The Oder River (otherwise known as the Odra) crosses Western Europe. It flows through the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, flows into the B altic Sea. Its length is 912 kilometers. The largest tributaries are Velze, Tyva, Varta, Burd, Opava. Cities on the banks - Ostrava, Racibórz, Wroclaw, Opole, Szczecin, Kitz, Frankfurt an der Oder, Schwedt. The Oder River is characterized by mixed nutrition: snow and rain. In its waters there is a wide variety of fish: carp, pike, catfish, trout, pike perch, eel, etc.
Oder River on the map

Oder originates in the Sudetenland. Flowing down from them, the river makes its way further along the Central European Plain, the terraced valley of which is very wide, in places up to 10-20 km.
Passing the mouth of the Luzhitskaya Nisa, the Oder expands immediately to 250 m and becomes full-flowing. On its way, many islands are formed. The banks are presented in the form of ramparts that protect arable land from floods. After 84 km from the beginning, the Oder River is divided into two branches (navigable - western). It flows into the B altic Sea, andexactly in the Szczecin Bay (it is called the lagoon).
The cool temper of the river
Throughout the Oder in the spring there is always a flood here. Summer, autumn are characterized by flash floods, winter - high water content. In the most severe frosts, the river freezes over.
Very often throughout history, severe floods have created catastrophic situations. Many times, large areas of agricultural land were completely submerged, and settlements suffered. Each nationality living on the banks of this wayward river gave it its own name. For the Germans, this is the Oder, for the Czechs, Poles - the Odra. This river is both the Kashubian Vedra and the Lusatian Vodra. Latin medieval names - Viadrus and Oder. At the heart of all names is the word "adro", that is, "water flow".
History of the river
Even in the life of the ancient Romans, the Oder played a huge role. It was a section of the Amber Route, from the shores of the B altic amber was delivered to the Mediterranean. It was also an important trade route for the Germanic tribes.

In the Middle Ages, the development of trade contributed to the construction of many cities on the banks of the Oder, the river was an important European artery. Since the 13th century, the first dams have been built on it to protect the arable land.
Already in the 17th century, active construction of canals began, and the Oder River connected all important European arteries. The largest canal - the Oder-Spree - was built in 1887-1891, its length was almost a hundred kilometers.
Already in 1919, after the war, the Treaty of Versailles defined the borders of states andshipping on the Oder.
World War II
For the German army, the Oder River in 1939-1945 served as a fortifying, defensive line. The water artery has become the most important strategic site.

In 1945, during the Vistula-Oder operation, Soviet troops crossed the Oder River. It was from here that a thorough attack on Berlin began. As a result of the well-coordinated Berlin operation, Nazi Germany was defeated.
Before that, back in 1943, at the Tehran Conference, the anti-Hitler coalition determined the borders of the countries of Europe after the war. It was along the Oder that the border between Poland and Germany was marked.
Oder River in Germany
Eisenhüttenstadt is one of the important industrial centers of Germany. It is located in the place where the Oder joins the German Spree. The name of the city is translated as "the city of iron factories". Since ancient times, many steel plants have been located here.
Frankfurt an der Oder is located in East Germany and borders on the Polish Slubetsk along the river. Since the 19th century, the old Prussian Frankfurt an der Oder has been of great commercial importance, it was located in the middle of the road between Berlin and Poznan. During the Second World War, the city was very badly damaged by Nazi raids, and after the war it was rebuilt anew. Now it looks more modern.
Fishing in Germany. Ecology
All the rivers that flow through Germany are teeming with fish, but fishing here is not easy. You can't just take a bait andgo ashore. Each fisherman must purchase a license, and only those who have completed expensive fishing courses, passed exams and received a certificate can get it. Everyone should be a member of some kind of club and fish only in certain, specially designated places. Private ponds can be fished for a fee and no license is required.

Germany's rivers are considered the cleanest in Europe. Neatness and pedantry of the Germans, their self-consciousness made them so. The main problems arose during the existence of the GDR, then there were simply not enough funds for the construction of treatment facilities. Now that environmentalists are sounding the alarm for any reason, the situation has improved, all the rivers in Germany have become much cleaner. The Rhine, once referred to as the "sewers of Europe", has become increasingly visited by salmon, who prefer clean fresh water.