Schengen to Hungary: visa rules, list of documents

Schengen to Hungary: visa rules, list of documents
Schengen to Hungary: visa rules, list of documents

Hungary is a state that is part of the European Union. Many travelers dream of getting to this country in order to get acquainted with its sights. Some residents of Russia are planning employment or education in this country. Do they need a visa for Hungary (Schengen) or not? Consider this further.

hungary schengen
hungary schengen

What is a visa

A visa is a duly issued pass to a certain country. This document provides an opportunity not only to cross the border of a particular country, but also to stay within its territory for a certain time.

As a rule, permission to enter and stay in the state is issued in the form of a sticker, which is included on a blank page of a passport or a standard stamp.

The issuance of such permits is carried out by the representative offices of the country, which are located on the territory of Russia legally.

Do Russians need a visa to Hungary (Schengen) or not?Certainly needed. This requirement is connected with the fact that the state is a member of the European Union, and entry into the territories of the countries that are members of this association is strictly controlled, it is possible only with special permits - visas.

So, let's consider further what types of permits are and what documents are required to obtain them.

Where to get a visa

Before considering issues related to where you can apply for a Schengen visa to Hungary, you should be aware that professional intermediaries can always help in this case. In order to search for such, you can contact a travel agency, where specialists in solving such issues will help to collect a package of necessary documents, as well as submit an application for a tourist to the necessary authorities. However, it should be understood that for mediation it will be necessary to pay a good amount. As a rule, it is measured in tens of dollars and euros. In order to save money, Russians who want to apply for a Schengen visa to Hungary have the opportunity to do it on their own. Where should they go?

Do I need a Schengen visa for Hungary?
Do I need a Schengen visa for Hungary?

In order to correctly determine the point of appeal, you should clearly establish for yourself how Hungary gives Schengen. This state provides permission to enter and stay in the country through its representative offices located on the territory of the Russian Federation. So, if you want to apply for a visa with a package of necessary documents, you must contact the embassy, consulate or a special visa center. How to find them? Addresses and contact details of such institutionsare available on the official website of the country's consulate. One of its sections also contains a list of documents that are required to obtain a Schengen visa to Hungary. In addition to the list, this section also provides data on the basic requirements for the collected documents.

Looking at the photo of the Schengen visa to Hungary, we can conclude that this document looks similar to the classic Schengen visa, which allows entry to all EU states.

Visa to Hungary Schengen or not
Visa to Hungary Schengen or not

Features of self-issuance of a visa

After a tourist who wants to get permission to enter Hungary has collected all the documents that are necessary to obtain permission to enter the country, he needs to submit them to a special center or state representative office. The basic requirements for the paper submission process mean that all documents for Schengen to Hungary must be submitted personally by the applicant himself, without the participation of intermediaries. This mandatory requirement is due to the fact that, subject to obtaining permission to enter the EU countries, the procedure for submitting biometric data is mandatory. However, it should be noted that this action needs to be performed only in the case of the first receipt of a Schengen visa or permission to enter a specific country in this zone. In addition to submitting biometric data, the applicant must pass an interview with a consular representative.

After all documents are submitted for consideration, the applicant must pay the consular fee, which is charged forconsideration of the information provided. After that, it remains only to wait for a response.

Hungary enters the Schengen
Hungary enters the Schengen

Visa category C

Most often, Hungarian missions located in Russia request a category C visa. It is a short-term permission to stay within the country, which can last no more than 90 days. As a rule, such a visa is issued by travelers who wish to visit Hungary on a tourist visit for sightseeing or vacation.

In order to issue it, you should contact the country's representative office with a certain package of documents. It must include a passport. This document has certain requirements. First of all, it must have a validity period of at least one month after the expiration of the issued visa. Secondly, this document must have at least two blank pages - they will be marked with permission to enter and stay in the state. The passport must also be accompanied by an internal identity document. In addition, it is necessary to make color and clear copies of the mentioned documents, and then also attach them to the general set.

In addition to identity documents, a written application form must be attached to the package, the contents of which must be stated in Latin letters. There are special requirements for filling out this type of document, which can always be found onofficial website of the Hungarian Consulate. A form and a sample application for a Schengen visa to Hungary can also be found on it. When filling out the questionnaire, it should be remembered that all data must fully comply with those presented on the pages of the passport. Any discrepancy in information may cause a refusal to grant a Schengen visa to Hungary.

In addition to all the above documents, other papers must be attached to the general package. Among them, you will need medical insurance, the amount of which should not be less than 30,000 euros.

To apply for a Schengen visa to Hungary, you need to attach documents to the general package that indicate the true purpose of the trip. The easiest way to do this is if the purpose of the visit is tourism. In this case, it is enough to provide a copy of the voucher, as well as confirmation of the hotel reservation for the period for which the trip is planned. In addition, be sure to make a copy of return tickets.

