Manpupuner Plateau, Pechoro-Ilych Reserve

Manpupuner Plateau, Pechoro-Ilych Reserve
Manpupuner Plateau, Pechoro-Ilych Reserve

The Manpupuner Plateau is an amazing miracle, a natural monument of Russia. This name can be translated from the Mansi language as “Small mountain of idols.”

Where is the plateau?

It is located in the Northern Urals, in a remote area of the Komi Republic. This territory belongs to the Pechoro-Ilychsky Reserve. It is located on the slope (western) of the Ural Range, between the rivers Ichotlyaga and Pechora.

Manpupuner plateau
Manpupuner plateau


Many legends are associated with this place. The slope where the Pillars of Weathering rise was the object of the cult of the local peoples of the Mansi. This is an amazing place, shrouded in secrets and mysteries, a place with an incomprehensible, but very powerful energy.

The pillars of weathering on the Manpupuner Plateau are all called a miracle. Remnants, as these stone sculptures located on the plateau are also called, are the hallmark of the Urals.

Manpupuner plateau how to get there
Manpupuner plateau how to get there

Despite the fact that the plateau is far from inhabited places, it is very popular among fans of sports tourism. Only well-trained tourists will be able to get to it on foot.

To visit the Manpupuner plateau, you must obtain a special pass from the administration of the reserve.

Scientists' opinion

According to scientists, stone pillars are the result of weathering of soft rocks. More than two hundred million years ago, there were high Ural Mountains here. Rain and wind, snow and frost, heat inexorably destroyed the mountains over time. Today, the Ural Mountains are one of the lowest in the world.

Manpupuner plateau Northern Urals
Manpupuner plateau Northern Urals

Nevertheless, in the Urals there are places where nature could not defeat the stone. The sericite-quartzite shales, which form the basis of the remnants, were destroyed much less, and therefore still exist today, and soft rocks were weathered, destroyed and blown away by wind and water to the foot of the mountain.

Poles of weathering

According to scientists, these stone giants are the result of selective weathering of rocks. All of them have an unusual shape - some of them are narrowed at the base and resemble an inverted bottle. And their height reaches from 30 to 42 meters. The Manpupuner Plateau is a mystical place. The remains are so ancient that the Mansi peoples worshiped them even in the period of paganism. Sometimes it seems that the Mansi people, unlike scientists who make assumptions, know exactly what the true origin of these stone giants is …

weathering pillars on the Manpupuner Plateau
weathering pillars on the Manpupuner Plateau

Legends and myths

Until now, the Mansi, wandering in these places with herds of deer, tell all tourists that in ancient times these stone sculptures were seven giants who were on their way to Siberia. They wanted to destroy the ancient Mansi people. But rising to the topwhich is now called Manpupuner, the shaman of the giants saw the sacred mountain Yalping-Ner. Terrified, he threw away the drum. He fell on a conical peak, which rises south of Manpupuner and is called Koip. The shaman and his companions were petrified with horror.

There is another version. The Younger Brothers (i.e. Mansi) were chased by six Samoyed giants. They pursued the unfortunates when they tried to go beyond the pass. At the headwaters of the Pechora River, the giants almost managed to overtake the fugitives, but suddenly Yalpingner stood before them. He raised his hand up and cast only one spell, but it was enough for the giants to turn to stone. But, probably, Yalpingner did something wrong, because he himself turned into stone. Since then, they have been standing opposite each other.

Manpupuner plateau how to get there by car
Manpupuner plateau how to get there by car

And the last legend we will tell you. Seven giants followed Ripheus to exterminate the Mansi. Climbing the Koip, they saw Mount Yalpyngner - the sanctuary of the Mansi. At that moment, they realized the greatness and power of the Mansi gods. They were petrified with horror, and only their leader raised his hand, protecting his eyes from Yalpingner. But this did not help him - he also became a stone.

Manpupuner Plateau (Northern Urals)

Everything seen on the plateau is impressive. Not a single photo or video conveys the living power of these giants. Once on the Manpupuner plateau, you begin to believe in their strength, you feel the energy emanating from this land. It is not by chance that it is called one of the places of Power.

After a number of television programs about this amazing place, many wantget to the Manpupuner plateau. Not everyone knows how to get there (by car, plane, train). But we will talk about this a little later. And now I would like to say about what time of the year it is better to visit the plateau. There is no consensus on this issue.

Some believe that such a trip is best done in winter, on skis. They motivate by the fact that at this time there are no midges, mosquitoes and gadflies, the swamps completely freeze, and the pillars covered with frost look unusually beautiful. True, these people do not take into account that in the Ural mountains the thermometer often drops to -40 degrees in January. The administration of the reserve believes that it is better to visit this place in summer, arriving here by helicopter.

Dyatlov Pass (Manpupuner Plateau)

Every self-respecting shaman from the Mansi tribe came to the plateau and drew magical power here. It was strictly forbidden for ordinary mortals to climb the Manpupuner plateau - this was considered the greatest sin.

Manpupuner has always been sacred to the peoples of the Mansi, although its energy was clearly negative. Not far from the plateau there are several more sanctuaries - Kholat-Chakhl (Dead Mountain) and Tore-Porre-Iz. According to legend, nine Mansi hunters died under unclear circumstances on Dead Mountain. The same fate befell the legendary group of UPI students, led by Igor Dyatlov in February 1959. This group also consisted of nine people. Since that terrible tragedy, this place has often been called the Dyatlov Pass.

weathering pillars on the Manpupuner Plateau
weathering pillars on the Manpupuner Plateau

How to get there

From SyktyvkarThere is a train to Troitsk-Pechorsk. The fare is about 900 rubles. A plane will take you from Moscow to Syktyvkar for 9900 rubles, and from St. Petersburg for 13600.

You can get to the Weathering Pillars by the Vorkuta train, which will take you to the Ukhta station. From here, a bus will take you to your destination.

Manpupuner Plateau is said to be magical and magical. It is difficult for an ordinary person to talk about magic and sorcery, but the fact that this place is unusually beautiful is a fact confirmed by many.
