Kuban Airlines is one of the most successful major Russian carriers in southern Russia. The airline was based at the Krasnodar airport "Pashkovsky". However, in 2012, the company's operations were suspended due to bankruptcy.
Kuban Airlines: photos of aircraft, history
The company was founded in 1993 on the basis of the Krasnodar Aviation Detachment. However, the year of establishment of the airline is considered to be 1932, when 7 Po-2 aircraft landed near the Krasnodar state farm Pashkovsky. An air base was created in 1933. The Krasnodar air squadron was formed in 1934. Flights were operated mainly within the Krasnodar Territory.

During the war period, the aviation detachment was engaged in the evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition and fuel and lubricants to the front. After the war, flight operations were resumed.
In 1960, work on the reconstruction of the runway and the air terminal was completed, and 4 years later the first Tu-124 jet aircraft was accepted. The second runway was built in the 80s.
In 1993, Kuban Airlines was founded on the basis of an aviation detachment. In 2010, the rebranding process began - part of the fleet was decorated with a new livery with sunflowers. In the summer of 2011, Kuban airlines entered into a leasing agreement for the supply of 3 aircraft of the A319 type (Airbus). In December 2012, the operating activity of the air carrier was terminated.

Kuban's base airport is Krasnodar. In 2012, the airline operated flights to 18 domestic and foreign destinations. Freight and mail were also transported. In 2009, the revenue amounted to more than 3 billion rubles, in 2010 - 3.37, and in 2011 - 4.07. In 2010, the company's fleet was replenished with 3 Boeing 737-300 aircraft. By 2012, it was planned to increase the number of Boeing aircraft to 8-10 units. As new equipment arrived, the old one was decommissioned. In 2010, the Basic Element enterprise, which included Kuban, signed a memorandum of cooperation with Sky Express shareholders, which, in fact, meant the creation of a new airline.
Kuban Airlines operated the following aircraft according to 2010 data:
- YAK-42 - 6 airliners with 100 passenger seats.
- YAK-42D - 6 airliners with 100 passenger seats.
- Boeing 737-300 - 3 airliners with 124 passenger seats.
Until 2007, the fleet had 2 domestic Tu-154 aircraft, which were later leased. The average life of Yak-42 aircraftwas 23 years old, and the Boeing 737 was 16 years old. It was also planned to supply Boeing-737-700 aircraft. The company also had its own aviation technical base, which allowed maintaining the airworthiness of aircraft.

Air tickets "Kuban" were sold to the following destinations:
- Dubai (from Krasnodar and Perm).
- Yerevan (from Krasnodar).
- Kaliningrad (from Moscow).
- Krasnodar (from Moscow, Perm, St. Petersburg, Sochi).
- Moscow (from Krasnodar, Perm, Nalchik, Chelyabinsk, Kaliningrad, Sochi).
- Nalchik (from Moscow).
- Samara (from Krasnodar).
- Samsun (from Krasnodar).
- St. Petersburg (from Krasnodar).
- Sochi (from Moscow and Krasnodar).
- Istanbul (from Krasnodar).
- Tel Aviv (from Krasnodar).
- Chelyabinsk (from Moscow).
These flights were carried out regularly. In addition, charter flights were also carried out on popular seasonal routes.

Kuban Airlines in December 2012 announced the end of its activities and the suspension of all flights. The official reason for the termination of operations was the inability to comply with some of the new provisions of the FAR regarding the requirements for organizations involved in the performance of air transportation. These changes to the Federal Aviation Rules came into force in November 2012. This fact was revealed as a result of an unscheduledinspection by the Southern Air Transport Administration.
After the checks, the leaders of the airline published an appeal on the website to suspend flights. The Federal Air Transport Agency explained that the revocation of the license was due to the financial insolvency of the company and the inefficient financial and economic policy of the management. The total debt of Kuban Airlines to service providers at the time of bankruptcy was approximately 5 billion rubles.
In March 2013, the media reported that the air operator's certificate had been canceled by the Air Transport Agency. This happened because more than 3 months have passed since the suspension of its action.

Passenger reviews
From the positive feedback about the company can be identified:
- Excellent onboard service.
- The friendliness and friendliness of flight attendants.
- Excellent food during the flight.
- Excellent condition of aircraft.
- Professionalism of pilots.
Negative reviews include:
- Problems with the return of funds for airline tickets due to the bankruptcy of the carrier.
- Long refund for unused tickets.
- Frequent flight cancellations.
- Narrow space between seats.
- High airfare.
- Problems when returning and reissuing tickets.
Kuban Airlines was one of the oldest Russian civil aviation enterprises. She was in charge of doingpassenger, as well as freight and postal transportation. Passengers were offered more than 30 destinations in Russia, near and far abroad countries. For the entire period of the company's existence, not a single accident has occurred, which indicates a high level of safety and reliability of aircraft. It was Kuban that made a significant contribution to the development of air transport in southern Russia.