What are parking lots at Koltsovo Airport (Yekaterinburg)? Why are they good? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. The Koltsovo air hub (Yekaterinburg) is the largest airport in Russia at the regional level. It sends and receives flights of four dozen international and Russian air carriers, there are more than a hundred destinations in the flight map.
Koltsovo air hub

Not everyone knows what parking is at Koltsovo airport (Yekaterinburg). Passenger traffic in this air hub is 1.3 thousand travelers per hour. More than 4.5 million people pass through the air harbor every year. Many passengers arrive at the air harbor in personal cars, see someone off or meet them in cars. That is why the Koltsovo air hub offers visitors a variety of types of parking lots on its territory.
Parking lots
Parking in Ekaterinburg at Koltsovo airport is presented in the following options:
- free parking (P0);
- long stay (booking);
- short-term parking (P2);
- VIP parking(P3);
- parking at the Angelo Hotel (P4);
- long-term parking "Economy".
Free parking
What is free parking at Koltsovo Airport (Yekaterinburg)? This parking lot is marked P0 on the maps. It is located on the right side of St. Bakhichvandzhi, which leaves the village of Koltsovo to the intersection with Koltsovskoye highway, 150 meters from the air hub building.

This budget car park has 150 parking spaces, of which 16 spaces are reserved for people with disabilities. As the name implies, there is no charge for parking cars, so there are no additional services provided here. In order to get to the terminal of the air hub, you need to go down to the underground passage.
P1 parking lot
So, we continue to consider further parking in Yekaterinburg at Koltsovo International Airport. It is known that P1 parking provides long-term car parking services for those who fly out of Yekaterinburg for a certain period of time (days and even weeks).
This parking lot is located right in front of the exit to the railway station parade ground on the right side of Koltsovsky Prospekt (10 minutes walk with luggage at a slow pace). The arrival of transport is made from Bakhchivandzhi street. Have you decided to use the parking lot at Koltsovo Airport (Yekaterinburg)? The cost of parking a car in the P1 parking lot is 500 rubles. per day (for up to three days) and 400 rubles starting from the third day.

If the car is not worth a full 24 hours, you still have to pay as a full day. On the public website of the Koltsovo air hub, you can book a place in this long-term parking.
Short-term parking
Let's consider another parking lot in Koltsovo - short-term. This parking lot is intended for those who wish to unload (send) or board (meet) passengers of the air hub. The parking lot is located twenty meters from the entrances to the international and domestic terminals of the air harbor, and this is only a 5-minute walk. On the maps, parking is marked as P2.
Few people know how much parking costs at Koltsovo Airport (Yekaterinburg). In short-term parking, the price for parking cars is:
- without payment - up to 15 minutes;
- 200 rubles - up to 1 hour;
- 400 rubles - two hours;
- 500 RUB – 3 hours;
- 600 RUB – 4 hours;
- 700 RUB – 5 hours;
- 800 RUB – more than 5 hours.
If a car enters the territory of this parking lot within an hour for the second time, payment is made as for 1 hour.
VIP parking
Those customers of the Koltsovo air hub who arrive at the VIP lounges can also use the VIP parking category - P3. The price of a parking space matches the status: here you will have to pay 500 rubles for an hour of parking. A fragmentary hour is counted as a completed hour. Parking is located right in front of the VIP terminal, a 3-minute walk away.
P4 parking lot
This car park is mainly for guests of the Angelo Hotel. Walk from it to the entranceto terminal A in just a couple of minutes.

Prices for parking one car are identical to those for parking P2. For re-entry within an hour, you will have to pay as for a full hour. This is done in order to regulate the movement of cars in this part of the air hub.
Long-term parking "Economy"
On the parking schemes, it is designated as P5 and is intended for parking cars from a week or more. For example, if a person is absent from the city for 7 days or more, leaving Koltsovo air harbor, he can leave his car here. The parking lot is located behind the cargo terminal, it takes more than 10 minutes to walk from it.

The price of a car in the P5 parking lot is 1500 rubles per week. Further, 100 rubles are added per day. If the car is parked for less than a week, payment will be charged for seven days.
Canons of use
At each of the above parking lots, the same principles of service apply. All car parks issue parking tickets to consumers through car racks, which must be returned upon departure. You need to pay for the parking service at parking machines, which are located in the airport terminals and in parking lots P1 and P2.
When the paid parking time is over, the committent must leave the parking lot within the next 15 minutes. All car parks offer secure and secure parking services to customers, designed for different economic opportunities of car owners and terms.

The fee for damage, breakage of a parking ticket is 100 rubles, and for non-compliance with the canons of parking, loss, transfer of the card to another person - 500 rubles. These fines are paid at the box office located at: st. Bakhchivandzhi, 56A (2nd floor). Cash desks are located on the territory of the long-term parking lot. By the way, Koltsovo Aerohull PJSC is not responsible for the safety of parking customers' cars.
Many people ask if there are still budget parking lots near Koltsovo Airport. The desire of people to save money is understandable. After all, no one wants to overpay. Some travelers say that when they start moving along Bakhichvandzhi Street, they find signs on the convolution near the crossing to the nearest parking lot to the left, which is located opposite the Kupets store. The price tag is also inadequate here - 150 rubles per day.
People also report that if you drive a little further towards the railway tracks, you can find another parking lot with the same price on the corner. Some argue that if you turn towards Aramil, then near the railway tracks you can find another parking lot with a more humane price of 130 rubles.
And if you turn from Bakhchivandzhi Street at the crossroads near the merchant shop onto Sputnik Street, you can find a lot of parking lots there. The first of them is located behind the bath, opposite the recently erected temple. It is surrounded by a fence, guarded around the clock and costs 70 rubles per day. She is very easy to find.
If you go further along Sputnikov Street, then at its end, near a high-rise building, you can stumble upon another parking lot with a price of 60 rubles perday. It is located at: 11 Sputnikov Street. This is the closest parking lot to the airport. Unfortunately, it is not surrounded by a fence, but is constantly guarded.
Customers also say that you can turn towards high-rise buildings on Aviator Street. There are few strangers there, new buildings and a decent audience, and therefore most cars spend the night for free right in the yards. This is also a good option. But behind the newly built yards there are a couple of guarded spacious parking lots. So, near the building number 12 there is a parking lot at a price of 50 rubles per day, and near the house number 10 - only 40 rubles per day. These are real parking prices!
From there, go to the Koltsovo air hub for about 15 minutes (1300 m). There is another parking lot, which is located on the road towards the construction market. If you leave your car here for a day, you will have to pay 90 rubles.
We have already said that the principle of 15 free minutes is valid in the parking area of Koltsovo Airport. Travelers say that in order not to pay for parking, after the expiration of this period, they simply leave the parking lot. Then they make a circle and take a new ticket to get an additional 15 minutes. In general, many travelers say that they are not satisfied with the parking rates located in front of the terminal.