Metro "Okhotny Ryad" is part of the Sokolnicheskaya line, which belongs to the capital's metro. Nearby are the "Lenin Library" and the station "Lubyanka". Included in the Tver region. From here you can easily get to Red Square.
How the name came about
Okhotny Ryad is a metro station that appeared in May 1935. It was part of the first launch site, which belonged to the capital's transport complex. They organized a branch from this place to Smolenskaya. There was a forklift movement here until 1938.

Metro "Okhotny Ryad" had a balance of moving vehicles 1:1 when moving to the "Library im. Lenin" and "Comintern", which was later renamed "Alexander Garden". Moving away from the Arbat, there is an opportunity to get into a separate line with a tunnel, which is used in business affairs. The ability to quickly move in such a big city is thanks to the Moscow metro. Okhotny Ryad underwent a number of changes when Manezhnaya Square was being built in the mid-1990s. The tunnel was filled up to ½. One track was dismantled, and the second was left intact. Before that, in 1944, a passage to the station was opened"Theatrical". Previously had to use the large lobby.
During 1959, an underground passage was laid under the Okhotny Ryad metro station, the first in the metropolitan transport network. In 1974, a second similar structure appeared, leading to the Teatralnaya station. Work is underway at each one-way crossing.
Old Times
Okhotny Ryad is a metro station that got its name from the street of the same name. Previously, there was also a square with the same name. During the 18th and 19th centuries, shops were located here, where hunters could share their catch. It was possible to get poultry meat and excellent game.
During the nineteenth century, they were engaged only in trade, leaving goods in warehouses. There was an opportunity to stay in a hotel or visit a tavern. When 1956 came, the square that used to be here was replanned into a street, which in the period from 1961 to 1990 was a segment of Marx Avenue.
"Okhotny Ryad" - the area where in 1955 the station point was named after Kaganovich. This is due to the fact that earlier the Moscow metro had a name associated with the name of this Soviet politician. He led the process of building a transport complex. Then they paid tribute to Lenin, naming the entire network after him, and leaving only one station to Kaganovich.
In 1957, he was removed from a leading government position, and now he did not enjoy such honor and respect. One more time there were changes - the station became "Prospect im. Marx". Three large streets, which were of great importance, were connected here. When in 1990restructuring processes took place, the station acquired its initial name - Okhotny Ryad metro station. The item had to go through a name change four times, which in itself is unique in Moscow.

Interior decoration
Here you can transfer to the Teatralnaya. You need to proceed to the escalator, which is located in the center. You can go through the east vestibule, from where there is also an exit. There is a node for the transfer, from which you can get to the "Revolution Square". However, you will not find a direct transition. Stations are far away.
The underground part in the west is part of Manezhnaya Square. There is a transition to it. You can go through the mall. Chechulin created a project for this building, the house on the surface was reconstructed. It was pulled out during the competition and renamed. The project was designed in such a way that there were plaster sculptures on the outside, but over time they were lost. They were created by M. Manizer, and a teacher from the circus school A. Shirai was used as a model for one statue.

Curious details
When the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" was filmed, the authors decided to focus on the time of filming in 1958. During the episode of the trip in the car, the track wall with the name of the station was filmed. When the film was released in 1979, the checkpoint itself changed its name to Marx Avenue. Thus, the effect of transferring the viewer into the past for 20 years was created. The most interesting thing is that the shooting itself took place at Novoslobodskaya.

The station has a pylon structure and three vaults, laid deep. In an individual mode, a project was created, based on the mountain method. Monolithic concrete was taken under the coating. To begin with, walls were erected, and then vaults, based on the German version of the design. When the point was built, it was the largest such deeply buried station. In accordance with the initial plan, they did not want to build a hall in the center, but then radical changes took place.
The style in which the place is decorated
Here you can see structures that look like columns with many facets, the cladding consists of gray and white marble. Before that, it was changed by removing the yellow ceramic tiles. The name of the item was written in metal-colored characters. The background is completely black. The floor was made of gray granite. There are lighting devices on the territory of the hall and near the landing platforms. Previously, there were floor lamps similar to those on Novokuznetskaya.
The convenience of the point lies in the fact that Red Square is easily accessible from here. The Okhotny Ryad metro station is decorated in the east with an image of Marx from a mosaic created by E. Reichzaum.
If we take the statistics for March 2002, the passenger flow at the entrance was 97,000 people, and at the exit - 95,000 people. The transport point receives the first people at 5:30 am, the last - at 1:00 am.

This place caters to many people's transportation needs. The work is carried out smoothly and properly.