar Peter I and for this he wrote a letter to Emperor Nicholas, in which he asked for funds to create such a monument. The sovereign encouraged the decision, but did not allocate money from the treasury, so they had to collect donations from the inhabitants of the province, which was enough only to create a museum and a square. For this reason, work on the construction of the monument was stopped indefinitely.

In 1856, a new governor was appointed, who was also imbued with the idea of creating such a monument. It was he who brought this undertaking to the end. Thus, in 1860, under volleys of artillery and surrounded by a solemnly lined regiment, Petrovsky Square received its own monument dedicated to the greatest of the tsars of Russia, Peter I. It is decorated with pink granite, and there are five naval guns near it.


Further history of the monument

During the Great Patriotic War, the statue of the monument was taken away by the Germans and subsequently melted down. In the 50s of the 20th century, a new monument was erected on this site, the creator of which was the Moscow sculptor and architect N. Gavrilov.

During his work, he respected all proportions and took into account the necessary features of the statue, so it appeared before the townspeople in its former form. Also, in 2003, all records that were destroyed in 1918 were restored. Not only the main attraction of Voronezh changed, but also the territory on which it was installed.

Petrovsky square
Petrovsky square


Petrovsky Square (Voronezh) has been remodeled and transformed several times. History shows that such a first transformation took place here in 1953, when new and beautiful alleys were laid, and a multi-stringed fountain was built, behind which the stone descent begins, leading to Malo-Chernavskaya Street. In those years, the territory of the square was significantly expanded.

The next reconstruction was already in 2007, when a shopping and entertainment center was being built near this place. For this purpose, one historical building was specially demolished, on the site of which a new one appeared.


View today

At the present time, Petrovsky Square (Voronezh) has a very beautiful and majestic view. Photos show that in its center there is a large statue of the Russian sovereign Peter I, from which well-groomed and stone-paved alleys diverge in different directions. Behind the emperor's monument, after a small staircase, a view of the amazing domed fountain opens up.

The whole territory of the square is decorated with cute flower beds and green lawns, and cast-iron cannons have been an invariable attribute of this place since ancient times. Forged benches and lanterns are made in the same style and are a beautiful addition to Petrovsky Square.


Positive feedback from vacationers

Many residents and guests of the city consider this park the most comfortable and comfortable place in Voronezh, where you can have a great and calm time in the shade of cool trees. They say it's a nice atmospherecleanliness and peace, with which you can hide from the bustle of the city.

Those who have already visited Petrovsky Square say that there is a certain moment in the history of the city, which began since the time of Peter I.

Where is it and what else is there?

Between Razin Street and Revolution Avenue is Petrovsky Square (Voronezh). The address of its location is as follows: street of the 20th anniversary of the Komsomol, building 54A.

Near this park in 2006, a beautiful hotel "Passage" was built, about the appearance of which the opinions of the townspeople were divided. Many believe that this modern complex does not really fit into the architecture of the square. Local historians are sure that the new building now suppresses this historical corner of Voronezh with its scale, which has now become only a backdrop for the hotel. But not everyone thinks so. The rest of the city residents are sure that the construction of the "Passage" only brought some novelty to this place and made its appearance modern, and the building also fits very harmoniously into the architecture of the park.


As shown by recent sociological surveys conducted among the residents of Voronezh, the vast majority of citizens consider Petrovsky Square and the monument to Peter I standing in it to be unofficial symbols of the city. Their photographs adorn many albums and books telling about the history of this region. In this place, you can touch the past of Russia and enjoy a pleasant walk at any time of the year.