Among other things, people who wish to get a Schengen visa to Hungary must provide documentary evidence of their ability to pay. In the event that a person works, this can be done by providing a certificate from the place where the labor activity is performed, indicating the amount of wages for the last six months. If a person is not officially arranged, he is obliged to submit an extract from a bank account issued in his name and surname. It must have an amount sufficient for the tourist to live in Hungary. It is currently at least 50euro per day.

Another mandatory requirement is the provision of one color photo taken in accordance with all the requirements specified on the site.

If in transit in Hungary

Do I need a Schengen to Hungary for Russians who just want to transfer to another mode of transport, but do not pursue the goal of a long stay in the state? In this case, tourists must also apply for a category C visa. Previously, until 2014, a transit visa of category A was sufficient for this purpose.

With regard to the short-term visa type C, it is issued for a maximum of five days and allows you to stay exclusively in the territory of the point of transport.

To get such a Schengen visa to Hungary, you also need to fill out a questionnaire, but only it should indicate the special purpose of coming to the country - temporary stay for the purpose of transit to the third point. To confirm your intentions, be sure to attach copies of tickets to that same third country. In addition, be sure to submit a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as a passport with a normal validity period and a couple of blank pages. A tourist who plans to obtain a transit visa is required to provide data on his financial security. Failing that, a sponsorship letter will be required.

Practice shows that the Hungarian consulate easily provides a short-term type C visa, which is also a transit visa.

Visa type D

Is Hungary in the Schengen area? Yes, it's included. In this regard, for a long stay in the stateYou will definitely need a Schengen visa, which belongs to category D - it provides for the possibility of a long stay in the country. Practice shows that it is quite difficult to get it, because representatives of the consulate must carefully study all the data presented to their attention. In addition, it should be understood that a tourist, planning a long stay in the state, must clearly justify the need for this by submitting a list of documents confirming the purpose of moving for a long time.

For what purposes is a type D visa recommended? First of all, its issuance is appropriate for those people who have a legitimate business or real estate in Hungary. In this case, data on the existence of such circumstances must be attached to the general package of documents (for example, a certificate of the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities in the state, ownership of real estate, etc.).

Some travelers choose to stay in Hungary for the purpose of visiting their relatives and reconnecting with them. In the event that a long stay is planned, an invitation letter from a person who legally resides in Hungary should be presented.

Many people come to the state for the purpose of employment or education. In the first case, it is also necessary to have an invitation from the employer, and it must be properly drawn up, on official letterhead, marked with the stamp of the organization and signed by the main persons. ATIn the event that a person plans to receive education in Hungary, this circumstance must also be confirmed. A striking example of this can be an order to enroll in the ranks of students of a certain educational institution, an official letter of invitation from him, etc.

In some cases, a trip to Hungary is planned for long-term treatment at a clinic in that country. In this case, to confirm the purpose of their trip, tourists must submit an official letter from the selected clinic indicating the duration of the procedures, as well as the cost of treatment.

How much is the maximum Schengen to Hungary? As practice shows, the longest duration of a visa is 3 years. During this period, a tourist holding a Class D visa has the right to visit the country countless times.

Application form for Schengen Hungary
Application form for Schengen Hungary

Photo Requirements

Like all other Schengen countries, Hungary requires the submission of one photo that exactly meets the requirements. What are they? Consider this further.

When applying for a Schengen visa to Hungary on your own, you should pay attention to the quality of the submitted photo. The requirements for it say that the photograph must be in color and of high quality. The person depicted on it should occupy 2/3 of the entire area, and also be in a strict full-face position. Ears must be open.

As for a person's clothing, it must be strict, withoutextra accessories. The rules allow clear glasses to improve vision, but only if the person wears them at all times. The presence of too dark lenses is also not allowed. If we talk about the background, then it should be light, but not white and without various foreign objects. Image contrast should be medium.

As for the statute of limitations of the picture, it should not exceed six months. Card size should be 3.5x4.5 cm.

Requirements for completing the questionnaire

As you know, to get a Schengen visa to Hungary, the application form must be filled out. However, before doing this, you should familiarize yourself with the requirements that the Hungarian consulate puts forward - they will be set out by us below.

First of all, you should understand where you can take the questionnaire. Her form is on the website of the consulate, in a special section dedicated to visa processing.

When making the procedure for entering data on an empty form, you need to remember that all information must be written in Latin letters and in the same way as on the pages of a passport. For the procedure, you must use only a blue or black ballpoint pen. The rules also allow filling out the questionnaire not by hand, but using technical means, such as a computer. In addition, you can use both methods.

