With the arrival of the long-awaited summer time, we are happy to put all winter things in the closet and put on shorts, T-shirts and slippers. And on weekends or just in our free time, taking swimming trunks or a swimsuit and blankets for lying with us, we go to the beach to lie on the hot sand, laze around, swim, and also so that our skin acquires a beautiful and even bronze tint. But, unfortunately, there are cases when, not knowing a few important rules or neglecting them, we burn out and get sunburn. This is expressed in reddened skin and painful sensations. There is already talk not only about a beautiful tan, but in general about the upcoming trips to the beach can not be. And all because you need to ask yourself not only how good it is to tan in the sun, but also how to do it right. This article is devoted to this topic.

In order to avoid unnecessary and sometimes even dangerous consequences of being on the beach, you just need to follow a few important recommendations on how to tan well in the sun. Then you're not only nicespend time on the beach, but also become the owner of the skin of a pleasant golden hue.
You should start by deciding whether it is possible for you to sunbathe in the sun? The fact is that there are several categories of people who, to put it mildly, are not recommended to be in the sun. These are people with white skin, the pigment of which is immune to sun tanning. Also, these are those who have a large number of moles on the body. There are also people with some kind of skin disease, or those who are simply allergic to the sun.
If you belong to one of the above categories, then you should refrain from sunbathing on the beach and, if possible, protect yourself from direct sunlight.
If you are one of those who find it harmful to sunbathe, but useful, then the following tips are just for you.
- The most favorable time for sunbathing is between 8 am and 11 am and after 5 pm. At this time, the tan is the most intense, and the sun is the least dangerous. The most "traumatic" time under the sun is the interval from 12 to 15 o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, the sun's rays are gaining their maximum power, and the greatest number of sunburns occurs.
- Don't go sunbathing on an empty stomach or just after eating. It is best to wait about an hour after eating and only then go to the beach. It is better to include something s alty in the menu, as well as carrots, peaches, melon, apricots - foods containing carotene, a substance favorable for sunburn.
- Drink as much as possible while sunbathingwater and refrain from drinking alcohol.
- Be sure to wear a hat and sunglasses when out in the sun. You can also apply colorless, hypoallergenic lipstick to your lips to prevent sunburn.
- Walk barefoot as much as possible on the beach.
- Strongly refrain from sleep! Otherwise, you can get very badly burned and end up in the hospital.
- Sunbathing is best when near a source of water - lakes, rivers, seas. However, do not forget that near water and in water, the likelihood of getting burned increases.
- It is best to swim at first, covering your back and shoulders with a towel or T-shirt.
- Dry yourself with a towel immediately after bathing.
- There is another very useful and pleasant option on how to tan well in the sun: just play volleyball, football or any other active game on the beach - you will be surprised at how quickly you will tan!
- It is also important to know how much you can sunbathe in the sun: sunbathing time should be increased gradually - from 10 minutes to 2 hours a day and no more than 20 minutes in a row, taking 30-minute breaks.
- Moisturize your skin with water from time to time.
- Use sunscreen and oils.
- After you come back from the beach, take a cool gel shower.
- After getting out of the shower, you can smear your body with baby oil - it perfectly moisturizes the skin and nourishes it with beneficial substances.

In addition to useful tips,There are also a few important caveats:
- Before sunbathing, do not use deodorant, cologne, toilet water, lotion, etc. These alcohol-based substances degrease the skin and exacerbate UV exposure.
- Refrain from using cosmetics. After sunburn, in no case should you use a scrub, because. by doing this, you remove the protective layer of the skin.
These are perhaps the basic rules for ensuring a beautiful and even tan. Be sure to put these recommendations into practice. After all, it is important not only to know how to tan well in the sun, but also to do it wisely.
Have a nice holiday and a beautiful tan!