Among all Moscow districts, some have an unusual history, others have interesting names. The Maryina Roshcha district (Moscow) is a place that boasts both. In this article, we will try to figure out why V. A. Zhukovsky mentioned him in his works, and V. Vysotsky in his songs.
The district of Maryina Roshcha (Moscow) currently belongs to the North-Eastern administrative district and is located north of the Garden Ring. The municipality has the same name. Maryina Grove is the most southern district of all the others in the North-East Administrative Okrug (Moscow). The area of the district is 4.68 square kilometers; the population according to the 2016 census is about 67 thousand people.

Marina Grove: history of the district
The origins of the appearance of the area called Maryina Grove go back to the distant XVIII century, when this place was not yet an independent unit, but was part of the possessions of the village of Ostankino and was named so because it was located not far from the village of Maryino. According to the first version, the settlement got its name back in the 15th century in honor of the noblewoman Marya. She was a rare beauty and was the wife of the boyar son Fyodor Goltyai, the owner of thisterritory at that time. Other information indicates that Marya was the name of a fearless ataman, the leader of a band of robbers. This assumption is due to the fact that until the XVIII century. the territory of modern Maryina Grove was part of a huge forest area - a favorite haven for bandits.
Be that as it may, historical documents tell us that the "village of Maryina Sloboda" grew rapidly; by 1646 there were already 80 households and about 200 people. Boyar I. V. Cherkassky, and later the successors of his family and, in particular, his nephew Ya. K.

The times of Peter's reforms acted as the force that temporarily slowed down the pace of development of Maryino, since most of the he althy and strong men in the prime of their lives were recruited. Statistics from 1709 indicate that only about 50 male souls remained in the village. In addition, 6 yards were empty, and 2 more were extremely poor. Subsequently, the lineage of the princes Cherkassky in the male line was interrupted; the daughter of the last male, Alexei Mikhailovich, named Varvara, became the wife of Count P. B. Sheremetyev, in connection with which, from the 18th century, Maryino came under the patronage of this surname.
The beginning of the 19th century is marked by the fact that Maryino, or as it was called already from the 18th century. Marina Grove is becoming a place popular with Muscovites who are unable to travel far from the city toown country estates and estates. Celebrations in Maryina Grove regularly take on the widest scope, in connection with which the then-beginner poet V. A. Zhukovsky wrote his sentimental romantic story Maryina Grove (1809), which caused many young girls to cry. This place was also devoted to the performance "Semik, or Walking in Maryina Grove", M. N. Zagoskin's essay "Maryina Grove", mentions by M. Yu. Lermontov and others. Gradually, however, the sprawling shady trees of the grove were cut down, and plots of land began to be leased. Interest in Maryina Grove was waning…
But not everyone. During the unstable periods preceding the formation of the Soviet Union, the area again, as if looping its own history, turned into a place of accumulation of unreliable elements: thieves, robbers, criminals, dealers in stolen goods, runaway prisoners. For a long time, the district of Maryina Roshcha (Moscow) was associated with a lack of amenities and unreliability: there was no sewage system, and a simple working class lived in flimsy wooden shacks. The impetus for the serious development of this area was industrialization, in particular, the construction and opening of a large enterprise "Caliber" - a plant that was the only one in the entire USSR engaged in the production of precision measuring instruments.

Features and architecture of the subway
The district of Maryina Roshcha (Moscow) is famous not only for its rich history, but also for its beautiful metro station. It opened relatively recently, only in 2010, after 2 years of construction. The station isthe latter, built under the former mayor of Moscow Yu. Luzhkov and the head of the metro Gaev. The architectural features of the station include facing its walls with light marble, as well as a panel installed at the exit, which depicts the Sheremetyev princes, the historical rulers of these places. It is curious that in 2016 the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya metro line was extended. Today, a large number of residents of Zelenograd pass through the Maryina Roshcha station, which is located in the North-Eastern Administrative Okrug (Moscow), who daily arrive in the capital to work, get to the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya station and go further to the city center.

What else is Maryina Grove (Moscow) famous for? The cosmetics market with goods at wholesale prices is the place that attracts women from all over the area. Decorative products, hygiene products for personal care, face and body skin care, household items, masks, creams, scrubs, an assortment for children - everything is made in Japan and South Korea, which means that the management vouches for the quality of the brands presented. Here you can find offers from small, just starting out trading companies, as well as large international companies that have already proven themselves.
So, if what constitutes the Maryina Grove district, where this territorial unit is located in Moscow, where its history begins, has already been clarified, the question remains why it is worth coming here at least once in a lifetime at least any Muscovite. To area attractionsinclude:
- Satyricon Theatre;
- Center "Planet KVN";
- Street of the Soviet Army;
- Central Museum of the Armed Forces;
- Palace of Culture of Moscow State University of Railway Transport;
- Wooden residential building (a unique example of a wooden residential building of the 20th century);
- Armenian Cathedral under construction, etc.
As you can see, there are many places here with a distinctly preserved imprint of history and, conversely, those that were created recently or continue to be built right now. This means that both an admirer of antiquity and a lover of modernity will be able to find something to do in this area.
Then and now
Marina Grove is a truly original area. Previously, he had a bad reputation as a "bad", although truly legendary place; at present, there are a large number of shops, cafes and restaurants, cinemas, and proximity to the city center provides the area with a constant influx of residents from other areas. Today, Maryina Roshcha is a territorial unit with modern infrastructure. There are 20 factories and 21 educational institutions, 4 of which are:
- Gymnasium.
- Boarding school.
- School with in-depth study of languages.
- Comprehensive school.

Of course, the present situation is not the limit. The area continues to actively develop, improve and move forward!