The requirements indicate that if there is no information for a certain field, you do not need to put any extraneous marks such as a dash or any letters - the line must simply be left empty.

Departure frombaby

In the event that it is planned to enter Hungary with a child, then tourists must attach a photo of the baby to the general package of documents, which must also be made in accordance with the established requirements. In addition, in the event that the child will travel with one of the parents or legal guardians, then a notarized permission given by the second parent should be submitted to the consulate. If it is impossible to obtain it, you must submit a document that substantiates this situation (certificate of the death of a person, divorce, a court decision declaring a person missing or dead, etc.).

It often happens that a child is planned to be taken out with persons who are not his parents. In this case, the consent given by both parents must be submitted, it must also be notarized.

Consular fee

When submitting a package of documents with a Schengen application to Hungary, you should also attach a receipt confirming the payment of the consular fee. This fee is charged solely for the procedure for reviewing the application, and not for its approval. That is why, in case of visa refusal, the tourist does not receive back the money he deposited.

Pay the consular fee at the box office of the Hungarian mission located in Russia, to which the documents were submitted. Payment is made in rubles.

So, what is the cost of applying for a visa? In the event that a citizen submits an application on the territory of Russiaof this state, then a payment of thirty-five euros will be required. It is no secret that citizens of other states can also submit documents to the representative office of the country located on the territory of Russia. In this case, the fee will be sixty euros.

In the event that permission to enter and stay within the territorial limits of Hungary is required on an emergency basis, then an amount equal to two standard fees will be charged - seventy euros.

Hungary Schengen visa requirements
Hungary Schengen visa requirements

Delivery time

Whether the necessary Schengen to Hungary will be issued quickly if a person submits an application with a package of necessary documents attached to it. As a rule, the application process takes about 10 business days. During this period, the submitted documents can be considered and a type C visa is granted. The consideration period starts from the moment the applicant submits the application.

In some cases, the staff of the country's missions are forced to request certain clarifications or clarifications regarding any documents and their content. Practice shows that in this case, the period for consideration of the application can be extended up to one month. The same applies to those situations where the applicant needs to additionally submit any necessary documents.

Like all Schengen countries, Hungary provides tourists with the possibility of urgent consideration of submitted applications. Thus, the term for providing a response to a request in this case isjust three days. However, the urgency of the review must be paid at double the standard rate.

Some tourists who are planning a trip for the first time are wondering if it is necessary to apply for a Schengen visa to Hungary in advance? Experts in the field of tourism business recommend doing this three months before the planned trip. Such recommendations are connected with the fact that in case of rejection of the package of documents with the application, the tourist will have a short period of time to correct inaccuracies, as well as re-submit the set for consideration.

Schengen to Hungary on your own
Schengen to Hungary on your own

If denied

What should I do if my visa application is denied? In accordance with the rules, the consular staff on the form with the answer must indicate the reasons for which such a decision was made. As practice shows, in most cases, this situation happens when all the necessary documents are not submitted, the purpose of the trip is not sufficiently confirmed, or there is some discrepancy between the data entered in the questionnaire and those indicated on the passport page. In this case, the person has the right to make certain changes, amendments and send documents for consideration again. The consular fee in this case will also have to be paid again.

There is an additional list of reasons why a refusal may be issued. These include an early negative experience of staying on the territory of the EU countries or, for example, committingcrimes within any of the Schengen countries for which there is still an outstanding criminal record. Often, potential tourists are rejected due to lack of funds to make a trip. In such a case, the traveler can remedy the situation by finding a sponsor who can provide a letter of guarantee. Its content must necessarily indicate that this person assumes all expenses that the tourist will make in Hungary.

In most cases, tourists will appeal against the refusal to grant a visa on appeal. As practice shows, such attempts to change the situation end in success, however, this outcome of events is possible only if the complaint was properly argued.

Visa extension

Among the main requirements for a visa to Hungary (Schengen), such an item as urgency is indicated. This concept means only that any permission to stay within the territorial limits of the state is issued for a certain time. It is within the specified period that a tourist has the right to stay in the territory of the state. However, as practice shows, in some cases the state provides for the possibility of extending the visa. As noted in the basic rules for granting such permits, the reason for the renewal of the document must necessarily be certain force majeure circumstances or a situation where it is necessary to continue the activity for which the visa was issued.

In order to shed the term of a possible stay in the territoryHungary, the tourist is obliged to appear at the embassy of the country and provide documentary evidence of the situation.

As practice shows, the presence of previously obtained and favorably closed visas to the countries of the Schengen zone has a positive effect on the decision made by the commission regarding the extension of the period of possible stay on the territory of the state.
